A2 Feedback and bug report thread
Posted at 11-09-19, 01:07 am Link | #1
Patoots GM

Posts: 172
Joined: 07-03-17
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List of known bugs: Alchemy reloading

Let's both add onto this, and share our thoughts! Hopefully it's positive!
post rev. 6 by Rarolina on 11-10-19, 02:47 pm
Posted at 11-09-19, 01:29 am Link | #2

Posts: 61
Joined: 12-20-17
Last post: 1488 days
Last view: 1419 days
Deep Sea Rift Int Pass only has one instance: Jade already fixed it for next patch.

Cracked geodes don't seem to give anything when you 'use' them; not sure if it's intended.

This middle pillar can get things stuck inside of it. Also Sapphire Golem seems to not retaliate at all with magnum spamming it.

Ore doesn't work for refining in Bangor furnaces.
Refining in general seems to be broken. Fixed

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