How do I cope as a giant? (rev. 1 by 4124 on 01-10-19, 11:06 pm)
Posted at 01-10-19, 10:59 pm Link | #1

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The minimum damage is atrocious on my warhammer and iron mace. I was told that giants were the best melee class, and I'm starting to doubt that. They feel garbage TBQH compared to a human. Are they a meme race or is there a way to get past the fact that I can do 100 damage, then suddenly do 6 damage. The extra damage on my blunt weapons max does not compensate doing below 10 damage. Feels like a joke

Edit: I started noticing the low damage when I went against enemies with higher defense. At first I thought giants were fine until I went against real content.
Posted at 01-11-19, 02:12 am Link | #2

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GIants are superior melee, work on getting more balance. It takes time.
Posted at 01-11-19, 01:01 pm Link | #3

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Giants are probably DevCat's "joke" race, being the "melee" counterpart to the elves' archery. But of course, unlike elves whose archery truly is superior to that of humans... giants don't have any better melee than humans. One of the prime reasons for that is how dual swords are much better than dual maces.

But giants, I feel, are much easier to get into than humans. Windmill is much easier to train, Stomp and Taunt give crazy amounts of STR which makes things way easier, and they have 1 more viable weaponset than humans, 2H + Shield, which gives them more variety.

Right now want to focus on getting high balance, as Cheeball said. You'll eventually want to get an Iron Mace and turn it into an Ego, as it's arguably one of the strongest Ego weapons in the game period.

I am definitely not biased btw 👀
IGN: Juuichi
Posted at 01-11-19, 02:22 pm Link | #4

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Blunt weapons have terrible Min damage, so getting your dex up to get your balance up will help, but you should always remember how low it is. Find ways to mitigate that in the form of min dmg or str+ enchants.
Grab the high STR+ giant skills as soon as you can as well. You'll hit hard a lot of the time, like, very hard, but you'll also hit low a bit of the time as a trade off. Keep that in mind and always have a back up plan for when you hit low.

Also decide if you want to be a Smash spam giant or not, and build around that.
Posted at 01-11-19, 04:20 pm Link | #5

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Giants are probably DevCat's "joke" race, being the "melee" counterpart to the elves' archery. But of course, unlike elves whose archery truly is superior to that of humans... giants don't have any better melee than humans. One of the prime reasons for that is how dual swords are much better than dual maces.

But giants, I feel, are much easier to get into than humans. Windmill is much easier to train, Stomp and Taunt give crazy amounts of STR which makes things way easier, and they have 1 more viable weaponset than humans, 2H + Shield, which gives them more variety.

Right now want to focus on getting high balance, as Cheeball said. You'll eventually want to get an Iron Mace and turn it into an Ego, as it's arguably one of the strongest Ego weapons in the game period.

I am definitely not biased btw 👀
I have never used an ego before in playing mabinogi. How much of a hassle are they to raise? I heard they cost a lot of hours and money to take care of and are high maintenance. Is that true? I am wondering if that effort is worth the effort so I avoided an ego. Also, I decided to switch weapons to high min damage weapons. Isn't it better that I do this for now TILL I reach end-game and can afford balance enchants and an EGO?

I think that might make more sense, because taking high-max weapons in early game when I don't have the equipment to compensate for it, makes dungeon raids take forever against stronger enemies. I switched to knuckles and other weapons with better min damage and I am not suffering as much anymore.
Posted at 01-12-19, 02:18 am Link | #6

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I have never used an ego before in playing mabinogi. How much of a hassle are they to raise? I heard they cost a lot of hours and money to take care of and are high maintenance. Is that true? I am wondering if that effort is worth the effort so I avoided an ego. Also, I decided to switch weapons to high min damage weapons. Isn't it better that I do this for now TILL I reach end-game and can afford balance enchants and an EGO?

I think that might make more sense, because taking high-max weapons in early game when I don't have the equipment to compensate for it, makes dungeon raids take forever against stronger enemies. I switched to knuckles and other weapons with better min damage and I am not suffering as much anymore.

After a point, you won't need balance enchants to reach 80% balance on weapons. The better blunts for giants are around 30% balance anyway (I think) and don't require too much dex to hit 80% from there. Refine should do a large chunk of it (9%) with 17% more coming from CM rank 1 (dex included). That leaves you around 56%. That's 24% balance from 80 which is 96 dex. Weaving, while hell, can get you another 43dex, and metalurgy (you'll most likely rank this for refine anyway) another 11, and prod mastery for your stamina will get you another 17. That's only 25 more dex you need to hit the cap and that can come from other skills and leveling with ease.

That said, it might be better for you to focus on your combat a bit and use better min dmg weapons.

As for an ego, I don't really know on pro. Someone would have to tell you if the new gem powders are any good or not, at speeding up the process a bit. Other than that, I'd say Ego's are slow and boring to raise. They also can't be blessed and lose dura a bit fast (Unless that was changed bless wise, don't know). Only a few weapons are even worth egoing, but they do pack a huge punch!
post rev. 1 by Rinrin on 01-12-19, 07:15 am
Posted at 01-12-19, 07:15 am Link | #7

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IMO, giant melee is a joke compared to humans', especially with the latter's infinite DK @ endgame. Yea, the minimum damage on battle swords helps too.

If you really want to beat humans in something, take advantage of giants' buffed Smash.
post rev. 1 by Excelsian on 01-13-19, 11:27 am
Posted at 01-13-19, 11:17 am Link | #8

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Endgame giants will win from humans in windmill damage with dual wield since their ego is retarded when it comes to max damage (but they can't smash well with dual wield since you can't crit well with dual wield), and even before the smash buff, they had highest smash damage if they switched weapons to HLC + shield, since they can wear a 2h weapon with shield, and having both enchanted with dmg enchants (combined with the 2h smash damage bonus, the buffed giant smash bonus they not have, and a 10 point smash set you should try to get in the endgame) will make giant smash beat humans by far. An upside for humans is that they can both smash + WM with one weapon set, their dual wield since it sports good damage and crit.

Only if you compare giants with humans who infinite DK I'd say you can call humans stronger in terms of melee, but even then, although they definitely will beat their WM damage, i'm not sure if they'd be able to beat a giant his smash damage. But, to use infinite DK, you have to pay your royalties for your privileges to the local healer house, about 56k per hour if I recall correctly just to counteract your draining HP + sacrifice your inventory to be filled with pots.
Posted at 01-14-19, 02:59 am Link | #9

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Only if you compare giants with humans who infinite DK I'd say you can call humans stronger in terms of melee, but even then, although they definitely will beat their WM damage, i'm not sure if they'd be able to beat a giant his smash damage. But, to use infinite DK, you have to pay your royalties for your privileges to the local healer house, about 56k per hour if I recall correctly just to counteract your draining HP + sacrifice your inventory to be filled with pots.

Or do what most people do. SCC ADV or HM for "free pots". Depending on your luck, you'll normally make a profit in HP and SP pots even with WM.
Posted at 01-15-19, 05:08 pm Link | #10

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The minimum damage is atrocious on my warhammer and iron mace. I was told that giants were the best melee class, and I'm starting to doubt that. They feel garbage TBQH compared to a human. Are they a meme race or is there a way to get past the fact that I can do 100 damage, then suddenly do 6 damage. The extra damage on my blunt weapons max does not compensate doing below 10 damage. Feels like a joke

Edit: I started noticing the low damage when I went against enemies with higher defense. At first I thought giants were fine until I went against real content.

Always bow down going in and out of rooms not to bump your head.
regarding mounts, don't jump on them, or they won't let your ride next time, * Mount runs franticly away when you summon.
Posted at 01-19-19, 06:52 pm Link | #11

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It's a shortsword. Not a toothpick
post rev. 5 by 4124 on 01-20-19, 06:16 am
Posted at 01-20-19, 06:09 am Link | #12

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After playing giant some more, I am not concerned too much about their melee anymore. Main thing I find straight up awful though is taunt & windguard. Those skills are straight trash and have absurd AP costs. Wind Guard has almost 2.5x the ap cost of windmill and is useless. Throwing attack and stomp are total dumpster if it wasn't for the fact they give nice str.

All their unique skills are useless in practice. They sacrificed bows for meme skills. Cut Wind Guards AP cost to 1/4th and maybe I'd consider it, even then that's questionable. Maybe Giants wouldn't be a laughing stock if their unique skills were actually useful. Instead of buffing their melee, they should make these skills do something.
Posted at 01-22-19, 10:15 pm Link | #13

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Excel's reply is a good one and pretty much explains why giants are superior to humans in terms of endgame melee. Another factor to consider is giant's per level stat growth. Also, the viability of giants is somewhat contingent on future content. Currently there aren't that many occasions when giants' relative crit deficit is actually meaningful. In custom content released thus far that is even moreso the case. If mobs with low prot continue to be released it will further put giants ahead of humans. Elite SMs, AAHM, and Peaca int are the only situations where giants may circumstancially struggle to crit smash while dual wielding at the present time.
Posted at 01-23-19, 01:35 am Link | #14

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I don't see any issue with the AP costs, it has to go somewhere.

Throw attack and stomp are both great skills, when you find ways to use them properly in combat.

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