Should exploration be uncapped?
24 (77.42%)
7 (22.58%)
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Exploration Uncap
Posted at 08-21-18, 11:07 pm Link | #1

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Hi everyone! I was recently speaking to quite a few people about this and it seemed quite positive, so I thought I would make a poll!
With the new custom content that has been released (ALL of A1), players have been able to hit the level 25 Exploration Cap quite easily now.

Increasing the level cap would promote more of a reason to continue running the new custom dungeons/raids, and with A1S1 and A1S2 its becoming a trend so far that we are going to focus more on exploration with the new gen!
For those who are new to the server, it would even create more of an incentive to run more of the new content to attempt to hit the cap (and we also all love AP lets be real here), and even if you're just an artifact hunter you can still get quite a few of these from the new content too!

This would also bring up the conversation of having new cap quests (which I was told is quite hard/obnoxious to do), but possibly their is another way to work around this? Im excited to see what people have to say/think about this!
Posted at 08-21-18, 11:11 pm Link | #2

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Why wouldnt you want this the fuck???? Whats the negative of this ? if you dont wanna do it, dont do it.

Its just more options. its more like do the GMs wanna do it.

Cap quests is onto the people having to write the shit into the game. Could care less if there is cap quests or not. 20 minutes for another 5 levels infinitely isn't upsetting to me. Altho I'm lazy and wouldn't complain about none
Posted at 08-22-18, 01:57 am Link | #3

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I actually didn't know exploration was capped at 25 here. I think with A1 dropping, it'd be smart to raise the cap even without a quest to go along with it. Somehow I hit 21 as a lowly noob this rebirth.
Posted at 08-22-18, 02:47 am Link | #4

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"Easily"? It was easier and faster before A2. Now, I don't even hit cap.
Posted at 08-23-18, 05:20 am Link | #5
Drahan GM

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"Easily"? It was easier and faster before A2. Now, I don't even hit cap.
Previous methods to earn exploration XP have not been nerfed, so this is likely due to what you are actually doing.

Why wouldnt you want this the fuck???? Whats the negative of this ? if you dont wanna do it, dont do it.

Its just more options. its more like do the GMs wanna do it.

Cap quests is onto the people having to write the shit into the game. Could care less if there is cap quests or not. 20 minutes for another 5 levels infinitely isn't upsetting to me. Altho I'm lazy and wouldn't complain about none
What about HP boost from XP level?
There is more to consider than just leveling up.
Posted at 08-23-18, 02:47 pm Link | #6

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I agree with the idea but the reception is not constructive. This however is the kind of enhancement I would love to see without having to add too much. Despite it being a nasty, nasty piece of thing to be capped at 25
post rev. 1 by Excelsian on 08-25-18, 09:40 pm
Posted at 08-25-18, 09:40 pm Link | #7

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I agree with a increase of the cap would be a good addition. Although what Drahan mentions is a valid concern, considering how the curve increases up to 25 (and would keep increasing after 25) I don't think people will be going further than something like level 30. 5 levels wouldn't give a significant enough stat boost to be problematic i'd say.

I mainly think it's just a nice addition for people who play a lot of the custom content and reach their explo lvl cap, so that it doesn't feel like you are wasting xp since you hit cap. People who really care about ap/stats/leveling etc. would most likely not wanna go much further than explo 25 anyways and probably just go a bit further perhaps, since at that point it is most likely easier/more time efficient to get normal levels elsewhere (unless they are already like level 120+) than getting exploration levels.
post rev. 1 by Jean on 08-30-18, 12:34 am
Posted at 08-30-18, 12:34 am Link | #8

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I would need to see numbers on this to make a proper judgment, but releasing content that trivializes leveling just so you can then uncap the level because it's been trivialized strikes me as really poor design decisions.

If the problem is that people are finding themselves with too much exploration exp, then another solution might be to take that overabundance and nerf it. I don't recall this being much of an issue prior to the custom content. In fact, I think the complaints were quite the opposite that there needed to be more sources of exploration exp.

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