Posted at 07-28-17, 06:55 am Link | #
Patoots GM

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As far as I'm aware we have plans to and already have the import team working on importing every item but a thread like this lets the importing team know which to do first x) kuhe. I wanna see lots of new armors and mage items added in O:
Posted at 08-01-17, 02:41 pm Link | #
Patoots GM

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It has to be a mix of premium newbie wear for female elves with... the closest you could get to the boots being lance feather So it's likely artistic liberty! O:
Posted at 02-24-18, 05:54 am Link | #
Patoots GM

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Might I add this is damn near entirely made by jade if I am correct!
Posted at 04-17-18, 05:37 pm Link | #
Patoots GM

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Indeed, with Shyla and our red coin system which is essentially a spit in the face of the freemium mabinogi hosted by nexon, you are able to buy pet whistles. As many as you'd like for your purposes up to the character limit! To get red coins just kill enemies and pick them up when they drop!
Posted at 04-17-18, 05:44 pm Link | #
Patoots GM

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All monsters drop coins. You're not too low level, go to iria and kill the foxes there!
post rev. 1 by Patoots on 09-18-18, 08:01 pm
Posted at 09-18-18, 08:00 pm Link | #
Patoots GM

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Personally for me, strict or laissez faire, obviously the latter. Mabi is a social MMO, a very social one, considering a good portion of the main quest lines require an extra one or two people to even do. So if words get arbitrarily banned, people might quit because of it -snip-

I assure you we strive not to censor language or police words but merely to keep users from being excessively uncivil or creating a needlessly hostile environment that drives people off in the same way that would occur if we did have that intention. We know how touchy this is and have no plans to regulate language outside of a case by case basis while considering context and intent every single time. Rest easy.
Posted at 09-21-18, 11:10 am Link | #
Patoots GM

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The skill is fundamentally broken. It lets you machine gun fury of light, for example and breaks a bunch of other magic related things. It's not a good skill to have at all in general. Promise, players aren't missing out.
Posted at 09-25-18, 05:10 am Link | #
Patoots GM

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Criticisms are all fully welcome but by all means please keep it civil everyone.
post rev. 2 by Patoots on 09-28-18, 06:35 pm
Posted at 09-28-18, 08:22 am Link | #
Patoots GM

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Please read the updates carefully. By continuing to use the services you agree you will follow these terms. In addition, in this thread, I will be highlighting the updates and changes and will explain them transparently.

Change 1: The MabiPro Staff provides this website, forum, and game subject to your compliance with the TOS-R&R set forth in this agreement >and it is at the discretion of any staff involved to enforce these terms as each staff member sees fit.<

This change was to help make it clear that the way situations are handled are with the consideration of context and severity. Each Game Master has a different way of thinking and processing situations and each Game Master has a different level of patience so these situations will certainly be handled in different ways. This change merely reflects that this is the case.

Change 2: A lot of language has been altered slightly in an effort to make it more easy to understand. Each instance does not need to be stated, as it would take too long to type it out and explain each structural difference.

Change 3: 1.4a Server Abuse- [Sharing Accounts]
Sharing accounts is prohibited. Every user involved found to be sharing accounts will be treated as one individual breaking any rules infringed on either persons accounts and punishments will be handed out accordingly and without discrimination.

Attempts to bypass this rule via obfuscation or other methods will result in a permanent ban of all accounts associated with the offending users.

This rule is unlikely to result in any severe punishment on its own however it is going to be taken into consideration upon future, not past, infractions. If you have in the past shared accounts with a user please submit a ticket to let it be known so previous access violations will not be taken into consideration from before today. This change serves as a way to make moderation more practical and secure for the Game Masters and to reduce confusion and the ability to bypass bans by simply playing on a friends account.

Change 4: 2.1a Game Usage - [Harassment, Sexual Harassment, and Pernicious behavior]
Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Uncivil and Pernicious behavior (also known as "Toxic Behavior", "Obnoxious Behavior") is not tolerated here.
During interactions with other players please keep your behavior at a mature and respectable level.
Examples of harassment, sexual harassment, and pernicious behavior includes: Engaging into vulgar strong language with non-consenting players, engaging into lustful conversations and activities with non-consenting players, preventing the player from engaging into social activities or services unless for good reason, showing pernicious behavior in a very immature level to other players, spamming, flaming, creating crisis, a catastrophic or hostile environment. We expect all players to be civil and to foster a welcoming community for everyone else.

For clarity on how we expect users to behave, we updated these terms to include the words "Uncivil", "Civil", "Hostile", and have worded some changes around this. Instances of this rule being broken are one of the situations where a Game Master's discretion will be used.

Change 5: 2.2a Game Usage-[Multi Clienting]

Any usage of multiple clients that could be considered "Cheating", "Unfair", "Exploitative" or otherwise abusive or against the spirit of the game in a way that gives you an unfair advantage in ways that you cannot obtain without excessive use multi clienting are not allowed.
Excessive use is for example running shadow missions over a long enough period of time to get extra gold, rewards, drop chances and event items in a way that puts you at a severe advantage over those who either do not or can not multi client to the same repeated degree.

Any action of Game Usage-[Multi Clienting] is subject to having the offending alternate accounts banned for three days first offense, one week second offense and permanently for the third offense with the ability to request limited item recovery from the characters if necessary and chance for later appeal after a period of three months.

This change is due to balance issues and critical problems that have been noticed in the economy and community which, due to alternate accounts being used to increase loot caps, puts new players with poor computers or players who do not with to ruin the spirit of the game at a severe disadvantage. We put a lot of time and effort considering and thinking about the best way to put a lid on this issue and this is our answer.

Change 6: 2.4a Game Usage - [Scamming]
We have a zero tolerance on scamming in game.
Scamming includes tricking the player to gain the player's item without giving the player's requested item back during trade.
Other forms of scamming include abusing "Drop Trades", "Mail Trades" or "Real Life Currency" trades without giving the player back the requested item and exploiting bugs or errors in coding to pick up items not intended for you to obtain such as raid drops.

The MabiPro Staff will evaluate any trades and take action should the staff detect any scamming.

Any action of [Game Usage - Scamming] Is subject to account ban as first offense, account termination, and blocked from accessing the website and its services as Second Offense.

Just don't use the monkeys to steal raid boss drops or other similar methods.

As for this thread I encourage questions and concerns being expressed but keep in mind these changes are here to stay and all I can do is attempt to alleviate confusion and concern. Thank you for understanding, and feel free to make yourself heard as always.

Thanks for continuing to play Mabi Pro!
post rev. 1 by Patoots on 10-26-18, 05:00 am
Posted at 10-26-18, 04:57 am Link | #
Patoots GM

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Rinrin, I won't address a lot of what you said personally due to it being highly opinionated and I would be out of line trying to reply to that in an official capacity given you're more than free and valid in holding those opinions, but you're wrong about the multi clienting thing. The line is drawn at reward multiplication among other unfair things. Literally everything not related to farming rewards you spoke in your post about multiclienting would be allowed under the TOS. I figured I should clear that up for you.
[Posted by Patoots on 12-13-18, 12:22 am, deleted by Patoots]
  • #12010
Posted at 12-13-18, 12:26 am Link | #
Patoots GM

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I am assuming this was done in response to a bug related to slates, where slates would grow in strength per rebirth and apply stat bonuses multiplicatively. It was made known to me that this was a difficult bug to fix.

This is a little late and the process is still being worked on by considering this gripe I feel it necessary to address this situation a little earlier than was initially planned. Many slates were removed from players inventories due to an unforeseen bug. The bug was that the enchants innate to the slates allowed for the stacking of the intended stat bonuses multiple times via a method I will not disclose here. We confidmed a number of these slates reaching obscenely high thresholds. We were not able to find a method of fixing these slates completely outside of total deletion due to a lack of methods to easily solve the core issue of stacking and a lack of availability in our team to remove them sooner as you could see from flipend0's post above.

Any of these slates that remain is due to an oversight and are expected to be deleted soon. Please keep them in your bank if possible until this is done.

I have considered the following likely circumstances:

1. Slates were problematic and could not be fixed, thus the decision was made to remove them permanently.

We have a record of all prior slates and their respective owners, who will be compensated with a new version of these slates once the final deletions are complete. How ever those who were detected abusing the slates will not be reimbursed. In fact, as per section 2.3b in the terms of service those who were detected having severely abused this oversight may even currently upon further individual evaluation have their accounts punished.

[Hacking/Glitching] Is subject to account ban as a first offense, account termination and blocked from accessing the website and all services as a second offense.

If this is the decision that was made, it is a huge mistake not to communicate with the playerbase beforehand and explain the situation. In this instance, it would have been best to communicate with the playerbase about what they felt adequate compensation might be.

Yes and no, respectively. We should have made it clear that this was not intended. How ever, such an egregious and unannounced, unadvertised, disproportionate advantage should be common sense that it would not be allowed and would not remain. Players who sank money into glitching their slates will not be compensated, you have no expectation of an apology from us for your own logical folly.

Players have either invested multiple millions of gold into these slates to obtain them, or have spent countless hours grinding raid/black herb to acquire them. It is completely unfair to introduce an item into the game and then remove it without warning after said item has been around for several months. The onus is on the staff to introduce functional content. It is not the responsibility of the players to side-step buggy custom additions.

2.3b Game Usage - [Hacking/Glitching]
All forms of hacking are prohibited.
Hacking constitutes use of third party software from the creation of others or yourself to inhibit, alter, terrorize, or restrict another individual from using our services or to give oneself or others an abnormal advantage over others.
Please note that using "Game Modifications" is okay and acceptable, but any gamebreaking exploits, hacks, packet abuse will not be tolerated.
Exploiting bugs or glitches in the game is not acceptable. If you find a bug or a glitch, you are to report it immediately with a ticket.
If it is found that you have abused a bug or glitch and failed to report it, you will be fully held responsible for your actions.
You do not make the rules and your personal opinion holds no weight on how we enforce them. The item was busted and using it in the obviously unintended way you did warrants no sympathy.

I do not consider wearing a bugged slate an exploit because it was not possible to avoid barring choosing not to rebirth or simply not wearing the slates that the holders sank a ton of effort or ingame cash into.

Yes and no. Wearing the item was not an exploit but using the unintended advantage it provides once glitched knowingly is. This is not an opinion, this is just patently false and your disingenuous attempt to manipulate us whilst both insulting us is also something worth addressing.

2. Slates are being temporarily removed until a fix is found, and are later planned to be redistributed.
This is absolute the case, as you could read above, and those who were detected being truthfully inconvenienced by the bug will be compensated appropriately. As for the rest of your post it is mostly worth not engaging with at this time as your concerns have been addressed and your criticisms have been noted.

Posted at 12-13-18, 02:07 am Link | #
Patoots GM

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The process to get a bugged slate the likes of which players have/had specifically is specific enough that you would very clearly know that something was not right due to the fact that no other item in the game works that way topped off with that fact that such a disproportionate and unadvertised advantage is clearly not something intended or allowed. I am not inclined to believe your statements, and it is very clear to me that anyone with slates beyond a certain threshold of stats does not deserve to have it replaced due to the specific and non-advertised process you'd have to have to even obtain such an obscenely broken item in the first place.
Posted at 12-13-18, 01:28 pm Link | #
Patoots GM

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I can't believe Ihzi cheated and poured gold into his slate to make it really powerful???
Like geeze, Ihzi, how could you. I trusted you and now you've gone and EXPLOITED LIKE THIS.

No wonder nobody wants to communicate that there was a bug, that nobody should've be using them, and that all of the slates were going to be/were deleted. >*(

Well I hope you think it was worth it, buster, because now you gotta buy a new one once they're all fixed, because you can bet no cheater's gonna get away with being a cheater!!!

LOL why is this 60% toxic? Anyway I assure you guys that there are only a couple of players we have detected doing specific actions which we consider abusive and those players, the few that they are (under five if I recall correctly) will have the chance to appeal and get a brand new slate, though the odds are we will not restore enchants if they were detected double enchanting the slates for obvious reasons.
Posted at 12-13-18, 10:57 pm Link | #
Patoots GM

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I think you missed my point. I don't see anything toxic in that last post you made. I wasn't making an actual comment on what you said because I do not have the time to validate further complaints on the same matter ad-nauseam. On another note, due to the consistently aggressive nature of this thread I believe it necessary to close it at most of the concerns about the slates being removed have been addressed and the aggressive opinions further down have caused nothing but problems. This is not healthy. Feel free to discuss this privately with myself or your friends if you have further concerns.
post rev. 10 by Patoots on 12-24-18, 09:01 am
Posted at 12-24-18, 06:45 am Link | #
Patoots GM

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Edit: Some of the readme from the previous links had misinformation- You should download the latest editor as well, as it has some hotfixes. Yes, within the first hour.

Hello everyone! As you know a long time ago I specifically reached out to the community with intents to let everybody know that I was trying to fund a PMG editor to help custom content go a lot further for our server and the mabinogi community in general regardless of which server one would play on. The new pmg editor would allow so many more things to be done no matter which region, server, or private server one would play one, and also regardless of which version. This was what I wanted when I set out to fund this and get this tool made for a modern mabinogi modding audience. I have no clue whether or not it can do everything AND butter your toast, but in how ever long, a PMG editor has been made and is now within reason to be distributed to the public as a test version for widespread usage and quality assurance testing.

When I reached out I was fully expecting to pay this entire cost out of pocket and for it to take much longer and be much more difficult to find someone to make it. But through my bold outreach to the community I found many generous individuals who were kind enough to shoulder the cost for this ambitious project. Within the zip file provided you will find the PMG editor, a readme that should help explain the barebone steps which should be taken to make your experience using this test version as easy as we can make possible at this time, along with credits given to those who helped and those who donated. I never expected this to be as successful as it has been, but the rest of the team and I have agreed that this holiday was the right time to give you all what you've been waiting for.

With all of that said, I am very proud to announce the first public test version of a modern PMG editor for Mabinogi!

The PMG editor is available with due credits publicly and free of charge.


This is just showing the editor can convert PMGs, the following pictures are proof of exporting to editing software.

The link can be found below these credits.

3DS MAX 2019 Or possibly Maya are necessary to work with the PMG editor
3DS MAX 2019 Or possibly Maya are necessary to work with the PMG editor
3DS MAX 2019 Or possibly Maya are necessary to work with the PMG editor
The editor is not stand alone and you must have a basic grasp of 3d modeling and possibly animation and rigging to use the editor to its full capabilities.

Credits to:
Patoots - Lead Organizer
Kamuna - Lead Programmer
Drahan - Organizer
Jade - Lead Tester
Noone - Tester
MabiPro Team - Various Roles

Special Thanks to the People Who Made This Possible:
Khaine and Harunaru ($200)
Axatokee ($101)
Abazure ($100)
Elimination ($100)
Jade ($88)
Primate ($1)

Link to the download:!BJZBhK6I!wXF-WxptPWMarGXLMWdZmfoiR2m7iwbvVpritW9q0U8

File mirror:

Posted at 03-20-19, 07:12 am Link | #
Patoots GM

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"The World is big and goblins are small but there is one gob who rules them all! He may be only three feet tall, but he's sure he'll beat you all! Our bold king of golden pacing is eager to see who he will be racing! Do you have what it takes to give him the brakes?"
-The Goblin Squad"

Goblin Tag has been introduced to The World, and in no small part thanks to the feisty king of swift and furious tag himself!

-To face him you must find a Goblin Tag Pass from any monster drops. Bosses have a much higher drop rate!
- It can be brought to any standard dungeon in Uladh.
- Upon dropping in a party of up to 8, you will be swept away to a special field via goblin magic!
- Players will receive a star for every Racing Goblin they can chase down and defeat.
- After 10 minutes, the game is over and chests will appear in the center to be opened with your Stars!
- The more players present, the more chests appear!

We eagerly await for you to participate, so give it a whirl and give it your best shot!
Players of all levels may participate, though at lower levels it is suggested to bring friends.

See you in the tag fields, Milletians!

Posted at 03-22-19, 08:36 pm Link | #
Patoots GM

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Quick note: Do not hand in cores to macha (Cat) repeatedly and in singles. All it does is spam system messages and is annoying, and it serves no benefit to do so. Those caught causing the cat to spam messages will be booted from the event instance, and possibly banned if they continuously attempt it. It's just spam at that point.
Posted at 06-24-19, 11:40 am Link | #
Patoots GM

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We do! I just updated the link to a working URL
Posted at 08-04-19, 07:23 am Link | #
Patoots GM

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I'm not sure what I'm looking at here.

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