Posted at 01-23-18, 01:03 pm Link | #

Posts: 1
Joined: 01-22-18
Last post: 2577 days
Last view: 1282 days
My name's Silberne AKA Dismerized from Ruairi.
I played Mabi back around the start of G3 (so like 08~09?). Always been on and off taking breaks that lasts for months until the Alban Knights update where I stopped playing. Honestly I played more than I thought I did, but I can't seem to remember like 85% of the stuff I did lmao.
My sister told me about MabiPro since she saw me playing Mabi again. Decided to try it out cause I really miss the good old days of Mabi. I'm really enjoying it so far!

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