Minor shyla additions/changes
Posted at 06-05-18, 06:16 pm Link | #1

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I feel like even if we ever got skill reset capsules they wouldn't fit right anywhere except at shyla for a red coin price. By adding the ability for shyla to reset your skills the way Duncan etc can at the cost of red coins there wouldn't even need to be the item. I was thinking somewhere around 250-500 red coins to make it really feel like a decision on the player. It could also be lower coin costs but only derank single skills.

Some other changes i've been rolling around on include the ability to purchase bank slots from shyla. Limited inventories are one of the biggest incentives for players to use alternate accounts. By being able to buy a bank slot from shyla you eliminate that entire need. Each bank slot would act like a character bank slot and could even add to the gold limit. This forces players to walk to their banks rather than piling on inventory bags.

My last suggestion to dump here is earnable premium service items to remove that functionality from alts. Lets say a player is logged in for a few hours of gameplay, maybe that could refresh your premium service reward the same way we earn back naos. No more having to log into your alts because you want more chances at dyes or skill reset capsules (untradeable or transferable anyway)
Posted at 06-06-18, 11:26 pm Link | #2

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I second the 250-500 red coins for perfect reset :^)
Posted at 08-02-18, 03:14 pm Link | #3

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I agree with this, though I don't think you should be able to purchase a perfect reset.

I would approve of Shyla selling the same reset capsules you get from VIP for coins (maybe 25?) or gold (25k-50k?). In my opinion, being able to constantly reset skills would be a bit abusable. Characters who have the funds to do it still could, but due to the costs and single resets it could dissuade people a bit more.
Posted at 08-04-18, 12:57 pm Link | #4

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Buyable reset capsules
Posted at 08-07-18, 06:03 am Link | #5

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Complete resets would also free up how people play a large chunk of the 'early game grind'. You won't have to kill yourself for x CP heavy req skill in the early days or SUFFER for it later. A huge portion of early game for anyone coming from mabi to mabipro, is training CP heavy skills while staying under total 100, even if it takes weeks of off and on play. Even if they can't stand it. For anyone actually new to the game, everyone yells out "Do your WM first!" and then listens to the new player either take that advice and hate the game after a few hours or burn out, or ignore that advice and hate it later.

Yeah, -CP gear is a thing, but that can only help so much once your CP starts going higher. This doesn't replace -cp gear either, just opens up the way for people to repick how they want to play, or not have to care as much about the 'grind' early game and actually enjoy the game.
Posted at 08-07-18, 07:44 am Link | #6
Still a casual gamer

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Complete resets would also free up how people play a large chunk of the 'early game grind'. You won't have to kill yourself for x CP heavy req skill in the early days or SUFFER for it later. A huge portion of early game for anyone coming from mabi to mabipro, is training CP heavy skills while staying under total 100, even if it takes weeks of off and on play. Even if they can't stand it. For anyone actually new to the game, everyone yells out "Do your WM first!" and then listens to the new player either take that advice and hate the game after a few hours or burn out, or ignore that advice and hate it later.

Yeah, -CP gear is a thing, but that can only help so much once your CP starts going higher. This doesn't replace -cp gear either, just opens up the way for people to repick how they want to play, or not have to care as much about the 'grind' early game and actually enjoy the game.

As someone who played smart from the get go, i got a few things to say.
I did wm, refine, metallurgy, and unlocked trans all before 100. I did most of the quests for demi, but don't think i unlocked it till just after 100. Now, all of this, was done before any custom content was added to the game i believe. We have 2x training which makes things easier at least.

At this point, i know refine's been tweaked some, to require less fails but more successes and we've gained new missions, including tribal missions, as well as dungeons. Take advantage of these. The hobgoblins in the tribal missions have absurdly high cp. They're great for training. Blood In The Water mobs also have moderately high cp.

I still advise wm, refine, and metallurgy asap. Other skills are cp dependent, which can greatly slow your training progress, but at least with the custom content that's been added, you have more opportunities. I do support adding the ability to get resets, but at the same time, a player without dedication and determination isn't going to last long in mabi. Mabi's all about the grind, whether it be for items, for xp, or for skill training. Skill training gets tedious and dull, yes, but it's also a good representation of what you have to look forward to in the game. You'll go to plenty of different areas and see plenty of different mobs, i'm sure, but in the end, the general flow of the game is going to be roughly the same, regardless of what you do when. The main difference will be the pace you set by what you train and when.
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