G2 Ideals Help
Posted at 01-16-19, 07:19 am Link | #1

Posts: 6
Joined: 06-17-18
Last post: 1573 days
Last view: 57 min.
Hello y'all, Im in the middle of the g2 questline and just got to the annoying ideal types quest. Right now I need 1 type in Tir, 2 for Dunbarton, and 2 in Emain Macha. If you know that youre a fit for a type, please add me (IGN: Ryanlupe) and I'll try to get it done in the next few days.

But to make things easier, if you don't know what exactly would be an ideal type, the following would be helpful...
A) MALE: Are 10-12 years old with the bear slayer at 10 title
B) FEMALE: 40+ Years with the Old title (most likey to be an alt character you havnt rebirthed yet)
C)FEMALE: Light Brown or Red Hair, 17-25, with healing and mediation F, and any bolt magic at r9 or above
D)Any of the Emain Macha ideals. Theyre sort of a handful

I can provide the clothes for these above ideals at least. Again, I would be so thankful if you could help out. I don't have much now, but hopefully I can pay you back in the future.


Posted at 01-16-19, 02:58 pm Link | #2

Posts: 10
Joined: 03-10-18
Last post: 1846 days
Last view: 725 days
I'm a dumbarton ideal. Add me and I'll be on later tonight

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