Party Board Mods (rev. 4 by LazyFae on 09-30-20, 07:27 pm)
Posted at 07-01-18, 06:43 pm Link | #1
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Top part of post is info/download, guide follows. I worked on this mod back on live, for making a carpentry party. Figured i'd carry it over to pro since it had potential.
Last upload was on 9/30, to remove the txt file. I didn't realize editing it is simply detrimental, only the xml is required.

Rar format, with xml and txt inside. Just extract to your mabi pro directory.
I edited the Accrued Level Limit option as well as rewording it to Total Level Limit. Added Carpentry Restriction, shows up in the list right under Total Level Limit. Total Level Limit now includes the levels;

For those wanting to edit in your own unique values or skills, here's your guide. Spoiler contains the key code block. Main file you'll want to edit: data/db/partyboardcategory.xml, snippet in the spoiler. While not strictly required, you should edit a second file as well, included in my mod: data/local/xml/partyboardcategory.japan.txt. Editing the japan.txt will not show any changes in game, and may actually interfere with the text display. You will still reference the file however.And finally, you will not edit but will look at data/db/skill/skillinfo.xml.

That's your basic formatting. What you'll need to know for adding, editing, or even removing. Skill ranks are auto-filled, rF-r1, and I don't know a way to change those. Open data/db/partyboardcategory.xml. To simplify the process, the spoiler contents can be placed anywhere within the <Data> * </Data> region. The only exception is, do not place it within another <Type> * </Type> region, make new lines before or after these rules, as desired. If you ignore these instructions, you either not see your mod or mess up your party board rules, worst case scenario is you may manage to crash yourself.

Where you place your rules, does indeed determine where in the list, in game, it will show up. So you can move or add entries to suit you.

The Type name="_LT[entry]" is what the client will return to you as you make changes. Again, it is what you will see for selecting a restricted skill. What you will change, is what's in the quotes. There are two ways to change it. The most user friendly, is going to be deleting everything between the quotes. Not just the brackets, delete everything within the quotes. Then just put whatever name you wish to see. The second method, will involve you cross referencing another file, specifically data/local/xml/partyboardcategory.japan.txt. You should recognize the file name, partyboardcategory, as it is also in the quotes of the code. While I do not know specifically what LT stands for, it isn't part of your name but basically telling your code there, to go fetch another file, which is what the text inside the brackets are. The number within the quotes, is the line designation within the file it's looking at, which in this instance will be the Fishing skill. So in short, it looks at another file, finds the text Fishing, and then it tells your game that Fishing is what you should see. There is a reason for doing this, that I touch on but won't greatly detail as it will derail. I strongly recommend just replacing the whole quote section there, and placing your own name rather than editing that number. That covers the name you will see for selecting party restrictions, but again that is only the name.

You can make the name whatever you want, changing Fishing to say Smash. That will not change the function in the game, despite you seeing it be a Smash restriction, it will technically still be Fishing restriction once the party is on the party board, and other people will still see it as Fishing and not Smash. Instead, you have to edit the second number in the spoiler above. In this instance, 10023. Again, we will have to reference another file to know what we're looking at: data/db/skill/skillinfo.xml. The number is a Skill ID, and is actually labeled as just that within your file. Ctrl+F and search for 10023, do not add a comma. Keep searching, until you end up at SkillID="10023". You will know you're in the right spot, because right after it you will literally see SkillEngName="Fishing". So, skill 10023 is Fishing. Now, keep that logic in mind, you can search for any skill you wish. Remember, you're looking through skillinfo.xml. When you know the number for the skill you want, you go back to the partyboardcategory.xml and add or edit it in. Another example, if you want healing then, if you follow my advice, it should look like <Type name="Healing" value="30006">. That would just be the first line, again look at the spoiler and remember there are more lines. You do not need to change the other lines, but you still need to add them.

So, files to know: data/db/partyboardcategory.xml, data/db/skill/skillinfo.xml, and data/local/xml/partyboardcategory.japan.txt. File you should be editing: data/db/partyboardcategory.xml.
You can edit the .txt as well, but I would recommend keeping those edits to a minimum since most of your work can be done in one file. Reason to edit the txt would be because of a Typo, like Meditation is actually spelled as Mediation in the file, or because you dislike some of the context used. Players commonly refer to it as "Total Levels" where the txt file will call it "Accrued Level Limit." I changed both of these in my mod fyi, which is why that file is also included. As stated in previous edit, you do not actually want to edit the txt file, use it as a reference but keep edits strictly to the xml.

When you try to edit the data/local/xml/partyboardcategory.japan.txt, you need to be aware of a simple and frustrating fact. You can not add lines, only edit. If you're making the mod yourself, I'm sure you've realized that since one file references a line from another file, why not just add a line? While yes, technically the txt will indeed save the new line, the .xml file will not read that line. When you get in game, it will simply give you the file designator in place of the line. Ie if you use [xml.partyboardcategory.346], then when in game and try to set a restriction, it will show you instead xml.partyboardcategory.346 instead of the name. This will also not affect functionality, the only thing you edited here was the name, and not the skill ID, the two are separate values and both require their unique changes. So, while you will see the gibberish code, once it hits the party board the server sees the skill id requirement and uses that. The name is only important to the user of the mod, no one else will see it. The skill ID, is important to the server, and everyone on it.

And yes, due to how we have capped skills, it is entirely possible to set an impossible restriction. Meditate at r1 for example, as a restriction, will mean it's impossible for anyone to join.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
post rev. 1 by LazyFae on 09-22-20, 08:25 pm
Posted at 07-01-18, 06:48 pm Link | #2
Still a casual gamer

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The following is an old post. Shows my limited knowledge before rewriting the OP.

If you want to edit the party level restrictions, look for this line
<Type name="_LT[xml.partyboardcategory.6]" value="1">

The default partyboard xml will contain values under it, corresponding to 0, 200, 400, and 600. You can edit these freely. You can add more options if you want, by adding more lines. Similar principle to skills, you need to make sure they have a unique, unused identifier number, and then rather than a skill id you just add the level restriction. Here's an example of me setting a restriction of 1000.
<Purpose name="_LT[xml.partyboardcategory.501]" value="1000" />

And as always, it shows wrong in party board settings, but players joining your party will see it properly.

Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 09-22-20, 08:26 pm Link | #3
Still a casual gamer

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This guide has been rewritten, using the old one as a base. The mod works basically how you'd want it to, within the Mabi system anyway. And hopefully the whole guide and details are more accurate and informative.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079

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