5th Anniversary Screenshot Contest (rev. 9 by Darecrow on 02-08-22, 03:20 am)
Posted at 01-14-22, 02:10 am Link | #1

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MabiPro 5th Anniversary Screenshot Contest
MabiPro's anniversary is coming upon us again, with a new Mabiland festival featuring games, prizes, and challenges! To preface this event, a Screenshot Contest will be held between now and the announcement of Mabiland 3. All players on the server are welcome to participate in these events.

There are two categories, with a Grand Prize and Runner Up prize for each category. You may submit one photo to each category for a total Two entries in this event. If you work with someone, only one of you may submit the photo.

~Category 1: Solo Entry Landscape
This is the Primary Category for this contest. Photos of Scenery and Landscapes, towns, countrysides, or other beautiful areas go here. There must be no players within the shot. Photos will be judged based on Clarity, Framing, and Subject, by an impartial group.

~Category 2: Group Entry Action Scene

This is the bonus category for this contest. Let your imagination run wild. Set up your scenes with your friends to tell a story or show us a scene. Player names do not need to be hidden, but it may look nicer if they are. You will be given lots of freedom in this category, so going above and beyond is perfectly allowed. Clarity is still important, however, so please be wary of visual effects and UI. Photos will be judged by a mixture of impartial comments and vote. Note: Though it is a group entry, entering solo is also fine. Groups may have no more than Four Credited Members. Any additional or non credited members will not receive a prize.

~Only 1 entry per category per person for landscape, and 1 per group for action.. You cannot submit 2 entries for either. If you do, we will pick the first one.
~Two or more different players cannot submit the same photo. If you work together, you have to decide who is entering the photo and provide a list of names. Up to 4 credited players participating will receive a reward. Participants may not be in more than One group. If you are found to be Credited in multiple entries in one category, you will only be counted for the first entry you appear in.
~While mods for rendering or texture changes are allowed, no Hacking or going Out of Bounds will be permitted for this event.
~No photo editing is allowed, though you may crop your image, or splice 2 images as long as it's seamless.
~Multiclienting to get additional subjects or use an alt for the cameraman is OK.

Submit Photos to Darecrow#0001 on Discord with your In Game Username and Category. We hope to see plenty of entries!

Tips for taking a good photo
~Using a second client with a character that can play dead is useful for lining up good angled photos of yourself, rather than having the camera centered on you.
~ Press ctrl+N and ctrl+ P to hide names and parties, and use \ to hide all windows for a clearer workspace.
~Clicking outside the Mabipro window and using prtscr or a program like lightshot will get you a higher quality photo than mabinogi’s built in screenshot tool, and will get you a higher score.
~Using light sources well will improve your score. Some in game examples of unique light sources are lamp posts, handcrafted torches, magic music, blinker beams, and glowing trees.
~Props such as mimic statues, dropped items, housing furniture or tools, and Installed Alchemy structures can add extra subject and rhythm to your photos. Try it if you feel you need something extra!

The grand prize for Category One; Solo Landscape will be:
Max Weapon Durability Booster
Enchant Protection Potion
• 10 free cart ride coupons

The runner up will receive:
Iridescent herb
• 10 free cart ride coupons

The grand prize for Category Two; Group Action will be, for each credited participant:
Warhammer of Zillyhoo
•50 Red Coins
• 5 free cart ride coupons

We look forward to your entries!


Landscape category first place

Pinacolada, score: 9.8

Landscape category second place
Roundbluseal, score: 8.2

Group action category winners
Alphen, Shionne, Tachibito, score: 9.1

Minigame Host, Guild Leader, Mental Breakdown waiting to happen
post rev. 1 by Darecrow on 01-15-22, 12:51 am
Posted at 01-14-22, 05:16 am Link | #2

Posts: 47
Joined: 07-03-20
Last post: 34 days
Last view: 1 day

Minigame Host, Guild Leader, Mental Breakdown waiting to happen
[Posted by chipy on 01-14-22, 06:25 pm, deleted by chipy]
  • #14743
post rev. 1 by Darecrow on 02-08-22, 03:02 am
Posted at 01-30-22, 02:12 am Link | #4

Posts: 47
Joined: 07-03-20
Last post: 34 days
Last view: 1 day
Judging was based on a 1 to 10 scoring system across 5 unique parties. The average was taken from this for the first half of your score. In each category, one favorite was chosen by Darecrow and Astra GM each, which then earned an additional Half Point. Those results combined resulted in the final scores below.

Landscape Category Entries

Afuro, score: 4.8

April, score: 8

Ashal, score: 7

Kenshurei, score: 6.4

Chipy, score: 6.6

Pinacolada, score: 9.8 (First Place Winner)

Roundbluseal, score: 8.2 (Second Place Winner)

Tritega, score: 6.2

Toddler, score: 5.6

Group Action Category Entries

Alphen, Shionne, Tachibito, score: 9.1 (Winners)

April, Zeruah, Tini, Badleep, score: 5.8

Ashal, score: 7.4

Kortigus, score: 8.8

Sagacity, Tuesday, Nimrime, score: 5.4

Pinacolada, Wontons, Ginger, score: 8

Toddler, score: 7.5

Minigame Host, Guild Leader, Mental Breakdown waiting to happen

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