Posted at 01-01-18, 06:33 am Link | #

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#9 I'd like to see an NPC in Dunbarton also provide this service on top of those listed.
Posted at 01-12-18, 07:29 pm Link | #

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Clothing PTJ's turn in times are ridiculously long and unnecessary. I get the quest at 7am and am unable to turn it in til 12pm or 5pm. I have to wait for 2 hours left sometimes to turn in clothes for no reason other than Simon is a sadist. Please turn all Clothing PTJ turn in times to 9am, two hours after you can obtain them. Also please no comments about how this is a necessary setback for Life Productionists. You know, Warriors lose 10% HP on windmill, Archers can miss , Mages have mana evaporation and always need more mana, and finally Life Productionist's PTJ quests make them wanna seppuku alongside their carpal tunnel.
Posted at 01-12-18, 09:37 pm Link | #

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Because it's a work around and annoying. It's what I already do, but it requires a huge time crunch. If I wasn't already annoyed doing that, I wouldn't complain about it. Walter's PTJ turn in time is 2 hours no matter what and starts at 7am. HW PTJs are 4 hours after 12pm. Clothing PTJs being so late and being completely unflexible is just unnecessary.
Posted at 01-13-18, 12:06 am Link | #

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I think stacks of 200, 250 or 500 would be reasonable.
post rev. 1 by Rarolina on 01-16-18, 08:59 pm
Posted at 01-16-18, 08:58 pm Link | #

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Notice how they say turn in time starts at noon when it does not.
Posted at 01-23-18, 02:57 am Link | #

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I propose an increase in silk and fabric stacks to 20. I feel like these take up a lot of space when doing weaving and tailoring and it could be a decent QoL adjustment.
Posted at 01-23-18, 06:28 am Link | #

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Metallurgy is already a a huge buff to refining and blacksmithing. If there's a mining related pet, I think it should be something that only helps actually going into the mines. A canary would fit well. Bonuses, I dunno. I'm sure there's plenty of ideas to make mining more worth the hassle via a pet bonus.
Posted at 08-05-18, 07:00 am Link | #

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Good, now that all 10 of us have seen this, we can call this meeting to order.

Everyone hates us Elves, so we need to rebrand with a PR campaign; my first suggestion is to delete the ugliest transformation model in the game, Falcon Sage, so that other races have less of a hard time looking at us.

My suggestion is to either replace Falcon Sage's Model with the 1st or 2nd model.

Lore wise, it could go something like: we start off as beautiful, shy birds; then we start dressing riskier to be more lewd because we gained confidence and want people to like us so we try to fit in to edgier clothing; next we go overboard on Falcon Wave and hit rock bottom as sex workers to support all the lost elves we've saved from the desert but get sent to the lost elf orphanage and are never heard of again/a 90s coming-of-age of movie plot where the protagonist turns into a terrible person; and finally we realise there was nothing wrong with us originally and we're beautiful on the inside, so we return to our red robed selves and enjoy R1 life.

If we reverse the order of the models, it can go something like we start off super lewd; but as we train ourselves, we gain more self control and dress less lewd.
Posted at 08-05-18, 11:05 pm Link | #

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Don't take away my naked birds please, that's my exact fetish

In all seriousness, it has been stated before that there are limitations to changing the appearance of each transformation, or allowing people to select which visual appearance they want, regardless of rank. It's most likely because this would involve changing properties of the skill itself. Making changes to any skill is very difficult because the code that we have access to for them is very hard to decipher and isn't intended for human legibility. This is a particularly trivial request, so the man hours that it would take to work on it is not worth the return unfortunately.

Not really, it'd just take changing the models to a different one that already exists. I believe you're taking things out of context; what would be difficult to adjust is a preexisting model and improving it to be better or allowing someone to pick which one they want specifically.
Posted at 08-22-18, 01:57 am Link | #

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I actually didn't know exploration was capped at 25 here. I think with A1 dropping, it'd be smart to raise the cap even without a quest to go along with it. Somehow I hit 21 as a lowly noob this rebirth.
Posted at 08-29-18, 12:56 am Link | #

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In terms of wool, BIG wool bags should be implemented like on live during special events/dungeons/hard to obtain methods.

please add guild stones to emain~
Posted at 09-06-18, 11:59 pm Link | #

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Ayyyy. I'm in classes from 8am to 5:20pm without breaks, and I don't get home til 6pm central.
post rev. 1 by Rarolina on 09-28-18, 11:40 pm
Posted at 09-28-18, 11:38 pm Link | #

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We can't have mastery skills because we can't add skills, but also another problem is all current gear modified would not have retroactive changes. Maybe more end game content could be implemented to give some heavy armors a little love.
post rev. 6 by Rarolina on 11-10-19, 02:47 pm
Posted at 11-09-19, 01:29 am Link | #

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Deep Sea Rift Int Pass only has one instance: Jade already fixed it for next patch.

Cracked geodes don't seem to give anything when you 'use' them; not sure if it's intended.

This middle pillar can get things stuck inside of it. Also Sapphire Golem seems to not retaliate at all with magnum spamming it.

Ore doesn't work for refining in Bangor furnaces.
Refining in general seems to be broken. Fixed
Posted at 12-26-19, 02:37 am Link | #

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There are some helpful suggestions here such as a means to make use of completed saves or storage, and the possibility of editing some rewards. I might be able to do something with these.

However, it is unlikely that I will continue further new development on content that is so deeply unpopular that the responses are mainly silence and the occasional negativity.

Thanks for playing.
Don't feel discouraged, most people discuss SP in the A2 spoiler channel, content discussion, bug reports/support and/or ingame. The majority of what I've seen is usually three things: most people generally say this is really cool content and better than nexon, they question how worthwhile rewards from non-special floor chests are most of the time and otherwise post bug reports.

Personally, I haven't bothered posting much on the forums because when I did seemingly nothing came out of the bug reports I posted versus getting lucky and talking to you about them ingame.

Also, I believe Patoots asked me when it first came out how I thought while I was in a run, and I said I thought it was really cool.
Posted at 01-07-20, 08:25 pm Link | #

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Hi, so certain weapons with set effects actually lose their set effects when special upgraded or ego'd. In a general discussion, we believe the parameters are noticed via the database and checking if the specific spirit or special upgrade version has the set effects on it.

Items noticed so far are:

Gentle Dream Catcher: Spirit + Special Upgrades
Wildwood Crossbow: Spirit
Posted at 01-20-20, 01:05 pm Link | #

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I dunno. On one hand I hate messing up repairs on rare things intensely, but also it kinda aligns with the way Mabi works that things naturally deteriorate. Maybe there could be another material/currency added that drops rarer than red coins that you could perfect repair with. Maybe also it requires that item + a good bit of gold, so there's a gold sink for higher up players.
Posted at 02-08-20, 06:05 am Link | #

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Okay but Tracy sells Lrods right?
Posted at 02-29-20, 05:55 pm Link | #

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You can play as a Siren partner currently. You can also play as a few different Fomor races in Sky Palace from A2.
Posted at 02-29-20, 05:57 pm Link | #

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Honestly, I feel like you can purchase a lot of bridges via another player with red coins being a fairly liquid 4k each.

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