Barri and Animal Taming (Slight A2S1 content spoilers)
Posted at 11-20-19, 10:35 am Link | #1

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Animal Taming:

Okay, can we get some thoughts on this? Yay, nay, why, something else better?
Posted at 11-20-19, 01:28 pm Link | #2

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Barri was already made redundant for ore farming because metallurgy existed, outside of niche uses. (g2, refine, spirits). I haven't tried this dungeon, but it always seemed to me that no one was really hurting f or ores but rather leathers and tough strings as an example. On top of getting merchant mastery, refine and mettal are reallt easy to handle especially since the requirment was nerfed already. I don't know if you were trying to say this, but to me this part of the update seems incredibly redundant. I'd also call it unnessary as it sounds like it kills the already pretty low value of ores

To go back to your suggestion, I'd rather see the end chests of all the old dungeons looked at, or maybe work with mob drop tables if that is possible now. Not only are old dungeons not hard enough for the speed players are progressing, they still have nothing to offer besides rabbies now relatively busted pay out for how easy it is. Apologies for the slight digression there.

Yea, the mob should receive a buff upon taming or at the very least be healed back to where it started. It's biggest issue right now is the speed and inconsistency.

It's slow and inconsistent if the mob will attack will attack what you want, and better yet, how you want. Devils advocate, that's why no one uses these skills because they just aren't fun or beneficial.

Random suggestion, increase the amount of monsters you can tame and make it like diablo 2 necro where you can just swamp the world in monsters, ai issues would be resolved by having more stuff.
Posted at 11-22-19, 09:48 pm Link | #3

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Taming is not a useful skill. It has maybe one or two uses. It also doesn't give any stats whatsoever, so unless you want to do G8, feel free to skip it altogether.

I don't understand your complaint about Dyfnfor making Barri obsolete. Barri was already obsolete for the purpose of gathering anything other than iron. To the point where people are strongly encouraged to do Metallurgy if they are trying to rank refine.

Dyfnfor provides an extra source of primarily silver and gold, alongside gems (if/when cracked geodes work as intended?) which makes it a viable alternative to metallurgy at the pain points of refine where most people run low on one or the other depending on where and how they're metallurging. And yes it makes ore crates a possibility but I'd caution that the mobs in the dungeon (and especially the Trench) are a bit tougher than what you'd encounter in Barri. For people who are already done with Refine and actually want materials for blacksmithing, the crates provide a slight incentive to go through Barri with a speed pickaxe over just alchemizing unknown ores into iron.

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