bamboo weapon / chicken breeding guide (rev. 9 by monkeybee11 on 04-20-19, 08:44 pm)
Posted at 04-08-19, 08:43 pm Link | #1

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(ill dd pic later KEEP IN MIND! this is monkeys way he unlocked thing some things mite not be true and some things monkey is uncerten off AND im really bad with npc names)

1.bamboo village
ok to start things off with u need to be accepted by the village to see what they have hidden away from the public

there are 3 steps to get accepted for bamboo weapons

step 1. go both the shrine maden and the chicken lady PTJ 20 times EACH <IMPORTANT!!!!!! u dont need to have a 100% compleat rate

(note mines only over 20 on each bc im having fun doing them

step2 after u go to talk to the shrinemaden for your 21st PTJ she will say something along the lines of "u have been very helpfull latly im sure lady banklady has been taken notice be sure to help out chicken lady as well"
(unsure if the chicken lady says the same)
[dont have a pic ofthe text if some 1 coud suply for iver shrine maden or chicken lady plz)

step3. talk to lady banklady and she will give u a quest to defeat the youki boss monster that spawns at the far end of the bamboo forest at night time
and return to her with the spirit crystal after u have done this and compleat the quest u will be accepted by the village YAY WOOOT PARTY TIME!!!!!

next part (important if your frendship level with the weaponsmith drops the buttion to make bamboo weapons will vanish so ya its basically screct shop)

now u got to befrend the weapon smith only what do u give him as a gift? well theres a lucky mr outcast behine lady bankladys house talk to him and he will tell u what most of the villagers like to have as gifts (in this case its the weapon smith has been complaining about the lack of iron) note:iron ore fragments dont help

final part for bamboo weapons yay get a cookie

now he will have a new buttion [special service] click that and ba da da dum baaaaaa U HAVE BAMBOO WEAPONS.....ohmost u need to trade in bamboo for the weapon u want
40 bamboo shoots for a bamboo sword
70 bamboo shoots for the spear
50 bamboo shoots for a bow
15 bamboo shoots for 10 arrows
45 bamboo shoots for 50 arrows
80 bamboo shoots for claws

u can get 3 bamboo per bambooshoot in the bamboo forest u can oso get 2 bamboo shoots from chicen ladys PTJ after u done about 12-14 of them and some times bamboo shoots drop from the mobs in bamboo forest gl

BAMBOO TIP! low on inventory room? good news by playing the gachapon errr me mean by donating 50k to the shrine maden (im not sure if it works for lower donations just know u only get rewards for 10k and 50k ) u have a chance of getting this handly little bambooshoot pouch that lets u hold 150 shoots in a 2x2 space


step 1 make a punett squear

step 2 put the punett squear in a shreadder chikcen breeding dosent go that deep

for real now

step 1 gather eggs from a chicken in till u get a furtile egg then u got to get your hands on a incubation scroll (im going to recomend u try to get 5/6 furtalized eggs and hatch them all befor age up do it 1 at a time tho the scroll wont do anything if u have more then 1 furtlized egg in your inv u can store them in bank or in a pet tho

there are 2 ways to get this

1. do the shrine maden PTJ for blank scrolls (if u have been doing PTJ to get accepted by the village u can oso get holy flames ) and holy flame and a fire element and use potion making

2. ask your local chicken breeder to sell u a scroll (we can buy them form the npc)
(monekybig or abazure AFAIK some 1 poke me if u are able to and want to be added to this list of ppl some 1 can anoy to buy them a scroll )

step2 hatch your chicken make a nice fluffy nest and sit on it making sure to keep it warm and read it a bedtime story everynight
(really just use the scroll then the incubated egg)

well done u now have a chick
wait in till age up and it will grow up in to a hen or rouster (dont get attched to this chicken after 30days he dies for good and u have to delete him)

u will get a chicken feather on your 1st time summoning him as a adult this will start a quest
the chicken lady form bamboo village has noticed u started to breed chickens give her 5 chicken feathers and u will gane her acceptance (yay your now a chicken breeder u 2 can buy incubation scrolls from her)

now heres the part im unsure of so take it with a pintch of salt

as far as me know all there is to chicken breeding is there colour
so if your not intrested in the colour of your chicken and just want a nice farmduck in your list of ever growing pet just go a head and spend the 150k on a caged chicken the chaged hen/rooster and buy a colour extractor this is where that 6th chicken comes in to play bc now u have a left over feather use the colour extractor to suck out the colour of the feather and it gives u a colour essence(colour is based on the feather) use it on the caged hen/rouster this will make the chicken permant with out doing this the caged chicken only lasts for 2 weeks (thx astra for corecting this)

now then it costs u about 25k to breed the next generation of chickens u need at leace 1 hen and 1 roster pet

buy a love seed form the chicken lady and feed it to your rouster this will give u a love potion

feed the love potion to the hen and ull get a furtalized egg use the incubation scroll on it to hatch the egg and ull get a baby chick

astra tip (yay astra) when u get the egg from your chicken check to see if it looks off-coloured u can tell the colour of the chicken by the egg

now this is as far as ive gotten so im gonna end the guide here for now
Posted at 04-10-19, 02:48 am Link | #2

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Thank you, Monkey.
Posted at 04-14-19, 05:52 pm Link | #3

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Thanks for the guide. I wasn't sure where to even start with this lol.
Posted at 04-24-20, 04:12 am Link | #4

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2 questions...

1. What can you do with blank scrolls?

2. Can you gather love seeds? The npc mentions that you can gather them in the field.

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