Field Bosses Confermation (rev. 1 by InsertMemeHere on 07-07-18, 05:15 am)
Posted at 07-07-18, 05:14 am Link | #1

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Joined: 07-07-18
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I've spend the last 9 hour staring at the screen waiting for field bosses, and I've even been grinding for command scrolls. I am trying to do the sketches for my elf and I know they have to be here, but I have't found a single one. Is there maybe a glitch or something? Maybe they aren't showing up on the top of the screen. I just need some confirmation so i know I'm not crazy.

I also realized i typoed confirmation
Posted at 07-07-18, 05:46 am Link | #2

Posts: 3
Joined: 08-04-17
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I've been doing it for the last few days for my giant and haven't had a single boss spawn either. I started... I think three days ago as of this post? Four maybe?


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