Posted at 03-22-17, 11:54 am Link | #1

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First of all thanks for creating this server! Just a quick noob question here - is the commerce system going to be implemented? I kind of liked that feature a lot best wishes to staff and all players
Posted at 03-22-17, 12:43 pm Link | #2
Drahan GM

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Probably not.
Posted at 03-22-17, 07:19 pm Link | #3

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As enjoyable as it was, commerce not being included is probably for the best.
Posted at 03-22-17, 09:08 pm Link | #4

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I would like to see the legendary weapons that you could buy with ducats, but I agree with not including commerce itself in the server.
Posted at 03-23-17, 12:19 am Link | #5

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Maybe adding White Wing Staff, Tyrfing, Mace of Mercy, Venom Sword, and Caladbolg? Through Shyla for Gold or Red Coins even
Posted at 03-24-17, 01:04 pm Link | #6

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give how strong they are, it'd probably make more sense to put them as a drop from difficult content. Sword of Elsinore is the closest thing we currently have to them and it's fairly difficult to acquire due to the rarity of the pattern for the gloves, the high skill requirement to make it, the materials required to make it and the low % production even if you do get the pattern it could potentially take up to 2 of them if you get unlucky on production.

Commercing at least makes it somewhat difficult due to random availability as well as amasing a lot ducats either requires a ridiculous amount of low threat grinding, or being strong enough to handle the spawns you get for valuable runs.

given how easy it is to amass a huge amount of red coins, it's hard to say what a fair price would be to keep them from completely overwhelming all other options. Especially in the current version of the game where there isn't much to compete with them.
Posted at 06-17-17, 10:14 pm Link | #7

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Probably not.

It would be appreciated to at least have a reason behind this decision ?
Posted at 06-17-17, 10:23 pm Link | #8
Still a casual gamer

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Probably not.

It would be appreciated to at least have a reason behind this decision ?

I assume it's cuz they'd have to code it from scratch.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
post rev. 1 by Drahan on 06-18-17, 03:34 pm
Posted at 06-18-17, 03:32 pm Link | #9
Drahan GM

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Probably not.

It would be appreciated to at least have a reason behind this decision ?

I assume it's cuz they'd have to code it from scratch.
This really. It's not as simple as just "hey here's commerce!"

This server is based off of G13 server files - meaning commerce is literally not implemented.

In order to implement it, we would have to code it completely from scratch, using game engine elements that aren't even implemented - which we'd have to implement ourselves.
I should mention that we do not even have the source code, only pre-compiled binaries. It's really hard to modify a program without the source code.

Realistically, it's simply impossible to implement commerce.

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