Posted at 08-21-18, 11:07 pm Link | #

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Joined: 10-11-17
Last post: 2364 days
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Hi everyone! I was recently speaking to quite a few people about this and it seemed quite positive, so I thought I would make a poll!
With the new custom content that has been released (ALL of A1), players have been able to hit the level 25 Exploration Cap quite easily now.

Increasing the level cap would promote more of a reason to continue running the new custom dungeons/raids, and with A1S1 and A1S2 its becoming a trend so far that we are going to focus more on exploration with the new gen!
For those who are new to the server, it would even create more of an incentive to run more of the new content to attempt to hit the cap (and we also all love AP lets be real here), and even if you're just an artifact hunter you can still get quite a few of these from the new content too!

This would also bring up the conversation of having new cap quests (which I was told is quite hard/obnoxious to do), but possibly their is another way to work around this? Im excited to see what people have to say/think about this!
post rev. 1 by heroesofdill1 on 09-24-18, 03:46 am
Posted at 09-24-18, 03:46 am Link | #

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Joined: 10-11-17
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Hi there Elf1 here. I see once again my name is being thrown around in conversation in a negative light and I have a few things to say about the ignorance of the community. During the conversation that took place between "Elf and Crew", we were in the same run together when the item was dropped. Excelsion took it upon himself to reiterate information that has been known since the dawn of Mabinogi. I respect that he decided to give his opinion on the matter, but this conversation could've been brought through a personal message. With Global Chat being active it created a stir in the community, and surprise! Once again, the community blew EVERYTHING out of proportion until Jade had to use the TOS to attempt to calm everyone down.

The issue that occurred for me PERSONALLY was that the TOS was being used unfairly in this instance to attempt to silence me without cause. For those who were wondering their still isnt a specific reason as too why I was banned. If you don't believe me read back to the global chat around 5:30, and simply search "Oblivion" in the Discord. I never attacked anyone or used and slander. I was told I was deserved to be called a faggot and to get the shit beat out of me, and where was the TOS to save me then? It didn't.
Patoots had my back in this instance as well, and I respected every decision that she made to try and help me get back onto this server.
Im sad that I must go, but this community (and certain GMS) have obviously made their decision on who I am as a person. Thank you everyone who played with me this last year and a bit, and I hope that the community can thrive and continue to grow.

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