Should spirit wands reduce or eliminate mana evaporation?
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Ego Wands should reduce/eliminate mana evaporation penalty
Posted at 07-14-19, 06:19 am Link | #1

Posts: 42
Joined: 07-05-19
Last post: 377 days
Last view: 320 days
You've just excavated a spirit from the depths of a dungeon, where it lay crystallized for who knows how long. You've gone to great lengths to restore it and to imbue it into one of your most trusty, familiar wands. It can be present in the world and experience things again, in some capacity. The spirit should be grateful! ...Or maybe it's torture, depending on the user.

But it would make sense that a magical being, inhabiting the same wand that your own Mana is coursing through, should be able to manipulate that Mana in some capacity. I mean when I put you on my hip, Spirit, you can't grab onto some of it or push it back to me? It all flies away! And it's not like you're eating it either, I still gotta feed you...

(It's pretty expensive to maintain and develop a spirit weapon. And other types of spirits don't penalize you for letting go of them. I feel like someone who's invested the enormous amount of time and money into a spirit wand should enjoy the benefit of hanging on to some of their mana when they switch weapons or unequip. Perhaps you shouldn't have 0% evaporation from the start, since the spirit has to grow in strength and get accustomed to its new owner over time... but something like 2-3% reduction per Social level would be in the ballpark I'm thinking of. What do you think?)

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