post rev. 1 by Bluntly on 08-11-18, 06:44 am
Posted at 08-11-18, 06:39 am Link | #

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That's my name and I'm here to game.

I loved Mabinogi until G9 made everything terrible, but by that point I was already addicted, so I kept around even as the game got worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse until Saga II, which is when I decided this game should finally die.

post rev. 1 by Bluntly on 08-31-18, 08:48 am
Posted at 08-31-18, 03:02 am Link | #

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This is a good event!!!!
Posted at 08-31-18, 09:01 am Link | #

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Let's make everybody black while we're at it
Posted at 09-17-18, 11:47 am Link | #

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Also same.
Posted at 10-12-18, 07:54 pm Link | #

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Charging up Flame Burst and then pointing your swords at an enemy and burnerizing them!!!!!

I would say that Giants aren't massively better than humans at melee currently, though the point still stands that some tweaks could easily make them stronger despite Battle Sword artisan meta. And. You know. Giants can't do ranged.

The fact that Giants have the Ilanga Mace is certainly a thing, though. And it sorta speaks to a problem where hybrid weapons are made randomly and don't really benefit anybody aside from (hoo boy) the dev who made them, usually. Like, the devs are making the custom content, but at one point or another it'd be cool to get something that had a broad appeal.
post rev. 5 by Bluntly on 11-04-18, 07:36 am
Posted at 11-04-18, 06:22 am Link | #

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Bad question, but is it possible to uncap Fragmentation? The skills listed in production.xml doesn't include Fragmentation, so is it not possible?

Edit: Found dissolution.xml and edited it to be 999 in all MaxAutoProduction instances, and that works. Not sure if that's possible to implement easily into the patch, along with Crystal Making production uncap (assuming that isn't already implemented)
post rev. 16 by Bluntly on 11-04-18, 09:02 am
Posted at 11-04-18, 08:12 am Link | #

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The one(s) in charge of balance if anyone, I'd urge them to take suggestions from players, perhaps veteran players.

This is already being done, but you don't hear about it because that would invoke unwanted leaks/negative attention to players who help in balance.

I'm glad the team is listening to most veteran players and not just people you're personally friends with and/or yourselves.


Anyway though, I greatly appreciate this post, Yin. It's something that's been touted for ages, so I don't really see a huge discussion coming from it (I'm not that endgame at all, haven't done raids, etc, so I don't have much to say), but hey, I like what you've written here a lot. It's nice and neatly constructed and has many good points that, apparently, nobody who runs the game cares about.

So that's lame. But you're not lame. This argument to try and change up the way new content/mechanical changes are made is certainly a good one, but as it stands, the only people who agree with that sentiment are the people that the devs say "You're wrong and I don't care" to.

Simple ways of making melee more viable and enjoyable, like decreasing the cooldown on AS (something that can be done by the way) or giving Smash a buff outside of Giant (oh no the horror, who would want humans, the ""STRONGEST"" race to be even MORE powerful) or like, I dunno, not making all of the custom content being anti-melee as fuck (because there's nothing balanced about enemies being immune to knockdowns and thus being immune to assault slash and there's nothing fun about enemies spamming ranged attacks and having ADV heavy stander and making melee wholly unviably outside of WM spam which isn't fun), would greatly improve the fun aspect of playing melee and its viability.

Is this game all about grinding? I mean, yeah. It's a KMMORPG. Does that mean that the content you do to grind has to be boring as hell and feel unrewarding? Does that mean that the endgame content has to be difficult to the point of unfairness and honestly have no clear balance to it? Does that mean that anything is fine as long as you, the person creating new content, personally don't have to suffer through the stuff you've made? I mean, maybe if you don't play the game and don't actually care about things other than what you're personally concerned with, that'd be fine. Y'know, if you just made stuff you liked and put it out, or if you just made crap that you personally like and used it and shared it with your buds and had a great time of it while 99% of the playerbase is just scratching their heads going "Why??? Why would you add this content??? Who is this targeted towards??????????"

Anyway though, yeah.

Buff AS, stop making it impossible in custom content. And melee having juicy Smash numbers outside of Giant would be cool. And stop making everything require WM spam if you're melee even though apparently WM is """overpowered""" because apparently balancing is really difficult and nobody thinks these things through too much. And stop putting ADV heavy stander on so much stuff like it's a good balance decision. It's not. It's artificial difficulty and discourages melee entirely, and it's just not fun to fight against at all. But I guess games aren't supposed to be fun or balanced or have cohesion in terms of what its content is trying to test in a player.

Now if only I were good at this game.
post rev. 4 by Bluntly on 11-04-18, 10:16 am
Posted at 11-04-18, 10:02 am Link | #

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I don't quite know where that "GMs don't want to consult negative players" bit's coming from, considering I'm the only person who's being negative here and my advice really doesn't matter I guess, but. I assume you're talking about long-time veterans who're like that? I mean, I personally don't know who you're referring to, but I know some veterans who don't try to cause a fuss or garner negativity but get ignored, so that's neat.

I dunno! Regardless, new content certainly seems unfair and unfun, and rewards range from "impossible to get but useful" to "super easy to get, but who cares about healing/charge enhancement really", so it's like, ???? At least, that's my perspective, but as the person who's not endgame and is being slightly aggressive, guess that doesn't mean much, huh.

If only people with well-bodied responses and less aggression said the same thing but in a nicer way. Or like, if only people who make those well-bodied response and had cool temperaments were taken into consideration instead of just being brushed aside because nobody in charge thinks that melee/ranged on human is in a disadvantaged spot and needs help.
Posted at 11-05-18, 01:40 am Link | #

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Bad question, but is it possible to uncap Fragmentation? The skills listed in production.xml doesn't include Fragmentation, so is it not possible?

Edit: Found dissolution.xml and edited it to be 999 in all MaxAutoProduction instances, and that works. Not sure if that's possible to implement easily into the patch, along with Crystal Making production uncap (assuming that isn't already implemented)

See for crystal uncap.

Yaaa. I'm referring to the fact that Fragmentation isn't listed in production.xml, but it has its own xml called "dissolution.xml" from the same folder that you can edit to uncap that. Not nearly as useful, but!!!!
post rev. 2 by Bluntly on 12-13-18, 05:43 am
Posted at 12-13-18, 05:42 am Link | #

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I can't believe Ihzi cheated and poured gold into his slate to make it really powerful???
Like geeze, Ihzi, how could you. I trusted you and now you've gone and EXPLOITED LIKE THIS.

No wonder nobody wants to communicate that there was a bug, that nobody should've be using them, and that all of the slates were going to be/were deleted. >*(

Well I hope you think it was worth it, buster, because now you gotta buy a new one once they're all fixed, because you can bet no cheater's gonna get away with being a cheater!!!
post rev. 4 by Bluntly on 12-13-18, 08:39 pm
Posted at 12-13-18, 08:27 pm Link | #

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LOL why is this 60% toxic?

Because somebody was treated like a fucking asshole who doesn't deserve any respect after saying that this situation with slates is ridiculous. And that's pretty unfair, don't you think?

I mean obviously there's a lot more nuance to it, like somebody reading his post and feeling personally offended that he would complain about and issue not being addressed by moderators whatsoever, thus resulting in them messaging Ihzi, thus leaving Ihzi feeling like he's being harassed for speaking his opinion, and thus shutting out the harassment because he believed it wouldn't resolve anything if he listened to it, thus getting him banned from a certain facet of speech, followed by somebody outwardly criticizing the fact that he did that and stating that he's just such a fucking awful person for not wanting to listen to somebody tell him that he's super wrong about a situation and that he should've just not complained and let the big kids handle it, and thus Ihzi was put up on a cross as a fucking asshole who went against a moderator's judgement.

I mean you know it's great that moderators are here and all but it would also be nice if they actually had any capacity to moderate as a group instead of working independently and causing issues by attempting to moderate situations without a cool head or without any knowledge on the situation at hand.

Also sorry, I never passed third grade English.

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