I have to agree with other posters. I'm a newbie but I have played A1S1 and really enjoyed it. I feel like its implementation doesn't detract from the G13 experience in any way, it feels like it could be an actual part of the base game if I didn't know any better. Major props to the devs who worked on that (if anyone else other than Jade? idk).
Adding new content, as long as it doesn't outdate older content, is always a plus - especially when it fills a gap left by the base game. Since this is a private server, pushing out new content would take longer than if you had an entire company behind you. With that in mind, it just seems more logical to preserve content that is already developed by tweaking drop tables and exp gain for older content as new things are slowly added, to keep up with the new additions. Power creep is always and issue too though, and should be kept in mind.
So I guess... to answer your question, I think both are necessary to create a well-balanced but growing game.
An awesome post, thank you. Specifically the reason "Anything really" is in the poll option.
For more clarification for everyone else, I never said to remove raids. I'm going to address everyone who is replying to me in a single post to save time.
To Flandre.
Yeah, you're right. I did say new content is unavoidable but maybe I should have also said it was interchangeable. However, that isn't what I said so at the time I was referring to the people who joined for the private server experience. I'm not saying you're incorrect. I'm trying to avoid being "MUH PRIVATE SERVER EXPERIENCE" while also trying to make a point across. Maybe to help distinguish the difference between enhancement and content is not to think of nostalgia but gameplay experience. So without dragging it any longer, as everyone is probably already thinking, as long as it contributes to the gameplay positively, anything really goes. Content or enhancement.
Hi Astra.
MabiPro is epic! Appreciate the effort. In the hopes of not criticising too much I didn't want to go into any details but I hope you guys continue making content for the game and enhancing anything you need.
I'm not a developer so I'm trying not to criticise beyond what I'm able to understand. I'm not saying something should be changed specifically. The more of both enhancement and new content is ideal really. However, there are areas that are lacking improvement as there will always be and the reason I made this thread is simply to get people thinking. I hope I am not misconstrued.
To everyone else:
Thank you and to add to this discussion, I hope new content and enhancements are added to the game more and more! The thing is, Mabi is a damaged game that will probably take lifetimes to fix. Probably better to make a new game. What makes MabiPro such a great game is the community and the development that everyone is working hard together to contribute. So rather than criticising a disabled person I think it's best to offer as much support as necessary. Pardon the metaphor I just wanted to add my feelings.