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Thank you for your interest on this topic. Certainly we do not have any open positions for staffing. However you are more than welcome to show off your skills in either Translation or Coding to be review
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Update: The maintenance has been completed at 1:35AM.
All servers are running normally.
Please make sure to update your client.
Thank you for your patience.
Dear Milletians,
Mabinogi Professional will have a Server Update Maintenance on
February 13th 2017 3:00AM EST
February 13th 2017 5:00AM EST
For the following reasons:
*"Protect the Beacons" Custom Shadow Mission Added.
*Shyla NPC Shop Balancing.
*Client updated to version 210.
*The Regional Settings on Gold Text appearing has been changed to English
We apologize for any inconvenience
- MabiPro Staff
Posts: 992 Joined: 02-06-17
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Good Evening Milletians.
Operator Flipend0 Reporting in.
I would like to introduce you a new custom coded Shadow Mission called "Protect the Beacons".
Located in Taileteaan, You will notice that there is a brand new custom shadow mission called Protect the Beacons. It's party limit of 2~6 players.
Your objective is to eliminate the shadow invaders taking over the Beacons in Taileteaan.
After eliminating them, you must head over to the next Beacon. There are 3 of them
The difficulty rises as each Beacon you protect.
Make haste before the beacons becomes dominate by the shadow invaders.
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Update: The maintenance has been completed at 3:40AM.
All servers are running normally.
Please make sure to update your client.
Thank you for your patience.
Dear Milletians,
Mabinogi Professional will have a Server Update Maintenance on
February 17th 2017 1:30AM EST
February 17th 2017 4:30AM EST
For the following reasons:
* Server Security Improvement
* Meles Shop fixed
* Shadow Bunshi Targetting Fixed
* Monster Resizing Fixed
* Characters can now select premium features when rebirthing or in their assistant cards
* Yukatas are now tradable jk
* Client updated to version 211
We apologize for any inconvenience
- MabiPro Staff
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Update: The maintenance has been completed at 4:50AM.
All servers are running normally.
Please make sure to update your client.
Thank you for your patience.
Dear Milletians,
Mabinogi Professional will have a Server Update Maintenance on
February 21th 2017 3:00AM EST
February 21th 2017 5:00AM EST
For the following reasons:
* Rebirthing Fix
* Shyla Shop gets a small update
* More Translations
* You can now press the Maximize button on the Client's Window
We apologize for any inconvenience
- MabiPro Staff
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Hello Everyone
Operator Flipend0 reporting in!
From 2/25 12:00AM EST Until 3/4 12:00am EST the Dragon Boat Racing Event will be taking place.
Head on over to La Terra Highlands, grab an oar, and race against the clock to earn fabulous prizes!
Don't forget, hobgoblins will attack you from all angles and try to hop on your boat to spoil your fun. Take them out quickly!
Event Information:
- Event starts at La Terra Highlands Rafting Dock
- Speak to the NPC to receive a dragon boat.
- Up to 8 players can ride on the boat
- Receive a prize for completing the race in under 8 minutes.
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Update: The maintenance has been completed at 3:45AM.
All servers are running normally.
Please make sure to update your client.
Thank you for your patience.
Dear Milletians,
Mabinogi Professional will have a Server Update Maintenance on
February 26th 2017 2:30AM EST
February 26th 2017 5:00AM EST
For the following reasons:
*Raft Event Reward Adjust
*Emain Cooking, Auction, and Jousting Server Initialize Fresh Start in Sunday.
*Game Server QoL Hotpatch
We apologize for any inconvenience
Here is a picture of a cat.
- MabiPro Staff
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Apparently, for the IDT Audio Driver there seems to be some Conflict within Audio Channeling and possibly Windows DirectSound.
Since I do not have this driver, I cannot do extended research behind this.
You might want to look into the program if it's using Exclusive-Mode Stream or not.
Other than that, you would have to look into this driver and troubleshoot it out, there appears to be some solutions via Google but I cannot confirm if such solutions would be able to fix your sound issue for Mabinogi.
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[F.A.Q] Frequently Asked Questions from MabiPro's Technical Point of View.
The Second Battle of Mag Tuireadh, Destruction of Weaponry by the Inept Blacksmith.
Alban Heruin (Colorized)
Hello everybody!
Game Admin Operator Flipend0 is here.
We know why you're here: you're excited to play MabiPro, you took the time to relive your memories as you download the client, you start telling all of your friends about it....just to see that the client is unable to respond/does not boot up, something goes wrong in the game, or someone creates a common mistake.
We're constantly seeing tickets about issues that we've already answered, to the point where we create templates for such thing, but we're not the big N so we'll just make an F.A.Q so everybody has a simpler life.
Just remember that if you have a question that is not listed here, you're always welcome to send a ticket here.
So, without further ado, let's get started!I get 0xC0000005 or 0xC0000142 on either the MabiPro Launcher or MabiPro Client.
This is one of the most annoying problems that can occur when attempting to launch the MabiPro Client. There is no true answer to fixing this, but I can offer many solutions that have helped with different members.
This error's human-readable code is
1. Disable DEP on the Launcher and Client.
This is a common fix for 0xC00000005 which is related to permission errors, sometimes running as Administrator is just not enough for applications and dynamic link libraries to have access to such memory. To prevent this from happening we can disable DEP on the launcher and client to get the game to work.
Press WINDOWSKEY+R to access the Run Dialog and type in
then press okay.
After we gain access to System Properties. Head to Advanced -> Performance -> Data Execution Prevention. Select the combo box on and head to browse.
You'll want to select Client.exe and MabinogiProfessional.exe to add to the exception list. Apply the settings and Restart your computer
2.Give permission to Applications and Dynamic link libraries.
Head onto your Mabi.Pro client folder, Right click on Client.exe and select Properties.
From there, in the General Tab, you should see something among the lines of "This file came from another computer" and has an unblock option. Click on unblock and press apply
Do this for every single .exe AND .dll files you see on the MabiProClient, and Restart your computer
3. Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistribute Files
Sometimes your Visual C++ Redistribute files might get corrupted, and you might want to consider reinstalling them.
press WINDOWSKEY+R, type
and run it.
Uninstall every "Microsoft Visual C++" except 2005.
then go to here and install all the Visual C++ 2008 and up. Then Restart your computer
4. Magic registery key fix
Press WINDOWSKEY+R and type in
and press ok.
on the notepad, copy and paste this text box:
Go to your desktop and attempt to run fix.reg. Press OK and Restart your computer
5. Close "other" versions of Mabinogi
This one's self explanatory, sometimes this error will happen due to "other" versions of the game being open. Close all Mabinogi clients you have open, and then try again.
Mabi.Pro client doesn't seem to boot, no error message!
This can occur either due to corrupted data or invalid settings. We highly encourage you to redownload the application but in the event where redownloading does not slove the problem you may want to consider using these two methods.
1. Run default.reg.
In the MabiPro Client, run default.reg. Press OK and restart your computer
2. Delete the Mabinogi Folder on Documents.
Head to your Documents, you'll see a Mabinogi folder, either Rename it or Delete it off.
Do note that if you do delete it all of your screenshots, recorded videos, hotkey settings will be gone as well
then Restart your computer
Constant Lock up on Cutscene Skipping, Closing out Ego Chat, Talking to NPC with a Portrait Image, Closing out Mailbox, or other game events in Windows 8.1+
Up to Windows 8.1+ and later versions there is a micro-threading exceptional handling bug where certain game events would cause lockups to the applications. What happens is MSVCR90.DLL::CxxThrowException gets called and from Windows 7 and below, the Thread gets handled and the game runs normally. However, in Windows 8.1 and up including Windows 10, Microsoft calls Windows Error Reporting because it thinks that the Exception is an error. Windows Error Reporting then moves on to dumping the entire game's RAM on %LOCALAPPDATA%\CrashDumps
The only way to prevent this from happening is to go to the MabiPro Client and run
Windows 10 Fix- RunAsAdmin.bat
After you have successfully run the .BAT file, run the registry next.
The concept is to disable Windows Error Reporting Service, by doing that Exceptions would not be consider errors and the game should run normally.
Additionally, Press WINDOWSKEY+S and Search for "Windows PowerShell", Right click on the Application and Select "Run as Administrator"
On the prompt, you need to type (without quotes) "Disable-WindowsErrorReporting"
Like so:
After that, restart your computer, and try launching the game again.
Q: Graphical or Sound Issues.
Not much could be said here. Mabinogi requires DirectX9 and DirectSound to be able to play the game. Should you have an issue on graphical errors or unable to hear anything consider upgrading or even downgrading your drivers. Look at application settings for graphics on control panels, selecting different audio channels, the list goes on. If I get any other ideas on what to do I'll add them here.
G1. Stuck at 2nd Quest
You're suppose to grab mana herbs and give it to the Tarlach in his Bear form to progress. Duncan explains this to you but due to Japanese Language this becomes confusing for the player.
G1. Stuck at Aeria Bookstore
Wait in Odd/Even days in real life. If you did the quest today then wait tomorrow in real time.
GetDate() %2 != 0
G1. Stuck at Goro's Ring
In this earlier version of G1, Goro doesn't give you a dungeon pass and you will have to find one on your own. This may not have been obvious, because although Goro does tell you this, it is not yet translated to English. To get the ring you must run Ciar Basic and defeat the boss alone. You can optionally use an unrestricted pass from Shyla to enter the dungeon.
Skill Latency Lockups.
Unfortunately, this is a small side effect in between the Server and the Client's Communications. This occurs due to Desynchronizing on a high stress level between both networks.
While we continue to seek improvements on latency. We recommend smoothing your combat gameplay style for now.
You may also want to look into tweaks. Sometimes having Network Fixes and tweaks can cause this issue as well. The most culprit that plays in this issue is MTU.
If this is the case please consider selecting a reasonable value of MTU for a smoother gameplay (512, 768, or 1024. The higher the better but no more than 1500)
Global Channel is gone after Lv100
Once you surpass Level 100, your global chat will disappear. This is a bug and is because Global chat is a renamed version of Beginner chat, which was intended to be used only by beginners by Nexon.
In case you want to enter back to the Global channel, Simply follow these simple steps.
1. Open Options from your Menu Screen
2. Go to Game -> Chat -> Global and Select "Join Global Channel"
3. Log out and Log back in
and you should be back into the Global Channel again.
The text on this game is really blurry on my computer
Go to Options, and Enable Anti-Aliasing, Your text should now be clear to visualize.
Some monsters become unresponsive or does not correctly execute skills.
This occurs due to high stress level in our server. We're looking into seeking improvements for a smoother combat gameplay.
Patcher is stuck at "Downloading"
This problem was fixed in Launcher 2.0 This sometimes happens if you try to patch the game while it's currently running - to fix this, close the game and then go into your MabiPro installation directory and delete the patch files, which should be a zip and a folder that are named like "oldversion_to_newversion".
Additionally, Client.exe might still be running or had a terminal failure in closing it's process. Logging off Windows or Restarting the computer should fix this problem.
After those files have been deleted, try to patch again without the game running.
Patcher says Failed to update: Patch files already exist!
This problem occurs when a previous patch has failed to install properly, or if the launcher does not have sufficient permissions to delete files in the installation directory.
What it means is that the raw files it was downloading and attempted to install still exist in the filesystem, so it can't redownload them until they are deleted.
The immediate way to fix this problem is to simply delete the said patch files.
For launcher versions 2.2 and later:
In your launcher, click the Settings button, and then the Clear Patch Artifacts button.
For launcher versions 2.1 and earlier:
The files that need to be deleted look like "214_to_215" (folder) and "214_to_215.zip". 214 and 215 are just example numbers, they could be anything like 228_to_229 or 230_to_231.
Find these in your installation directory and just delete them.
To prevent this from happening again, try running the launcher as Administrator, or try "Unblocking" it if it's blocked.
If it continues, you may have some obscure permission error that there is no definite solution for fixing, so you may just want to move everything to a new directory on your Desktop which typically has all permissions.
Patcher says Failed to update: Failed to verify signature!
Failed to verify signature means that the content downloaded did not match the actual expected checksum, which could mean several things:
1: The file has no read/write access so it isn't saving correctly.
You can try to install it somewhere else, maybe on your Desktop.
2: Your network is doing shenanigans and modifying the file.
Use a different network, simply said.
3: Our web server served an error message instead of the actual content, which happens under high load.
Just try again, our web server's not at high load at all times.
4: You have some kind of firewall or antivirus blocking the request.
Deactivate the firewall or antivirus.
As a last resort, you may try to use the launcher which disables signature verification (DISCLAIMER: We can't save you if your network gets intercepted and something really bad happens if you use this)
You can find it here..
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Update: The maintenance has been completed at 6:00AM
All servers are running normally.
Please make sure to update your client.
Thank you for your patience.
Dear Milletians,
Mabinogi Professional will have a Server Update Maintenance on
March 2nd 2017 3:30AM EST
March 2nd 2017 6:00AM EST
For the following reasons:
*WASD beta code was found! Players can now use WASD to move around if they want to.
*The Sabina gives away the Soluna Blade event starts on 3/2 and ends on 3/12
*A new item in dungeon or shadow mission gameplay is added called Red Envelope, which when opened gives you a randomized party quest hunting down monsters or completing a dungeon
*G2 Ideals NPC Names in English Fix
*More Quest Translations to the Server added
*Update on Shyla's Shop: Ego Potion (1~5) changed to (6~10)
Due to the nature of this huge update the maintenance may take longer then expected, however it is unlikely.
We apologize for any inconvenience
Here is a picture of a cat.
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Hey Everyone
Game Admin Operator Flipend0 here.
I have added an additional reward which can be randomly obtained in /any/ dungeon chest.
This additional reward is a "Red Envelope".
The 'Red Envelope' may contain party quests purchasable from NPC shops, or some of the quests have been custom made such as clearing Fiodh dungeon or killing 10 Shadow Lancers. There is a possibility that more quest types will be implemented in the future, specifically quests that involve Iria.
In order to open this letter you need to be inside a dungeon, and have at least 2 players in your party.
When you open the letter, you will receive a party quest added to your quest tabs.
In order to use the quest you must equip it from your party GUI.
If you have any suggestions about this. Please let us know here.
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UPDATE: The maintenance has been completed at 4:20AM.
All servers are running normally.
Please make sure to update your client.
Thank you for your patience.
Maintenance extension due to update issues, new expected maintenance end: 5:30AM EST UPDATE: The maintenance has been completed at 3:15AM, all servers are running normally.
Please make sure to update your client.
Thank you for your patience.
Dear Milletians,
Mabinogi Professional will have a Server Update Maintenance on March 4th 2017 2:30AM EST
March 4th 2017 5:30AM EST
For the following reasons:
*Rebalancing Quests
(For Party Quests, those with 10 monsters PQ has left unchanged, those with 30 has gotten a slight buff, but cost more in NPC shops roughly from 20~50 gold to 1200~2000. Clear Dungeon left unchanged. Skeleton, Red Skeleton, and Metal Skeleton gold rate has been reasonably nerfed in order to provide quality to the game. )
*The Red Envelope item can now be Destroyed.
*Minor Server Stability Improvements.
We apologize for any inconvenience
- MabiPro Staff