Posted at 09-08-17, 03:07 pm Link | #

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I'd like to join. IGN Satella
post rev. 1 by Satella on 09-25-17, 12:19 am
Posted at 09-22-17, 10:26 pm Link | #

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Tropical Pineapple Helmet
9cm ruby
Tailoring Manual - Daby Scots Plaid Wear for Women
Posted at 12-06-17, 01:37 pm Link | #

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Dual wield 2h weapons?
Posted at 12-15-17, 09:09 am Link | #

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+ Satella
post rev. 4 by Satella on 12-16-17, 05:10 am
Posted at 12-15-17, 07:32 pm Link | #

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I figured it'd be a good idea to try to compile a list of singular page rewards.
Please list the page and what rewards you've gotten, even if it is just herbs and dyes.

1. Partridge in a pair tree:

2. Two Turtle Doves:
Fomorian Coin (3)
Metal Dye Amp
Toy Hammer

3. Three French Hens:

4. Four Calling Birds:
Magic Speed Potion (30mins)

5. Five Golden Rings:
Mana Herb (6)
Sunlight Herb (10)
Candy Cane (Food)

6. Six Geese a-laying:
Special Dye Amp

7. Swans a-swimming:
Metal Dye Amp
Round Shield
Sunlight Herb (12)

8. Maids a-milking:
Name Change Color Potion

9. Nine Ladies Dancing:
Fomorian Coins (3)

10. Ten Lords a-leaping:
Fomorian Coins (3)
Sunlight Herb (12)

11. Eleven Pipers piping:
Weapon Power Pot (30 mins)
Sunlight Herb (10)
Metal Dye Amp

12. Drummers Drumming:
Special Dye Amp (4 slots)
Mana Herb (8)

Thank you!
(so far it seems to be the same for each page)
post rev. 2 by Satella on 12-16-17, 04:45 am
Posted at 12-15-17, 07:33 pm Link | #

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Fallen Fairy Wig M
35 Blizzard Crystals
Eluned Afternoon Tea Wavy Wig (M)
Cosmic Princess Crown (F)
Posted at 12-18-17, 10:14 pm Link | #

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Posted at 12-20-17, 03:10 am Link | #

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GMs should just round up all the gold and split it evenly every month.
Posted at 12-20-17, 03:28 am Link | #

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did someone say mana evap? :^)
Posted at 02-18-18, 10:01 pm Link | #

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It's fine.
post rev. 1 by Satella on 02-18-18, 10:26 pm
Posted at 02-18-18, 10:26 pm Link | #

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450 ap is highly unrealistic for most players as that would require getting to level 200 and expl level 25 each rb. it very well is possible with hard work and dedication but most players dont reach that high of a limit. 450 ap is a stretch and a bold standard to set for players. maybe 1% of players even have the possibility to hit that.
Posted at 02-22-18, 06:52 am Link | #

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post rev. 1 by Satella on 02-24-18, 10:54 pm
Posted at 02-24-18, 10:54 pm Link | #

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Also, Congrats to our February Event Winner!
Espy, Loveable, Klenn, Mechta, Akechi, Tuco, Karmaa, Mielenna, Arione, and our Grand Winner: Athena!
Congratulations to all of our winners and we hope you enjoy your prizes!
Posted at 03-03-18, 08:52 pm Link | #

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I personally have no problem with archery the way it is now. I do play ranged elf for some background.
I find having a set rate of hit % as a bad idea. The normal system for aim % is fine and can be used efficiently when knowing range knockback and hit stun mechanics. Also, not really related to game mechanics, logically if you kept missing shots, you would get more frustrated and nervous when being approached by a monster. I assume this would cause you to miss more, not get bonus accuracy for missing.

Secondly, having the % meter influence damage incredibly decreases dps for range. the tradeoff for the % meter is you have a lower chance to hit, but if you are lucky, you can hit multiple times at low %. on the other hand, you can miss alot if you are unlucky. Restricting the % meter to damage output would lower dps for archers who have the probability to miss. There are trade offs to charging full shots and not charging shots. I've personally hit 7+ mags at ~40% and ive missed equal or more shooting at around the same %. Missing is a part of archery but you have the ability to dish out some good dps.

Lastly, cutting archer dps by the 2nd method, having % determine archery dmg, is unfair compared to other classes. That's like me saying, well melee users should have their damage cut by how much dura is missing on their swords. You do 1k wm but since you only have 5/10 dura, you actually do 500. It can lead to many other arguments about other classes if it were to be a change made to the game.

Tldr, archery is fine as it is. Learn mechanics. Have a backup if you miss.
Posted at 06-06-18, 11:26 pm Link | #

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I second the 250-500 red coins for perfect reset :^)
post rev. 2 by Satella on 08-31-18, 04:55 am
Posted at 08-23-18, 04:21 am Link | #

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Hello everyone! This has been patched. Ignore the guide until it gets taken down.

I felt the need to make this guide because I have seen some newer faces around the server and I am not entirely sure that everyone knows about this use for combo cards. Combo cards can be effectively locked at a certain skill to provide more damage for that one skill, instead of using the entire combo card.

This makes the good components of combo cards better and takes away the "bad" components of combo cards. (aka not having to use the weaker/harder to pull off skills in the combo)
This method allows for more damage to be done with the skill of choice! (Let's be honest, who doesn't like more damage)
This method also works with all combo cards. (to my knowledge)

Here's the method

(if my picture doesnt show up cause im bad at forum posts, the combo is support shot > ice spear 10% > windmill 20% > smash 29% > windmill 40% > fireball 62%)

Let's use this combo card for example. It's really quite simple.
Let's say that you're a melee character and that windmill +40% damage looks nice. You would use the combo normally until you get to the skill you want. Support shot, then Ice Spear, then Windmill, then Smash, then the desired 40% windmill.
After using that 40% windmill in the combo, stop. Dont finish with fireball. If you let the last step of the combo card expire, Mabipro does something really special where it retains the last skill you used in the combo.
That's really all there is to it. Every windmill you use after should do 40% more damage and you'll know this by seeing the 40% wm icon flash on your screen as if you used the combo. The effect also lasts until you log off or cc.
Of course to reapply the effect just do the method again. The best types of combo cards for this are ones that have multiple skills and high dmg% on the skill you like. (the more skills in the combo, the higher the % values for the ending 2 skills)

Lastly, the above combo seems nice for fireball but it is a little trickier. You can fully use the combo card for the last skills damage boost; however, you cant use the initial skill to begin the combo again or else the damage modifier will be erased. In this case, be mindful of what skills you're using if the combo starter is a common skill.
(I didn't know this part, credit to Lame)

Closing Notes:
I felt the need for this guide is due to an influx of new players. Combo cards are useful tools to help boost damage. MabiPro's cards help even further.
I also know that some players are fully aware of this method and have been using it, but some newer players may be kept in the dark or not even told about it.
I believe all players should have access to this information and be able to increase their damage.
Whether starting out as an aspiring mage, warrior, ranger, or alchemist, I hope that you can use this method to make your journey a little easier and more fun. Seeing higher numbers above enemies always feels good.

I hope you all can put this information to good use. Cheers!
Posted at 08-23-18, 03:37 pm Link | #

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You're over thinking it. You can have 30 combo cards but it only takes into account your active combo card.
Also, that's why the method is so nice. You don't have to pull it off in serious combat. You can use your combo on foxes in tir for example. Get the damage modifier on the desired skill, and then go run whatever you like. Because the effect does last until you log off or chage channels, it won't go away unless one of those two conditions happens.

Hope I cleared up any confusion.
Posted at 08-27-18, 02:43 am Link | #

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Giants are bad and so are you. ♡
Play on your elf. :^)
Posted at 09-18-18, 02:50 am Link | #

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Preach Auburn!

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