Excelsian's trade list (rev. 29 by Excelsian on 01-11-18, 07:37 pm)
Posted at 12-27-17, 12:56 pm Link | #1

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For some reason I am not allowed to edit this post anymore with a huge list, so see the next post
post rev. 42 by Excelsian on 10-10-18, 12:22 pm
Posted at 01-11-18, 07:36 pm Link | #2

Posts: 221
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Stuff I want to buy, or have items to trade for

Enchants (Even if I'm offering cash, I also take trades for stuff I have)
Pain 1m
Grounded 150k
Crafty 120k
Green scar 100k
Steel needle

Snow spider web 120k mail
Finest fabric 20k each
Forest golems 35k stack
Sulfur golems 70k stack
Snow golems offer or trade
Magic golems offer or trade
Snow spider web 100k mail
Iridescent herbs

Ideal or 10%+ wavesweepers
mob drop Highlander longbow
Spell focus jewel
Pirate captain suits 400k
Vivid shoes manuals 400k
floral fairy shoe manual 400k

Any flashy dyes with blue, black, white, yellow or green colours
Ancient powders 300k
Red coins 4k each
Exploration journal page 3


Stuff I have to trade for any of the aforementioned items (or if you think you have something I want). If there is a price behind it, you can also just buy it for that price. Or feel free to do an offer, although I generally won't give cash prices myself.

Anything on my housing


Lich Dragon blade
Lich Dustin silver knight sword
Deadly Dragon blade
CrocodileLeminia holy moon sword
Wave Water cylinder
Broad axes
Trinity staff
Karis wizard suit 2 protection

Floral fairy outfit (F) and (M)
Witch-in-training suit female
Lily's romantic winter dress (F)
Fledgling Assassin outfit
Plaid babydoll negligee
Eluned detective outfit
Eiren chain slasher outfit (F)
Turban shell boots (both F and M)
Turban shell outfit (both F and M)
Anti-fomor uniform (M/F)
Romeo clothes
Hamlet caped costume
Eluned Alchemist suit
Emerald celtic classic ensemble (F)
Adonis wear (F)
Rubber goggles
Berched wear (sigged)
Premium summer newbie ensemble (elf/human/giant)
Sailor uniform (F)
Juliet dress
Lileas suit
DIY conquerer costume
Emerald celtic female/male
Idol plaid female/male
All vocaloid outfits (Hatsune miku/Rin/Len/Kaito)
Karis wizard shoes
Gilgamesh wear
Muffler robe

Spark burns
Tireless burns
Explode burns

Lots of herbs, all kinds
Lots of red/blue upgrade stones
Lots of various colours of dyes/flashies (open link to see flashies)
post rev. 1 by Excelsian on 06-19-18, 03:20 pm
Posted at 06-19-18, 03:20 pm Link | #3

Posts: 221
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New stuff up for trade from Uzume's wardrobe, only the outfits in the pictures besides the witch-in-training suit
From left to right: Fledgling Assassin Outfit (F), Plaid Babydoll Negligee, Lily's Romantic Winter Dress (F) [its actually a robe] Witch-in-training Suit (F) with Rurutie wig and Bat boots

Our floral fairy outfits (the none cross-dress versions) are also up for trade if anyone has trades to offer. Floral fairy outfit (F) and Floral fairy outfit (M)
Posted at 08-11-18, 02:44 am Link | #5

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How do I connect to trade with you?
Posted at 08-11-18, 08:25 am Link | #6

Posts: 221
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Just add me IG or PM me in discord, I can be found in the mabipro discord under the same name

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