Posted at 12-09-17, 08:43 pm Link | #

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How to search forum??
Unless I wish to sit here for a few days..It would be (kinda) nice to have search function..
trying to get handicafts going..
Posted at 01-19-18, 06:27 am Link | #

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I dont see a search for the forums
Posted at 01-22-18, 02:56 am Link | #

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A list of skills would be nice..
And Alternate ways they are gotten if there is with cooking 8..
Posted at 01-22-18, 09:56 pm Link | #

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This one may not be accurate..
Posted at 01-23-18, 10:05 pm Link | #

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Iv gone threw it, and you are missing a few..
AS well as some are changed, as with cooking 8..There is no competition at Emain. its changed to a mission.
Posted at 01-23-18, 10:22 pm Link | #

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3x1 for 1 at LEAST 2x1..
Farming 50+ of these takes over 30 inventory, and I hope you have the room..
20% failure means another 10..which is 36..
ANd we have to do this a few times, Just to get the Levels...not counting Making for anything else.

10 stacks would be nice..and save allot of room..
If you cant..
Just drop its size..
I wonder if this is the Largest and most a person has to carry..its always been abit ridiculous..
Posted at 01-23-18, 10:31 pm Link | #

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Please no..
I would suggest abit of AP...or ranking up the specific skill abit faster..

But life skills should not ADD/Subtract to Fighting skills..(lookup first aid)
The game is Double and faster, a little focus can take you into HIGH CP, where SOME SKILLS can not be trained(taming)..

For anyone that dont know..
Life skills DO WILL help you...MOST DONT ADD CP..

The real hard part of Life skills tends to be AP..getting the points to raise them.
Would be interesting to add a second group, that only adds points to Life skills.. Running around beating up fomors/doing ohter fighting skills, just to get Life skills abit weird..
Posted at 01-23-18, 10:35 pm Link | #

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For anyone against this..

Bring an Empty bag, and 2-3 sickles..
Posted at 01-24-18, 09:43 pm Link | #

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3x1 for 1 at LEAST 2x1..
Farming 50+ of these takes over 30 inventory, and I hope you have the room..
20% failure means another 10..which is 36..
ANd we have to do this a few times, Just to get the Levels...not counting Making for anything else.

10 stacks would be nice..and save allot of room..
If you cant..
Just drop its size..
I wonder if this is the Largest and most a person has to carry..its always been abit ridiculous..

changing the stack size and altering the amount you need at the windmill is gonna do a lot more than making the stacks we have take up 1 less inventory space it's just 1x3 dude, chill. it's not a castle building stone.

true...but I have 2-3 requirements that need 50+ wheat. Which is 10 stacks..x3=30 locations in my inv.
try it...I hope you can make room, add a few pets to carry it..
Then go up and rustle, around with changing it to Flour.(in real there is 1-2 other practices), 10 at a time, and 1 failure means MORE wheat..
Sickles tend to wear out FAST.. AND THE PROFICIENCY... SUCKS./.

Fun part...KEEP the meals of what you make, CAUSE, you can use them later..NOW you have 10-20, Noodles taking up MORE room..
OH! get to do this 2 times before you can/want to use them.. UNLESS you want to go back and FARM AGAIN..Mill again...make MORE noodle..

Old saying..
"try it, you'll like it"
(look it up)
Posted at 01-26-18, 12:59 am Link | #

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I cant get it to work, while I have Shield and blunt..
Site says it works with anything..Even back to 2011..

Posted at 01-29-18, 12:15 am Link | #

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This is not possible for us to do, sorry.
Mabinogi's weather patterns are very complex and we do not have a developer capable of simulating them on a web page.

But, can you create the storms??
If you could, setup random generator, that brings up numbers and chance of storm..
then insert them from the server.
Posted at 01-29-18, 12:36 am Link | #

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To bad you cant watch the registers and values change as the program runs..
You know the Value range, and should be able to locate it..
Also might see where the numbers LISTED ABOVE are inserted..

Hard part is if you need to de-compile it, justt to see what is happening.
Posted at 02-08-18, 06:33 am Link | #

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Donations should have DATE, please..hard to tell if you made the total or are about to drop dead..

3 HOURS?? WOW..but the main page says you are up??
post rev. 2 by DuckThatQuacks on 02-18-18, 09:50 pm
Posted at 02-18-18, 09:12 pm Link | #

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Kinda messed up..
The sections dont Quite match with whats in the guide.
it took 2 days and re-doing TRYING to get an owl to deliver, that a book had been sent..

Goro, isnt working properly..Trying to get translations.. And the Words book is still abit confusing, as its partly in other languages, and I cant tell if I got the key words..

Back to the game, I see what I can do..
ALSO, is Tir na nag, only on Saturday?? THAT would be a nice thing to add, as its not easy to find that it is Saturday only..
Found it.
The tab in Quests, has Advent of goddess..but nothing much ever shows up there..
Until this section of Gen1..
The GUIDE should point "on the TOP of the dungeon sections", SOLO ONLY..insted of hiding it into the text..but thats not your problem..
And something NOT in that text is to CHECK THE QUEST, advent.. its not hard to miss, because nothing was there in the first place..

Iv had to jump to the guide, back and forth to find whats needed over and over..and the Advent section never had hints or anything..
It would be nice if they would tell me, that this is a 3D where's Waldo..IF I have to search out the events..
Posted at 03-07-18, 03:20 am Link | #

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let see...
The event starts with an NPC asking me to protect the village from Panther...and thats all..
he does NOT say to enter the Dungeon in PANTAY..

Been trying to do it, without the Dungeon, but the wiki has 2 settings for this, 1 is gen 17..
(it didnt say to goto the Dungeon, WAY over there)
Then I found out its a dungeon, like the Black panther persuit(not panic).
(even the wiki dont say its a dungeon, way over there..)

Talked on the Discord, and I SHOULD have a piece of Fur from panther?? and I dont have it..Supposed to do at night,?? Went to Kosai and keep trying to get the Fur, and no fur, it says I ALREADY HAVE mission..
Cant disco/quit mission or reset it..
Anything IM missing?
post rev. 1 by DuckThatQuacks on 03-10-18, 03:39 am
Posted at 03-10-18, 03:02 am Link | #

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Considering it is a Shadow mission...
I can keep looking for a Piece of fur.. Its Panther fur?? Cause the only ones I HAD, were anteater..

Ok searched everything including 12 pets..
Posted at 03-10-18, 03:40 am Link | #

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Cant drop it..has no choice..which is the strange part..otherwise I would have reset myself..
post rev. 1 by DuckThatQuacks on 03-10-18, 04:40 am
Posted at 03-10-18, 04:40 am Link | #

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Posted at 03-10-18, 07:30 pm Link | #

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There are 2 of these missions on the wiki..
1 is Shadow mission, other is ??
Neither REALLY tells you what needs to be done..
on the wiki, BOTH have the same explanation..but it seems more a dungeon, then a mission.

The G17 mission references the mission..but What to do..
Only other thing I have is the Alchemist G9..
Kouai, says I have the mission.. Its listed in my Quests..

Iv dropped every piece of Fur on myself and pets.. Can you name the fur? is it panther fur or something else..
Other wise I am stuck..
Posted at 03-12-18, 04:52 am Link | #

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Ok..Got it..
NO ongoing anything Shadow mission..
the FUR is after the mission..
its INSTANT..starts up from Answering the Chief, and saying yes you want to go on the mission..

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