post rev. 1 by epsilon017 on 03-11-17, 09:32 pm
Posted at 03-11-17, 09:19 pm Link | #

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Okay, 150k/run is kinda broken, but now Rabbie seems pretty under-balanced with the latest update.

For starters, Skeleton fomor scrolls pay out 5,200 gold, while Kobolds (From Rabbie's sister dungeon, Math), pays out 4,100. If you do the math (The calculations, not the dungeon), Kobold scrolls are now significantly more valuable than Skeletons, and the reward is almost the same as Metal Skeletons. It's really a no brainer at this point; Kobolds are easier to kill, and you're sure to face a dozen or so through the first few rooms. Even Goblins are more viable prey at this point, since their scrolls are 3,100 gold/10, and they're just as common, and even easier to handle than Kobolds.

I don't think we should revert Rabbie back to what it was, but I have some things I'd like to suggest.

1) Let us turn in the scrolls in 10s again.
2) Halve the payout for Skeletons, Skeleton Wolves (Which were somehow exempt from the Rabbie rebalance), and *maybe* mimics.
3) I'd consider lowering the payout a bit for Red Skeletons as well, but maybe not so much for Metal Skeletons; they take more commitment to the run, and are significantly harder to kill. You know, make it so that Rabbie is only worth the run by following all the way through with it.


The mindset I have is; the player should have to choose between running Math to get their fomor scrolls/leather drops, or to COMMIT themself to a full Rabbie run for a better reward in terms of fomor scrolls.
Posted at 03-12-17, 09:32 pm Link | #

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I'm going to have to disagree on some points regarding magic.

1) No chain casting skill, please. As stated before, it would make wand upgrades/egos pointless, and quite frankly, I can only see it as a pretty broken skill in the hands of a magic warrior. Don't get me started on chain casting int magic either. As for alchemists, keep in mind that they're limited to their stock of crystals, and from my understanding, don't get any stat buffs unlike mages. This is also the era where alchemists need to MAKE certain crystals for things like golems, life drain, and so on...

2) This is a bit opinionated, but I must boldly state that we shouldn't remove mana evaporation either. Allowing bolts to be used as an easy hybrid skill is one thing, but for something as powerful as chain casting or int magic, I feel like a mage should then commit themself to their class; otherwise, I feel like being able to switch between a wand and any other weapon could open up the door to some broken strategies.

NOW, some points I DO agree on, and some ideas I'd like to pitch in concerning magic...

1) Meditation regen should be based on the live servers, right now it's pretty useless, and without it MP takes a while to recover without potions or a mana tunnel.

2) *Maybe* bring the inspiration skill in here as well, but it should still require a magic weapon to use (And again, mana evaporation imo should remain in this case), Then some pressure can be taken off wand users. And with mana evaporation in place, only wand users will be able to use this upkeep their mana shield.

Lastly, I will say that I have a neutral standing for mana shield's degenerating effect. I will also say that something definitely needs to be done about the magic shields, but I'll leave that up for others to discuss for now.
Posted at 03-13-17, 03:43 am Link | #

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I will bring up the topic of mana evaportation for giants being a big issue for something like peaca. Wights are fully immune to physical, our throwing attack has a nasty cool down. I'm sure you can imagine the results for a giant in peaca, so i'll leave it at that. My opinion, i really want to do away with evaporation regardless, but w/e happens, happens.

That's a problem if you're trying to solo; one could argue that Peaca is *meant* to be done as a party, with everyone focusing on their specialties. Aside from that however, there's still the issue I brought up over how removing mana evaporation could impact the overall balance of the game, in favor of magic users and hybrids. I don't think citing giants soloing Peaca alone bears enough justification for it's removal.
Posted at 03-13-17, 05:01 am Link | #

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And again, I was suggesting that we should modernize the regen for meditation, and implement inspiration; that I'm sure would address your concern regarding potions. As for wand repairs, is it not possible to just make them cheaper so you're not burning a hole in your wallet? Lastly, can you explain why freely switching out your wand is essential for balancing magic with the other classes?
Posted at 03-13-17, 05:11 am Link | #

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Just so you know, I used to main magic back on the live servers during the alchemy era. I collected all 3 intermediate spells, and had a wand for each spell and each chain casting style. Part of the game was figuring out which spell would be most effective for the scenario I was being put in, and I would plan accordingly. You've got some valid points regarding upkeep and AP, but I just don't think we should outright remove mana evaporation without considering any alternatives.
Posted at 03-13-17, 05:49 am Link | #

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Also consider the fact that any single int spell is pretty destructive on its own in the hands of a well-trained mage; with the damage, the AoE, and the fact that you can use them from a safe distance. Again, I fail to see how removing mana evaporation really gives the balance mages need, versus the ideas I've been trying to throw out there.

My point is, I think there should be something that benefits those who are commited to magic, without making them too overpowered. And I believe they could benefit more from having inspiration; at which point I would say mana evaporation should stay (Because then skills like mana shield would easily get abused). That, and boosting meditation/lowering repair costs.
Posted at 03-14-17, 07:28 pm Link | #

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Mana evaporation has GOT to go. It has no place in the game. It does not make sense thematically or balance-wise, based on whether the player is or is not a "Mage".

Except every other class (aside from Archery) can match current Magic DPS. Every other class including Archery can utilize other weapons with no resource penalty. Every other class can use all of their DPS-intensive skills with their primary equipment.

Mana is something that flows around, and through you. You channel mana from your body, though the wand, and into forming magic in front of your face. The wand is just a focus, it is not injecting needles into your hand and suckling out your Mana, or reverse-flowing the element into your body. Mana exits your body, enters the wand, and creates a spell. Mana not used is STILL IN YOUR BODY. Otherwise, when equipping a wand, your mana would be sucked into the wand and you would effectively have zero mana forever because the wand was constantly draining you until you put it down.

Epsilon, whatever tree you're barking up is the wrong one.

Just what "tree" am I "barking up"? My whole argument has been to implement skills such as Inspiration, to help alleviate the concerns people have expressed regarding MP consumption. And I only wanted to keep mana evaporation so that the skill doesn't get abused, and that I also still believe that a mage should generally only need one of their spells to do enough damage.

I'm not beyond persuasion, if you think that idea in its entirety isn't going to work, tell me why. But so far, I've only seen one person actually acknowledge my idea, everyone else is only calling out my statement on keeping mana evaporation; that isn't going to present a very convincing argument to me.
Posted at 03-14-17, 07:58 pm Link | #

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Any kind of balance that mana evaporation brings is negated by MP pots anyway. Why keep what is just an inconvenience?

Once again, only talking about mana evaporation, and NOTHING about inspiration.
Posted at 03-14-17, 08:54 pm Link | #

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I'm just going to quote what I initially stated.

I'm going to have to disagree on some points regarding magic.

1) No chain casting skill, please. As stated before, it would make wand upgrades/egos pointless, and quite frankly, I can only see it as a pretty broken skill in the hands of a magic warrior. Don't get me started on chain casting int magic either. As for alchemists, keep in mind that they're limited to their stock of crystals, and from my understanding, don't get any stat buffs unlike mages. This is also the era where alchemists need to MAKE certain crystals for things like golems, life drain, and so on...

2) This is a bit opinionated, but I must boldly state that we shouldn't remove mana evaporation either. Allowing bolts to be used as an easy hybrid skill is one thing, but for something as powerful as chain casting or int magic, I feel like a mage should then commit themself to their class; otherwise, I feel like being able to switch between a wand and any other weapon could open up the door to some broken strategies.

NOW, some points I DO agree on, and some ideas I'd like to pitch in concerning magic...

1) Meditation regen should be based on the live servers, right now it's pretty useless, and without it MP takes a while to recover without potions or a mana tunnel.

2) *Maybe* bring the inspiration skill in here as well, but it should still require a magic weapon to use (And again, mana evaporation imo should remain in this case), Then some pressure can be taken off wand users. And with mana evaporation in place, only wand users will be able to use this upkeep their mana shield.

Lastly, I will say that I have a neutral standing for mana shield's degenerating effect. I will also say that something definitely needs to be done about the magic shields, but I'll leave that up for others to discuss for now.
Posted at 03-18-17, 01:47 am Link | #

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I personally do not mind the durability system. I have to worry about my weapons, and I can't always use the best weapon I have, either because it needs to be repaired or I can't afford to use it on anything but the most challenging situations I'm capable of at the moment. I won't toss away a sub par weapon, because I can't always be at my best, and I both like and am okay with that.

Glacii makes some pretty good points about mages. How good is Blaze? I've never tried it.

However, I agree with Twin that "if this is an issue, I don't think Mabi is the game for you" might have been a bit too harsh. We all have different reasons for coming to this server. Maybe some of us longed for the "good ol' days", where talents didn't yet exist and power creep was still kept relatively in check, or when inflation wasn't so bad of a problem. Maybe some of us didn't like the pay-to-win mentality of the game. Maybe some of us liked the newer content that was added on live, but at the same time missed how the game used to feel for them and wanted to go back to the game's roots. Maybe it was for another reason entirely.

Mabinogi is an old game, and has changed a lot during its lifespan. Not all of us experienced the exact same game. While someone might feel a particular aspect of the game is part of the core Mabinogi experience, others might see it as an annoyance getting in the way of what they find to be part of the core Mabinogi experience. So please, understand that, and don't try to be so dismissive of everyone else's opinion. Let's instead try and have a discussion and see if that discussion can't lead to solutions, and make this game better.

Well said.
Posted at 03-18-17, 11:44 pm Link | #

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On that note, if it happens be prepared to see threads for '*** promised to repair my stuff, but stole it!!' Not saying that because i honestly care, but for some this is a major issue so i'm pointing out that it will happen.

There could be an "entrust" option, like what we have for Enchant.
Posted at 12-03-17, 12:09 am Link | #

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Currently the jousting preliminary is at 7pm EST (4pm PST). I was wondering if it would be possible to add an additional time for jousting preliminaries, since not everyone might be able to regularly join the prelims right when they happen at their specific time.
post rev. 1 by epsilon017 on 02-18-18, 06:24 am
Posted at 02-18-18, 03:48 am Link | #

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I just had a guild made, and have tried adding my alts into it. They were able to apply to the guild, but every time I try hitting the "accept" button on the leading character, nothing happens, and the alt is still in the list of applicants. I've waited a couple hours now, can anyone explain this?

EDIT: I've realized what the problem is; For some reason, it seems like it reads each applicant as a registered member, and therefore I could not recruit my alts since I tried applying them all to the guild at once, resulting in the page thinking my member count was maxed out.
Posted at 02-18-18, 04:10 pm Link | #

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Okay, I was able to max out the member count; looks like it's working now.
Posted at 04-04-18, 07:48 pm Link | #

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Regarding Brionac skill training; it should be noted that you're required to have trained at least 30% of the skill requirement yourself, and you can only use this feature once every 12 real life hours. That being said, I'm all for allowing red coins as an option to repair the brionac, and I'm currently impartial to removing skill training.

If anything, I'd say training with the brionac should cost AP in the moment it's being used.
Posted at 02-24-19, 08:15 pm Link | #

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After giving the Lorna's Endless Melee event a spin, there's some thoughts that have come to my mind after the fact, and thus I have things I'd like to suggest for the next time an event like this is hosted.

1) Class assignment. I'm not sure why it was decided to base classes on the creation dates of the characters (Instead of you know, everyone choosing their classes aat the start like in the Lorraine's Nightmare event), but needless to say I don't believe this was the best approach. My current assumption is that the team felt having a class window pop up at the start of the event would be intrusive, since the mobs do not take their time to spawn. If selecting a class via menu isn't an option for whatever reason however, an alternative could be to assign classes based on the order everyone joins the party? This is how the missing warrior RPs from g1 decide whether a member is Mari or Ruairi, so I can't see why this method wouldn't work.

2) Star distribution. Another problem I have with this event is that coins are individually awarded to each member based on the stars they individually have. Then there's the fact that stars aren't even awarded based on contribution, but by who lands the last hit. It's been brought to my attention that this has to do with the fact that the event is an RP, and thus the members are not actually grouped into a party and therefore do not split their stars. If it is possible, perhaps a better alternative would be to base it on the number of waves the party clears, and then each member can be equally rewarded at the end.

3) Grinding for rewards. Now, don't get me wrong, I like the idea of having a special currency that you spend on event rewards, but the way this event handles it makes the whole thing seem like a chore. Basically, from my experience, I've been lucky to come out with merely 3 coins, which I'm estimating took more no longer than 5 minutes before my party got blown up (I was playing melee, fyi). For now, I'll just say that it takes 5 minutes to build up 3 coins. Now, consider the price of the outfits; A lot of the good rewards are going to run you about 120-240 coins. Divide that by 3 coins per run, and you'll need to do 40-80 runs, which at my estimated rate would take roughly 3.5 - 7 HOURS of grinding this event just for one outfit.

Now, I understand and accept the notion that the team maybe doesn't want the player buying up the entire shop; at least, not in a short span of time. That's where my 3rd suggestion comes in; make it so the player needs a PASS to enter the event. It could be a pass that's given within certain intervals (Like a daily or an hourly pass), or it could be like the M-A-B-I-P-R-O event where you had to collect "parts" (letters) of a pass, and bring them together to enter the event. This would put a limiting factor on how many times the event can be run, and thus each run could actually be more rewarding. These events should be fun, not frustrating.

That's just my opinion, anyway.
Posted at 02-24-19, 08:17 pm Link | #

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Probably should've posted this under "suggestions". Whoops. XD

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