A couple suggestions
Posted at 03-24-17, 05:31 am Link | #1

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I'm brand new to the server, and so far, it's been great Just a couple of things I thought I might suggest to improve things even further...

I play on a 1920x1080 screen, and while the game doesn't have that resolution yet, which is totally fine, I find that going up to the current maximumresolution doesn't scale up the UI with the screen, leaving everything incredibly tiny and almost impossible to read without hefty eye straining, leaving me at 1024x720 or less, and massive black bars on my screen

So, those are my two suggestions... Perhaps adding a UI scaler, if at all possible, and getting around to higher resolutions when available and able.
Posted at 03-24-17, 06:06 am Link | #2

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I'm brand new to the server, and so far, it's been great Just a couple of things I thought I might suggest to improve things even further...

I play on a 1920x1080 screen, and while the game doesn't have that resolution yet, which is totally fine, I find that going up to the current maximumresolution doesn't scale up the UI with the screen, leaving everything incredibly tiny and almost impossible to read without hefty eye straining, leaving me at 1024x720 or less, and massive black bars on my screen

So, those are my two suggestions... Perhaps adding a UI scaler, if at all possible, and getting around to higher resolutions when available and able.

Play on window mode, you can get 1920x1080 that way
and the scaling doesn't get borked.
Posted at 03-24-17, 05:59 pm Link | #3

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Play on window mode, you can get 1920x1080 that way
and the scaling doesn't get borked.

I tried to, but it didn't scale the UI with it...


Everything's super small, especially chat. I might just scale my desktop up a bit so it zooms in, not sure yet :p Thanks for the suggestion though
post rev. 2 by Velox on 03-24-17, 07:01 pm
Posted at 03-24-17, 06:58 pm Link | #4

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That's the normal UI size. Mabi is ancient and poorly designed, the UI is static no matter the resolution. So it's also near unplayable at small resolutions.

IMO, if thats unreadable for you, either
your monitor is tiny
you have something wrong with your monitor settings
or you need glasses
Posted at 04-25-17, 02:33 pm Link | #5
Drahan GM

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Play on window mode, you can get 1920x1080 that way
and the scaling doesn't get borked.

I tried to, but it didn't scale the UI with it...


Everything's super small, especially chat. I might just scale my desktop up a bit so it zooms in, not sure yet :p Thanks for the suggestion though
What you want is a lower resolution, not a higher one.

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