Posted at 03-13-17, 10:41 pm Link | #

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yeah IMO, I'd like that to be removed from the starter skills and an NPC to remove it from you if you already have it. There's no reason an int magic should be available from the start anyway.

It adds more CP at rF then all the rest of your skill combined at rF.
Posted at 03-17-17, 12:27 pm Link | #

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See about adding the Spirit Liqueur of Blessing to the premium shop or just allow Spirit Weapons to be blessed with Holy Water/Nao.

The potion itself is probably overkill, as it restores 50% of durability AND blesses the item (and would be something ridiculous like 250,000 if you maintained the relative NX value compared to the 6-10 potions), though I suppose if you reduced the % down to 20-25% you could probably just replace the spirit repair potion with them. Since at the lower end on a fresh Ego, it would give the about the same restoration as a 6-10 option, but would scale as the spirit weapon's dura increased.

Or remove the durability restoration and just price it around 5k or so.
Posted at 03-20-17, 04:54 am Link | #

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You're aware that there are consumables that prevent mana evaporation right??? up to 300 points (come in groups of 100, 200, or 300 mana saved) just for keeping a stack or two in your inventory for those times you need to quickly switch weapons. It's not something you do constantly. The 100 and 200 stones aren't even that hard to make.

The fact magic is ranged is an extremely powerful asset the higher you go and multi-aggro becomes common which rapidly becomes a hinderance to melee. Both ranged styles have disadvantages to curb their power, magic's mana issues and ranged's hit %.

The most I'd offer to magic is buffing meditation to it's current retail values (at cap it would give roughly 1 MP per 2 seconds or 1.5 MP/sec at night) which would be enough to keep you floating in mana with chain-casting or early on when spells are cheaper without having to use potions except for emergencies, allowing you to build a stockpile.

I'm not against add some beginner wands. Just don't allow them to be ego'd or enchanted, and leave them as is with regard to upgrades.

Or at most slightly buff base wands by having a little + magic attack added to their reduced mana consumption upgrades and removing the increased mana consumption for CC upgrades. So you could use a CC Beginner wand but it would less overall mana efficient and deal slightly less damage (around +6%) than using a more expensive but slightly more efficient and powerful base wand.

Now that said, I wouldn't care about adding mana 30's (or at least mana 10's) to the healer houses, just so everyone is square on low grade purchasable consumables.
Posted at 03-21-17, 08:09 pm Link | #

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I kept wondering why the dozen or so hunting quests humans were supposed to get (similar to the ones Giants and Elves get, which are working properly) and it turns out that this particular patch broke them when they added the first chapter of G13 as a requirement for later hunting quests to fire for humans. they fixed it the very next patch, but it's currently in it's broken state on here.

Currently only the dungeon boss hunting quests work for humans.
post rev. 1 by ZanathKariashi on 03-23-17, 09:34 am
Posted at 03-23-17, 09:28 am Link | #

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Actually there is, it's explicitly mentioned in the meditation skill itself and also why mana evaporation exists.

Linking your mana pool through the wand allows you to gather mana more efficiently and wield more powerful magics, which is why you can run while using meditation, since it requires less focus. However this puts additional strain on the item, and results in quicker durability loss.

That's also why switching weapons when using a wand loses all or some of your mana unless Protection Stones are present or the wand has been specially upgraded to reduce the evaporation to avoid the backlash of disconnecting your mana pool from the wand.

Staves lack this quality as they're top end advanced magical items and come pre-built in with 100% evaporation protection, but also have their own downsides, since they also lack any innate element and have to be charged with power before their full abilities can be used (and are incapable of being used with Blaze), where as wands are always ready to rock within their element.

Mana evap protection crystals generally protect 3-4x the amount of mana the potion would restore, and aren't consumed unless you can actually use them. You're actually gaining value by turning it into a protection stone for those times when you HAVE to switch weapons quickly.

You RARELY switch magic frequently enough to need to use them and they're more of an emergency thing where you need to switch NOW instead of waiting till you're out of mana and about to pot-up anyway. Especially given that CC lets you cheat on mana since you only need about ~10 ish mana to full cast anything and get the other charges for free if your almost out of mana. (10 mana pots are actually the most efficient when it comes to using chain-casting as you don't waste mana).
Posted at 03-24-17, 01:04 pm Link | #

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give how strong they are, it'd probably make more sense to put them as a drop from difficult content. Sword of Elsinore is the closest thing we currently have to them and it's fairly difficult to acquire due to the rarity of the pattern for the gloves, the high skill requirement to make it, the materials required to make it and the low % production even if you do get the pattern it could potentially take up to 2 of them if you get unlucky on production.

Commercing at least makes it somewhat difficult due to random availability as well as amasing a lot ducats either requires a ridiculous amount of low threat grinding, or being strong enough to handle the spawns you get for valuable runs.

given how easy it is to amass a huge amount of red coins, it's hard to say what a fair price would be to keep them from completely overwhelming all other options. Especially in the current version of the game where there isn't much to compete with them.
Posted at 03-24-17, 01:43 pm Link | #

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could do the 30 minute ones for 100 red coins. You'd get a slight discount vs buying that many outright, but if you only need a couple potions worth or don't wanna waste the full duration, you could buy the smaller ones for cheaper.
post rev. 2 by ZanathKariashi on 03-26-17, 01:08 am
Posted at 03-26-17, 01:03 am Link | #

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Up to the devs really...the whole reason LB disappears is due to the effect that barely anyone uses, that multiple people having LB charged nearby will add all their charges together without consuming them (except the person who actually casts the spell) , which can allow plain ol' LB to hit upwards of I think like 20 targets (or 1 guy spamming 1 charge LB able to pop off 6+ charge LBs for almost no mana), and can be spammed under chain-casting. The 15 sec limit forces the "batterys" to recast their stacks periodically so that it isn't completely free bonus damage.

you could even have 1 high level mage and several melee with rF LB guys add charges, and it would cast at the full value for the high level mage when he cast.
Posted at 03-26-17, 01:19 am Link | #

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I'd rather just see the base ability rebalanced if there's a weakness that needs a buff for any reason.

Reforges are just a result of how Nexon "fixes" it's problems. Making the player shell out real cash and jump through a bunch of hoops to make an ability not shit.

They did the same thing when they introduced production failure potions. And tendering pots. It took them FOUR YEARS after those were added to rebalance skills they added them to "fix" because they could nickle and dime players for a solution. And only "fixed" them because people weren't buying as often and Reforges had become their new cash cow.
post rev. 2 by ZanathKariashi on 03-26-17, 06:19 pm
Posted at 03-26-17, 06:14 pm Link | #

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In one of the custom drops posts someone suggesting adding a drop for most animals called undamaged hides, though suggested it be used as a turn in for a hunting style quest.

IMO it would be more useful as tacking it on to the weaving skill and allowing players to create leather out of dropped hide items with a similar mechanic to how silk cloth and fabrics are created. With say 5-10 Hides per attempt, with the result scaling based on weaving skill.

Initially making a lot of cheap and common leather but by rank 1 you start producing leather along the lines of:

0% Cheap, 35% Common, 45% Fine, 20% Finest. (or if you based it on fabric's success rates, it'd be like 10%, 40%, 30%, 20%)

The lack of a skinning skill has always bugged me in mabinogi (especially given how flimsy their justification is. It's too barbaric...but killing dozens and dozens of animals for a rare-ish drop of leather or murdering and stealing it from other sentient beings is totally fine and cruelty free).
Posted at 03-27-17, 01:48 pm Link | #

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gems stacking probably wouldn't work as they're different sizes and the sizes matter.

It would be fine for stuff like small red gems etc, that don't have sizes, though.
Posted at 03-30-17, 01:42 am Link | #

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96%+ proficiency is supposed to be 100% repair for spirit weapons on this patch. (and 100% prof has ALWAYS been 100% success since spirit weapons came out).

Live boosted it all the way down to 60% for 100% repair though you get substantially less dura restored that way.
Posted at 04-02-17, 09:15 pm Link | #

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Have to wait 1 in-game day after using the keyword and then go back and spam it on her after noon until the keyword disappears and THEN you wait.
Posted at 04-15-17, 02:43 am Link | #

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Here's the deal with chain Casting....bigger potions are a WASTE. You only need enough mana for 1 charge to fully charge a chain-cast. Any mana above that is wasted because you COULD be getting 5 charges for the price of 1 if you simply used 10's. And drank one between shots.

10's are actually the most efficient for CC bolt Spam since you only spend the mana for 1 charge but get 5.

That lets you save your big ones for when you need to prep and chunk a Fireball or Thunder.

And since you're staying at essentially no mana, even Mana evaporation can be ignored.
post rev. 4 by ZanathKariashi on 04-18-17, 09:44 pm
Posted at 04-18-17, 08:50 pm Link | #

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Good...Magic is for people that aren't stupid and know how to learn a class.

Mana Evaporation exists to seperate the wheat from the chaffe. If you don't know how to manage it (and it's super easy by the way), Mage is not for you, try Alchemy, the Magic for the Magically Disabled.

If mana evaporation negatively impacts you, then it's doing as it was designed and preventing you from easily hybridizing and encouraging you to upgrade your wands to make them more efficient.

A Pure Mage doesn't need them as you, by design, will always be hovering around 0 mana except when you pot up to cast a int magic. Chain-casting, your bread and butter, is most efficient when you have less than 10 MP because any mana above what it takes for a single charge is wasted (10 of course being the smallest mana pot available, which due to meditation still being too garbage to keep you floating in CC range even at cap, so basically have no choice but to use them).

Mana Evap stones pretty much only exist for Party Healing and Blaze. That's it. Maybe some mana shield related stuff though I can't think of any off the top of my head since mana shield tends to work against wanting to spend your mana pool.

Any other type of mage hybrid is either opening with Int magic and will probably spend most of their mana pool charging anyway or is using chain-casting wands which as before are more efficient at zero mana.

And if you don't fall into either of those camps, doesn't even need to trigger mana evaporation as magic bolts don't require wands to cast (unlike alchemy with Cylinders) and the bonus for using a wand is actually pretty minor, a little bit of increased range, an tiny speck of damage tacked on the end, if all you're using it for is the 2ndry effects of it's bolts you don't even need a wand, like IB/LB for knocking an enemy out of an attack or stunning them briefly so you can set up another attack or Firebolt for when you need to run Fire-counter or to open with a 5 charge FB to soften them up.

mana evaporation is simply there to put a little bit more thought into what you're doing and why.
Posted at 04-30-17, 09:23 am Link | #

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Chain-casting isn't a glitch though. The wand sucks in a huge amount of mana, either from the user or the environment when triggered and fully charges for however much the wand is crafted to do, though the user needs a small amount of mana to start the reaction. Of course it's also very unstable and tends to drain more mana than required as well.

Chain-casting wands are an attempt by the Druids to replicate Math's technique of drawing mana directly from the environment to fuel his spells with only a tiny bit of up front mana required, but without the requirements of being part-fomor and REALLY skilled.

This allowed them to field larger armies of less skilled druids with the firepower of more skilled druids, which was a pretty big deal during the 2nd war as by then most of the talented mages had died out or sided with the Fomors.

You could theoretically learn to do it, but humans aren't really built for interacting with Erg in that manner.

Mores was able to learn a basic version to let him chain cast basic spells without a focus, because he's a descendant of Math, who was Half-Fomor himself, and was a naturally talented prodigy on top of having the little bit of fomor blood.
Posted at 10-18-17, 04:30 am Link | #

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I wouldn't mind perfects.

Part of my biggest issue is feeling like I'm not progressing when I can't work on skills periodically, so I tend to play most often while I'm able to get ap..but after that it kind of petters off and i lose interest until the next rebirth.

As well as being stuck in essentially the same build for months is kind of meh.

It's nice to be able to change it up every once in awhile.

Even on official, all of my mains are permanent-beginners, and even though it's very slow to build AP, the fact that i can switch it up and re-do my build whenever keeps that aspect of it engaging and from getting stagnate.

If the rest of the experience and the server performance wasn't complete garbage, I'd probably play official more often just due to that.
Posted at 10-18-17, 09:09 am Link | #

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I'd much rather it be mass producible even if it means a lower rate of gem and useless material generation.

It's so annoying i don't even bother with on live despite having it's simply TOO tedious that just farming cash and buying the materials you need is 100x more efficient of your time.

Making the skill worthless.
post rev. 1 by ZanathKariashi on 10-18-17, 09:11 am
Posted at 10-18-17, 09:11 am Link | #

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yeah, that was one of the best changes on live, finally bumping up the ore stacks.
Posted at 12-22-17, 08:20 am Link | #

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IMO I'd just redesign it entirely to deliver stuff to a specific NPC instead of a player.

it's always been one of the most maligned PTJs because it generally wastes your time due to no fault of your own.

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