Posted at 03-22-17, 06:03 pm Link | #

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Some of the things ive noticed from doing magic so far that i feel like that do need changes.
1: MP pots in healer store, this will help so dam much with being a mage for early on and in normal use
2:remove mana evap, this it self was something in ever really saw that was good to begin with

i also think that having meteor and lightning rod after awhile would be useful at a later time
Posted at 03-22-17, 10:13 pm Link | #

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The case of mana evap, its ether you use up all your mp and switch off your wand or you dont care at that point, the use of it generally doesn't really do much for ether side and found more of a inconvenience for people who dont use magic all that often.
as for devaluing pot making, the healer store has MP 30s would be the max, but actually getting MP100s even in global server has still bin in high demand anyways, it just helps with begining of the game were you cant even use MP 100s without wasting it.
and for meteor and lightning rod, its going to take a long time to even get the others skills even ranked up, to even consider having those skills even in, im just saying after awhile it would be nice
Posted at 03-22-17, 10:35 pm Link | #

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My thing with mp 30s is that at the present moment, MP30 is like a high percentage of someone's mana pool. They would be more useful immediately than paying as much for the 50s and 100s. In live, the MP100s are high demand because most mages have over 1k mana easily, and run through it just as well.
My stance on evap is still against it for elemental/combat wands, but having it removed from healing wands. Magic is pretty strong as it stands, and the evap kinda is the method of balancing it.
the only reason it would be balanced is chain cast wands, and even then thats still not really that great for balance. lets take arrow revolver which to some degree is similar to CC ice wand, 4-3 second load at 5-8 stamina, and cant switch off without issue, balancing for switching off a weapon isnt really bin a issue to begin with which is why mana evap is just so weird, with magic mastery its possible to hit 300 MP easly, well in the use to use 100s within a good range, like i said its more just to help with the begining range of magic, because i know that the 100s are going to be useful for anyone going mage
post rev. 2 by jofdeath on 03-22-17, 11:39 pm
Posted at 03-22-17, 11:35 pm Link | #

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Alot of what cyrene says is rather good, in the case of evap is staying those upgrade paths would be good to reduce evap, but i still dont see it, ive mained magic so long that even when it was the main thing, the only reason i would switch off the magic is because i ran out of MP making it counter intuitive to "balance", and this was something that even without mana evap i still did.
oh and in the case of mana evap crystals, those require mp 30, 50, and 100s effectivly making them be really MP pot instansive just to save a small bit of MP

Load time is 1 second and 16 stamina for r1 ar, not 4-3, you also will lose your charges if you decide to cancel the skill, so I'm not sure what you mean. ( I'm assuming that you meant "can" instead of "cant", but if not, I guess you can sort of ignore this?)

Ice CC isn't really used all that much as far as I'm aware, icebolt is best reserved for fusions and CC ice doesn't allow you to do that(unless your friend has a ccfire wand or something). The main CC choice will always be firebolt, which is actually strong, does a decent amount of damage. I can't imagine a mage carrying a wand for cc ice because wm/mana shield exist which seem like far better options for dealing with crowd control. so I'm not sure why you brought it up. Unless you're doing cc fusions with a friend, but I'm not sure many people are utilizing that right now.
I've talked about switching earlier as well in this post outlining skills like blaze and mana shield being quite strong if you're able to switch wands. It kind of makes the existence of that magic staff kind of pointless as well since switching in menus is pretty easy with a bit of practice and the staff is what allows you to use all advanced magics without carrying different wands.

I'll save the rest of this poorly written shit for my own thread, but as always, I'm willing to debate anything I've said, so please feel free to respond to me directly.
Ice CC has crowed control use, its definintly not used but ya its a thing, and CC fusion sadly isnt a thing last i checked
Posted at 03-24-17, 03:50 pm Link | #

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Im not to sure on how much well this could be done, but things like crashshot frag count and damage that are in reforges used as normal upgrade paths giving more then just damage/crit based upgrading variousions that would make different weapons use different uses.
charge distance, skill based damage, skill aoe increases(WM and crash shot are 2 good examples of this), ice spear freeze time(i would like this one)
cooldown reductions for things like FH and such wouldnt be a good upgrade for the most part.
alot of these reforge upgrades were always good to have with the stupid exception that it was behind a pay wall that was purly RNG, actually making outright upgrades for the ones that were used a lot more and giving up upgrade slots like max damage upgrades to make one skill better seams like a trade off you would have to make to do something better
Posted at 03-25-17, 12:14 pm Link | #

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awww Lets not even consider anything close to the B.S crap that reforges were.
yes half of the reforges were BS, but how im suggesting is its a trade off with another upgrade like max damage to give something else better, ya know something that provides balance to some degree, and nothing like elemental reforges that were just straight damage up for basicly no downside

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