Mabi Pro Differences (rev. 2 by LazyFae on 07-12-18, 03:35 am)
Posted at 06-23-18, 08:14 pm Link | #1
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I am currently hosting off-site, for the purpose that i will be able to allow others to make edits and maintain the guide when i'm not around.

I'm in the MabiPro discord, nick as Lazyfae. Can post here or contact me there if you want added to the list of people able to edit, whether to clean it up, formatting, add/edit stuff, or whatever reason. I would encourage discussion about things covering the document to be held in this thread or via discord.

I have the draft saved locally, and while i did start the project, i hold no illusions about keeping it maintained long term. Which is partially why i'm including discord as a contact means. If i stop maintaining it in the future, and the guide proves useful, it would be nice for others to have the ability to edit it. Currently i'm the only one able to adjust permissions on who can edit it as well.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 07-01-18, 10:01 pm Link | #2

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I can see this being really useful in the right hands
Posted at 07-03-18, 07:29 am Link | #3
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After talking to someone relatively new, i believed i should try to expand the guide a bit better. So several updates included. There is an 'recent edit' section on bottom of the guide, so you can have a rough idea of where to look if you want to know about the updates. While i have been the one to edit the guide, it is not a solo effort, big thanks to the following for helping me along. And yes, [] is a player name from the discord.

Tozino, Spellblade, []
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 07-03-18, 11:53 am Link | #4
Drahan GM

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A minor correction:
`A) At this moment we are on G13, Apocrypha 2. Apocrypha is custom content.`

Apocrypha 1, Season 2.
post rev. 2 by LazyFae on 07-07-18, 09:59 am
Posted at 07-07-18, 09:50 am Link | #5
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A minor correction:
`A) At this moment we are on G13, Apocrypha 2. Apocrypha is custom content.`

Apocrypha 1, Season 2.

Didn't post sooner so i could avoid a double-posting when i made a significant change. I did however, make the appropriate edit as soon as i saw the quoted post, sorry for taking so long to say as much.

Wanted to take the chance to do a shameless bump of the thread. The formatting has been improved some, and much more effort has gone into the guide, thanks to heavy contributions from [] and Fruttielicious. They are both credited in the guide as well, with no clear reasons as to why though.

I would encourage further requests and contributions from others to be made. I am still looking for others who are willing to take the initiative and be added as someone who could edit the guide.

Link to the guide:
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 07-07-18, 11:32 pm Link | #6
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Apologies, but bumping again to try to bring more attention to this. Major updates over the past 24 hours, spent several hours on it this evening as well very early morning. More content, and hopefully a bit better formatting and organization, while trimming redundancy. Included various recipes as well.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 07-16-18, 02:42 am Link | #7
Still a casual gamer

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Obviously more content has made its way into the guide. More credits are included as well. There are currently 2 links in the guide as well, for more details on skill changes and on production success rates. I believe the former is done, while the latter is a Work In Progress. (WIP)

I've been trying to keep the majority of my changes noted at the bottom of the pages, for the differences guide. I'd recommend going to View and turning on Document Outline when viewing the guide. I do have everything organized as best as i can at the moment, and you can click the names in the outline, to jump to your topic, rather than trying to search specific things or scroll through it all.

Big thanks for all those who have been helping and answering questions. While i've been doing all the typing for the guide, there's so much info, both in game and behind the scenes, that i would not have learned without help. I'm generally fairly reserved at expressing appreciation and it can sometimes give a bad impression, but rest assured i do greatly appreciate the help i've received.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079

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