Known bugs/Issues (rev. 9 by Tozino on 11-21-20, 10:17 pm)
Posted at 11-03-20, 08:00 pm Link | #1

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And Sorta FAQ

Table of contents
  1. Server bug/issues

  2. Item bug/issues

  3. Mobs issues

  4. Astralworld/Data mods issues:

If it's not listed please make a post and i will add it.


Server bug/issues


Pet lag
Go report to GM in discord asap.

This is very known issue, Pet lag is the early sign of database that stopped saving properly due to data stress/resource leak, Only fix is to restart server.

How you can tell that there is pet lag?
It takes long to summon/desummon pets.

What i should do when pet lag happens?
Screenshot your inventory and it's stats, pet's inventory, incase if they go into void. Please file the ticket with id item, id enchants, and upload screenshot, a GM will review it; It happens often when you take out/store items in pet's inventory during pet lag.

Why not make scheduled?
It won't work since it can happen any time, even 5 mins in, it happened before.


Mailbox/Spirit crashing
This is mainly issue on W8/W10 permissions the fix is in mabipro installer, follow the steps on this thread
[F.A.Q] Frequently Asked Questions from MabiPro's Technical Point of View.


Npc/Shops not working properly
Due to the bad translations that player translators didn't follow the guidelines or got overwritten, Please send the ticket or #bug-reports in discord. It will be fixed next patch once they find out

Currently none


Why there are no rewards on certain shadow missions?
Uncommon issue, it can be fixed by restarting server; there are few mission don't have rewards, compare to wiki, if not, please report it.


x2 Training not working in housing channel

Script issue not activating automatically in housing channel, need to ping GM to activate manually


Caverns' flip door Teleportation
Flip doors with key lock reclosed can teleport to different location unexpectedly, I suggest you hug group to proceed next area


Item bug/issues


Mint stuff: Skills and Special properties
That happens when mint script breaks on server side, only fix is have server reset. Nowadays seems to be always broken; So wait till they find the issue and fix.

Currently all of the special items


Animation issues
Royal crystal wing sword


Weapon upgrades eating stacks
Upgrading a weapon that requires stacks will eat the entire a item; You need to separate to avoid this problem.
Items that can happen: Bamboo Pearl, Cat eyes


Not getting the items i fished?
This is common glitch. It happens if you have item bags, ie: you got "cobweb bags" popup, it's due that you fished up cobweb and went into cobweb bag before client side realizes it.


Custom egos don't get dura boost
There are ego weapons don't get dura boost when converting them.


Mobs issues

Mobs getting stuck in props - Common in pantay dungeon
Only one way to fix is barrier + thunder , otherwise GM/Player moderators can kill them to proceed

Mobs untouchbles - Spiders in Black herb/Caverns/Bouquet
Only peaceful music can deaggro them and they'll be unstuck from goblin jump skill

Mobs softlocking you - Sea Commanders
Sea commanders' ice bolt or 5x water cannon can soft lock you. Only fix is getting out is changing channel or logging out

Mobs despawned
This is due npc crash, it'll get up in tops 2-3mins to respawn again mobs, unless you're in dungeon or shadow mission, they don't spawn.


Astralworld/Data mods issues:


Crashing when you talk any npc or map
This is mainly issue on TTF enabled by default in Astralworld, It makes text bigger, the bigger text is, the more resource intensive will be, eventually it will crash, since the text gets rendered. disabling will make go default text.

To fix that, Do EnableTTF=0 and UseBitmapFonts=0 in Astralworld.ini


Mabipro crashes right away [After pleione loading]
Data folder corruption or bad files, Please check with modder, recheck or remove files


Missing Items in crafting or items not having icons/model
Most likely it's the modded xml files. Please check with modder, recheck or remove files.

2020/11/03: Links
2020/11/21: Rearraned and formatting, More info
Posted at 11-04-20, 01:59 pm Link | #2

Posts: 12
Joined: 09-25-20
Last post: 1572 days
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Just for clarification purposes: For "Mobs despawned", in dungeons/shadow missions Tozino means if they were already triggered to spawn; if the mob server dies and you wait until it restarts before triggering mob spawn triggers (preferably in place, in case a room or area along a pathway ahead would have mimics that have a key), then you can continue as normal. If it happens mid-fight, though, and it's a fight that has a key involved (or in even worse cases, is the boss), usually you're just outta luck and have to restart.

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