Posts: 35
Joined: 03-09-17
Last post: 2588 days
Last view: 425 days
Good...Magic is for people that aren't stupid and know how to learn a class.
Mana Evaporation exists to seperate the wheat from the chaffe. If you don't know how to manage it (and it's super easy by the way), Mage is not for you, try Alchemy, the Magic for the Magically Disabled.
If mana evaporation negatively impacts you, then it's doing as it was designed and preventing you from easily hybridizing and encouraging you to upgrade your wands to make them more efficient.
A Pure Mage doesn't need them as you, by design, will always be hovering around 0 mana except when you pot up to cast a int magic. Chain-casting, your bread and butter, is most efficient when you have less than 10 MP because any mana above what it takes for a single charge is wasted (10 of course being the smallest mana pot available, which due to meditation still being too garbage to keep you floating in CC range even at cap, so basically have no choice but to use them).
Mana Evap stones pretty much only exist for Party Healing and Blaze. That's it. Maybe some mana shield related stuff though I can't think of any off the top of my head since mana shield tends to work against wanting to spend your mana pool.
Any other type of mage hybrid is either opening with Int magic and will probably spend most of their mana pool charging anyway or is using chain-casting wands which as before are more efficient at zero mana.
And if you don't fall into either of those camps, doesn't even need to trigger mana evaporation as magic bolts don't require wands to cast (unlike alchemy with Cylinders) and the bonus for using a wand is actually pretty minor, a little bit of increased range, an tiny speck of damage tacked on the end, if all you're using it for is the 2ndry effects of it's bolts you don't even need a wand, like IB/LB for knocking an enemy out of an attack or stunning them briefly so you can set up another attack or Firebolt for when you need to run Fire-counter or to open with a 5 charge FB to soften them up.
mana evaporation is simply there to put a little bit more thought into what you're doing and why.