Could not retrieve remote version (rev. 2 by Kalparang on 10-03-19, 01:14 pm)
Posted at 10-03-19, 08:11 am Link | #1

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I came here to do a paralytic after a long time.
I thought the website address was '' but I thought it was closed because I couldn't access it.
Fortunately, the '' site was open and I was able to access it.
A "Failed to update: Could not retrieve remote version." error occurred when the client was downloaded and executed.
If you look at the main page of the site, it says there's someone connected to it, but you can't find the server address.

How should I fix the problem?

Ex) The MabiPro folder has been added as an exception to Windows Defender.

Older versions of the Launcher will work.
Outdated launchers:
Version 2.0
Posted at 10-03-19, 11:24 pm Link | #2

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The domain has just changed back to after an extended downtime. The staff are working on a new installer/launcher that should be ready in the next couple of days. In the meantime, there is a manual method to launch the game and you can find more information on Discord.
Posted at 10-03-19, 11:35 pm Link | #3

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Can you tell me the link of Discord?
Posted at 10-07-19, 11:44 pm Link | #4

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