No Sharp Mind skill (rev. 1 by ceciliapro on 03-08-20, 03:15 am)
Posted at 03-06-20, 10:45 am Link | #1

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So I started a character, chose not to have those extra beginner skills because I wanted AP. Everything was great until I realised I don't have Sharp Mind.
It's not the biggest issue, except I can't tell when mobs are cancelling skills.

I tried looking up for how one would acquire Sharp Mind; but apparently all new characters are meant to start with it. I searched on here to see if anyone else had reported this issue but drew a blank there also.

Any help would be appreciated, I'm getting batted about by bears that loaded Smash only to cancel it without me knowing...

If it's something I just have to learn to live with, then I guess that's fine..?

EDIT: And just like that it's fixed and I can stop dying terrible deaths, thanks!
Posted at 09-12-21, 01:11 pm Link | #2

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I'm just saying it here in case someone looks. I had this problem too but I think this might have been a super old method. Sharp Mind was a skill you had to find out about by being immersed in the game probably through context dialogue. You have to buy a book from the girl in dunbarton. It's one without a skill seal and it's about formor body language or something like that
Posted at 10-26-21, 09:04 pm Link | #3

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I think it was a Passive one before Genesis changed everything...hi, I'm Caligirl on Alexina and the merge left us alone but Tarlach, Mari and Ruairi servers became Nao.

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