Just to ask, taming
Posted at 03-29-18, 01:08 am Link | #1

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Taming has a problem..
Unlike any other skill, there is no REAL leveling above another creature.
CP 36 is as hard as CP 1000 to tame.
You can be level 9 And white spiders, you STILL have to hit till they are about 10% before you can tame them.. try hitting a white spider with a 800+ CP..it go Squish..
Im able to tame Bears, and Succubus..and dont get any acknowledgment to WHAT I should be able to Just TAME..
Dont care if its f-a 9-1 based (really dont see it on Monsters or Creatures) of CP..

Any other ideas for this OR should I just Quit..
Posted at 03-30-18, 03:03 pm Link | #2

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I'm not sure what you're trying to tell? You're not supposed to tame monsters very easily consistently. That would be completly broken.
Posted at 03-31-18, 02:16 am Link | #3

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Since you say you cant figure it out...
MAKE all the creatures EQUAL to tame..

This skill gains nothing, as tailoring, metals, Anything else does..
it takes the same effort to tame the Same creature at lvl f as it does in the higher levels..

I eill set a Party, and set Anyone can kill...And learn to tame any creature.. as theyt will require the SAME amounts of taming as all the rest. I just have to STOP from killing them at 10% hit points..
Then when my CP gets over 600 its always the same..

Taming has a Kinda restriction..the higher the CP the harder it gets.. because the Lower creatures DIE QUICKLY.. before you can lower their HP to 10% They are DEAD..trying to do LOW damage SUCKS.. and 1 of the specials is taming 99 creatures.

If yo have not seen how the ability goes up..1.04 1.08 1.12.. 1.52.. Even with bonus _5 from a cain and _3-4 with certain baits(if you can find them) it really isnt easier..
There is 1 modifier(its strange) from Dark knight..COntrol of Darkness, works as Passive to raise this ability.
Posted at 03-31-18, 12:30 pm Link | #4

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Making all mobs equally tamable would be severely broken, are you using the best taming bait/cane am I asking? And a Higher rank in Taming allows for easier taming of higher CP monsters.

The skill completly ignores your own cp value compared to a monsters one (unlike Controll of Darkness wich relies on your own HIGH CP).

The only REAL reason to rank taming is to tame the Giant Aligator fieldboss to prevent it from running away, g8 questline and bomb steeds at the arch lich.

Or Taming the boss of a dungeon/SM to not have to fight it.
Posted at 04-13-18, 04:13 pm Link | #5

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It's surprisingly useful in some missions - it's just woefully unreliable.

Main problem as it stands is we have both capped (R6) *and* pre-revamp Animal Taming, which addressed the issue by adding taming specific animal types on top of certain CP levels. (Wolves, Gnolls, Golems...)

You could try to request that it be added into the eventual skill overhaul (Refining, etc.) but unfortunately it's just not a popular skill.
Posted at 03-02-19, 11:24 pm Link | #6

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It would just be nice to have it based on CP...
the higher the CP the easier to tame ...
Say Equal 100cp to 100cp.
Or 2x..200cp to 100cp..
Some way to make it abit better..
Even at Equal, its a 10%
At 2x, it would be...?? 20-30%
3x...would be 50-60%...

Its either that or just taming will kill an animal, just to sedate it so you can TAME it...
Animals are fun and fair, but Im starting in on the monsters..

Not sure about Wiki...
But Taming has a cap of 5k cp...with a few exclusions..
but it fun to read, as there is no Base %...or chance listed..
Success rate is really strange with no base number... 1.04 1.08 1.12 1.16 upto 1.66...

there is a bonus from control darkness, but not that much I think..
Posted at 03-03-19, 10:15 pm Link | #7

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Lets see...

a person with 600cp(just a random number).. And the creature has ?? cp..

Creature... 100cp (1/6) 80%
......................200cp (2/6) 70%
......................300cp (3/6) 60%
......................400cp (4/6) 30%
......................500cp (5/6) 10%
...................... 600cp (1/1) 0%
...................... 700cp (+1/6) -10%
...................... 800cp (+2/6) -30%
And monsters can have a "minus" to taming, just adjust the numbers abit for intelligence..

The above success rate..(no base number... 1.04 1.08 1.12 1.16 upto 1.66...)
That is a %...but I dont think its working... forget the 1.00...its a 4% increase 8%, 12% upto 66%..
but what is the base Number? based on int?wisdom? what is the base..
Its either adjust the % increase or change the base number...If it was CP, there would Probably not be a problem..Cp/(mon)CP and add the %??...and if its reversed, it would really suck..

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