Posted at 02-08-17, 09:13 pm Link | #

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I started in Open Beta, so just before G1 came out. Heck, I remember needing to enlist help to beat Alby's Giant Spider when I got that quest. Played on and off since about G10, but always came back because of the music system and the game's music. Hopefully this brings back some of the experiences of before the game became too easy for those of us that never truly reached the end-game!
Posted at 04-23-17, 05:09 am Link | #

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I feel like this is a fine compromise in the whole Mana Evaporation debate. It keeps the mechanic around, but makes Mana Preservation Stones much easier to make and much more readily available, if you're willing to work for it, which I think was one of the main complaints in the first place.
Posted at 05-15-17, 09:12 pm Link | #

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Hey guys, Lani here. Ever since I started playing Mabi back in G0, the music system has always fascinated me. As someone who did band in grade school and ended up Majoring in music, the music system is what always kept me coming back to the game. The system isn’t without its flaws, and with a private server, we have a chance to help make it a bit better. Here, I’m going to spit out a few ideas on how we can improve it from a performance standpoint, maybe make it a bit more desireable for Dungeon play, and overall improve the experience with it. If any of these ideas are not at all feasible, just let me know. I just want to put the ideas out there.

Step one - Playing Failure
One of the biggest problems with the system as-is is the potential to fail when playing songs. While I know that it’s an integral part of training the Instrument skill, it’s always been painful when playing music for the sake of playing music, particularly when using the Party Play/Jam Session to play with others. I don’t suggest that we remove the variance when playing music. After all, practicing your instrument can often be ugly and it’s needed by the Playing Instrument skill for training. What I do propose, though, are work-arounds for those who just want to play the music, like those that the Bard skills provided on live. Here are some thoughts:

1)When using Jam Session or the Performance (Tip Jar) action, remove the RNG on playing at the cost of not having it count for skill training.

2)Using Playing Instrument always sounds perfect, but the Training Req is still determined with the RNG

3)"Artisan” instruments available to those with high ranked Instrument skill (R5+, etc) that always perfect play, at the cost of not fulfilling training. These would serve as incentive to rank up Playing Instrument, and getting to them would be the end goal. Think like the weapons or Gloomy Sunday that required Master-level Talent to use.

Step two - Magical Music
Magic music was added as a way for bards to interact with dungeon runs in a meaningful way. So why does all of it suck? The Special Effects (Berserker, Fast Cast, Fast Aim) all seem fine but it takes forever to get the scrolls made and using them in a dungeon itself is just cumbersome. The Stat boost and healing ones are just such minor effects that there’s no reason to even use them. The scrolls from Briana and Barry give much better, guaranteed effects, so why shouldn’t the Magic Music you can make yourself? All I ask here is to make the Recovery and Stat effects more potent and have them always trigger. At rank 1, the highest a stat can be raised is by 15, and that’s on the very top of the RNG. That’s not worth an extra person in your dungeon that’s actively not fighting. Maybe double it? Triple? What would make that worth it without it being broken? Same for the healing. At Rank 1 Playing you can cap at 10 points every 10 seconds. Pretty much no reason for that. Let’s make bards useful if we’re not implementing the bard skill themselves.

Step three - Composing
I can understand not wanting to uncap composing and musical knowledge for Magic balance reasons (if that’s even a valid reasoning), but as someone who has composed and arranged for Mabi, having longer lengths on scores would be incredibly valuable. I’m not saying to just increase everything to 9999 (which would be amazing, by the way), but increasing things to even 150% of the rank 1 lengths would offer some tremendous leeway in what could be put into the game.

On that note, is it possible at all to change the nature of score scrolls? Is it possible to add more lines? Is it possible to add in Singing and make it so you could Sing while playing your instrument?

Step four - More Instruments
I remember hearing a few months back that it was possible or on the radar to add instruments that were later added into the game, like the Piano. I also heard someone was potentially developing new sound fonts for instruments to be added into the game. I think that would be amazing! Diversifying what we have available and pushing the limits of what’s possible under MML would be fantastic. Personally, I’ve always wanted things like Banjos and Accordions available, but that’s just me. If there is someone working on this sort of thing, I would love to talk to you.

Anyways, those are my thoughts!
Posted at 05-22-17, 06:46 pm Link | #

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Can't speak to the Egos, but as far as Upgrades -

Royal Alchemists can discover them through regular gameplay and that's when they become unlocked. Because we don't have a full 100 Royal Alchemists that all use Alchemy as their regular combat, the chances of these upgrades being discovered is very low. It's just kind of a side effect of the small community.
Posted at 05-26-17, 09:59 pm Link | #

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Hey guys!

So, one thing I've noticed is that a lack of character cards means a lack of Premium Newbie Wear. Low-key the male Human Premium is one of my favorite outfits in the game. So I've been thinking, why don't we add a way to get them? Shyla could sell the basic premium wears. Or why stop there? All the cool character-card related ones could be added into a special shop for them, or a special, cheap Premium Newbie Gachapon? Some of the more interesting outfits in the game just aren't attainable without character cards, so why not add another way to get them?
Posted at 06-19-17, 09:08 pm Link | #

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Blacksmith Manual - Claus Knight Armor
Blacksmith Manual - Double Ring Mail
Tailoring Pattern - Wis' Intelligence Soldier Uniform (M)
25x Red Coins
Diamond 8.0cm
Tin Potion
Magic School Uniform (F) - Understanding
Posted at 09-14-17, 02:19 pm Link | #

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Hey guys, just thought I'd chime in really quick with a thought -
A lot of the problem with having end-game gear available through Carpentry seems to be that the crafting isn't limited by having a manual like Blacksmithing and Tailoring are. I know we can't make manuals for an existing craft, but what if we make these powerful items inter-disciplinary?

To make my Highlander Long Bow, I need a ton of Finest Firewood from carpentry, but also special metal fittings created with high-rank Blacksmithing and a high-quality bowstring made with weaving.

To make my Wing Bow, I need the wood, the bowstring, and a magical wood treatment option created through high-level potion making?

This effectively adds Carpentry Patterns and encourages higj-rankrd crafters to work together to create late-game weapons.
Posted at 09-26-17, 05:12 am Link | #

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Hey guys, Lani here!

If anyone ever knew me on Live servers, or has talked to me a bunch on here, you probably know that I do music. I’ve arranged MML for Mabi since the days of G3, achieved Grandmaster Bard on Live before anything else and even went to study music in college. The music system in Mabi is an integral part of the experience to me, and it’s what kept me coming back to the game time and time again. So, I want to offer up my services to you, the players of MabiPro, for both MML Arrangement and Consultation in exchange for Gold or Red Coins (or item trades, on rare occasions).

Current Composing Rank: 6 (current cap)

In all cases, Red Coins will be accepted at a rate of 2.5k per coin (40 coins per 100k)

MML Arrangement
Price: 300k - ???
Add me in game, send me a note, find me on Discord, however you want to contact me. Let me know what song you’re considering. I’ll do some research and get back to you with a price estimate based on what resources I can find and how long I expect the arranging will take. If you accept the quote, I’ll get started on the score and complete it to the best of my ability given the constraints of the game and if you specify an instrument you want it for. When I’m done, I’ll preview it for you. If you like it, I’ll give you a brand new closed scroll of it in exchange for the payment. You’ll be able to get a new one from me whenever you like just by sending me a message. If you want an open one to potentially write down the MML and replicate it yourself, let me know and we can work out additional payment for it.

MML Consultation
Price: 100k - 300k
Have a piece you’re working on but can’t get it to fit or sound right? I can help! Get in contact with me and send me your MML code. I’ll take a look at it and give you a quote. If we move forward, I’ll do what I can to help optimize and clean up your code, preview it for you and then send it back to you! Simple as that! If you wish to observe how I go about the process, we can try to work out a way to potentially screen share/voice chat while I work on it, at additional cost.

If anyone wants to take advantage of these services, just find me in-game or on Discord!
Posted at 02-24-18, 09:31 pm Link | #

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Time for Lani's triumphant return! Awesome to see this finally happening!

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