How do we get more players?
Posted at 09-23-18, 11:35 am Link | #1

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Server seems really empty compared to the old days. How do we fix this?
Posted at 09-23-18, 06:10 pm Link | #2

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Existing ones could be a lot more welcoming and less aggressive.
post rev. 3 by auburn on 09-23-18, 08:01 pm
Posted at 09-23-18, 07:58 pm Link | #3

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i encourage you to check out my thread on gm overmoderation, as i feel it is relevant to the issue of low server population. (obviously, it's not the only issue but the reason i and my guild, as well as several other guilds have emptied out. maybe some people consider us "bad people," but i strongly disagree and believe we as a group, ie. all the people spurned by hair-trigger moderation, brought a lot of life to the server.)

apparently, a tos change is coming soon, but overmoderation has ran off a lot of potential users over the server's lifespan that wouldn't have left otherwise. i'm not rallying for toxicity, but gms shouldn't be involved in interpersonal drama and that's the gist of that thread. it's already a small game, it doesn't need to be made even smaller by further removing some people others deem "problematic." just use your blacklist! all the different kinds of people - good and bad - are what made mabinogi what it used to be!

Posted at 09-24-18, 01:22 am Link | #4

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Having to spend about 20 weeks to reach hard level content and constant node crashes turn a lot of people away.
Posted at 09-24-18, 05:19 pm Link | #5

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I'd have to agree with KurodoDragon.
Also gachapon (and raid boss, and siren search...) all have systems designed under the expectation of a server having 1k+ players. Those could really, really use some pruning or else it'll feel like a colossal waste of time to most players.
Posted at 09-24-18, 07:22 pm Link | #6

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I haven't really seen any of the current player base acting aggressively personally, though if you're looking to attract more player then being more welcoming would probably help. Just doing anything that would make the new player feel like they're progressing and not just trying to catch up to everyone that's a vastly higher level then them.

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