post rev. 2 by Farsela on 07-30-17, 04:14 am
Posted at 07-30-17, 03:41 am Link | #

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I was just reading about some of the neat shadow missions that were made on this server and thought , what about mobs that appear only at night.
Examples like the mermen or even siren showing up near lakes and rivers such as corrib valley , or human bandits showing up near narrow roads like onsa sail and near spiral hill.
Or other mobs like the specteres or skeleton warriors showing their ghastly mugs in unexpected places.

Just thinking on how much more dangerous it would be traveling at night seems kinda exciting.... on second thought i should have named this thread things that go bump in the night.
Posted at 07-31-17, 02:16 am Link | #

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All valid points and I should have fleshed it out a bit more ,but I decided to jot this down quickly before I either forgot or got occupied elsewhere. As for how it could possibly be done i thought about how price and fleta work since they are timed instances it should work in a similar fassion.
As for the mobs themselves they probably shouln't be as aggressive as thier dungeon coumterparts, but perhaps more like the sheepwolves from onsa sail pretty much not a threat untill provoked or unless you linger around longer than you should.
post rev. 2 by Farsela on 07-31-17, 02:42 am
Posted at 07-31-17, 02:39 am Link | #

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Then perhaps increasing the rate of the scrolls dropping in addition to them being farther in advance before the boss spawn would be helpful perhaps?
post rev. 1 by Farsela on 07-31-17, 04:14 am
Posted at 07-31-17, 04:13 am Link | #

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Also for production skills it wouln't it be nice to have some of the collection bags for herbs ,potions, wood ,ores and possibly ingots?
Posted at 07-31-17, 09:02 pm Link | #

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Yeah it would be fun trying to take down noface nelson or scandelous charolette , zippy and the other fomor bandits or npcs never seemed to fit in or atleast thats what I thought.

If someone can explain to me where their species came from and why we never seen them before merchant of venice i'd like to know.
Posted at 08-03-17, 03:37 am Link | #

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I'd like to see the bedouin outfits and the luxurious evening dress again.

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