Your typical suggestions thread. (rev. 22 by Slayerj on 04-06-17, 06:33 pm)
Posted at 03-23-17, 02:58 am Link | #1

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Simple small changes, go! Long complicated ones later!

Cylinder Elemental changes.

Grocery Store update:


Wands and staves: (This would require more time and work I think, so ignore this one for now really, just look at the simple ones first.)


New Upgrades: (This one might also take time so ignore it if you want)

Stack size:

Dungeon Fountain:

Alch Load Time:(Also somewhat long, so ignore and stick to short things, just a thought.)

Rebirth and pets: (Might be long? Not sure how hard this is to do.)

Shadow mission idea: (Again, long and more work, ignore)

Bags:(It's a long one again!)

Arrows:(small I think)

Idea: Gem bag (not a storage bag):

Blacksmithing fix: (not sure if small or even an issue in this version?)

Cooking effect time:(Small?)

Craft-able Camp fire kits: (maybe long?)

Defend/Shield revamp idea (This is long and would take time to code, but not TOO complex):

Meditation: (long?)

Elf Weapon stores: (Small)

Elf stop on loading ranged skills and others: (???)

Antidote Potions (small?):

Arrows (small?):

Transformation looks (Large?):

The great bonus update! idea :(Very long!!!) (also far from done...)
Posted at 03-26-17, 11:24 pm Link | #2

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The ideal of racially restricted weapons always seemed stupid honestly. Especially for a game like mabi. Advertised to doing whatever you want
Posted at 03-27-17, 01:58 am Link | #3

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The ideal of racially restricted weapons always seemed stupid honestly. Especially for a game like mabi. Advertised to doing whatever you want

Yeah, it's why I want all race restrictions on gear to be removed. Giant weapons could just be 2h for humans and elves, or even changed to single hit 2h weapons for them, haha.
post rev. 4 by Twin on 03-27-17, 02:28 am
Posted at 03-27-17, 02:15 am Link | #4

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The ideal of racially restricted weapons always seemed stupid honestly. Especially for a game like mabi. Advertised to doing whatever you want

Yeah, it's why I want all race restrictions on gear to be removed. Giant weapons could just be 2h for humans and elves, or even changed to single hit 2h weapons for them, haha.

I always wanted to be a sword dual-wielding paladin elf lool omg i'd love to use battle hammer as a human and dual -wield 2 maces

dont feel like it hurts anything honestly. most weapons kinda feel like reskins of eachother anyways
post rev. 6 by Franticgrin on 03-27-17, 09:49 am
Posted at 03-27-17, 09:35 am Link | #5

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Simple small changes, go! Long complicated ones later!


I would love to have fighter skills able to usable bare handed (with damage nerf), would also be cool if tumble was usable with any weapon.

Wands and staves:

Having custom or modified wands/stave would be nice, but let them require a title to equip and use and also have damage nerf for balance.
"the advanced master mage" title: allows the use of master mage wand,
large x amount of int/ magic damage reduction.

"the elite master mage" title: allows the use of party healing without wand or stave,
allows the use of chain casting bolt magic without wand or stave, but effect is negated when equipping a stave or wand.
large x amount of int/ magic damage reduction,
allows the use of master mage stave and master mage wand

master mage wand : has all elemental qualities provides range boost for all elements but large damage reduction compared to other wands
requires "the advanced master mage" title to equip and use ,
(upgrade path 1: allows chain casting for bolts but removes fusion bolts with damage reduction)
(upgrade path 2: allows chain casting for all and only advanced magic but has additional huge x amount of damage reduction)
(separate paths cant have all 3 only 1 of them)

master mage stave: has all elemental qualities does not need elemental charging for advanced magic,
allows casting of blaze, party healing, Elven Magic Missile.
requires "the elite master mage" title to equip and use
large damage reduction compared to other staves
(upgrade path 1 provides range boost)
(upgrade path 2: allows chiancasting for bolts but removes fusion bolts, has additional magic damage reduction)
(upgrade path 3: allows chain casting of all and only advanced magic but has additional huge x amount of damage reduction)
(separate paths cant have all 3 only 1 of them)

Rebirth and pets:

I agree, would also be nice if we could change appearance of character at any time without having to rebirth.
Posted at 03-27-17, 01:48 pm Link | #6

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gems stacking probably wouldn't work as they're different sizes and the sizes matter.

It would be fine for stuff like small red gems etc, that don't have sizes, though.
Posted at 03-27-17, 02:14 pm Link | #7

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gems stacking probably wouldn't work as they're different sizes and the sizes matter.

It would be fine for stuff like small red gems etc, that don't have sizes, though.

I should probably say that I meant the red, blue, green and silver gems. Haha, woops.
post rev. 2 by lycoris on 03-27-17, 06:16 pm
Posted at 03-27-17, 06:13 pm Link | #8

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As far as the master wands/staves go: one of the key features about Mabinogi is player choice, and I'd find it problematic to force high level players to all use the same wand or staff and especially title, the same way I find it problematic that staves are currently so inaccessible in the first place and many wands are unavailable as well.

I do think "CAN equip x title" is a good condition, rather than "IS equipped with x title" though!
Posted at 03-27-17, 07:40 pm Link | #9

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As far as the master wands/staves go: one of the key features about Mabinogi is player choice, and I'd find it problematic to force high level players to all use the same wand or staff and especially title, the same way I find it problematic that staves are currently so inaccessible in the first place and many wands are unavailable as well.

I do think "CAN equip x title" is a good condition, rather than "IS equipped with x title" though!

What different variations of staff/wands do you have in mind? or more related to looks of staff/wands?

being able to use all magic skills (even chain casting bolts or adv magic at your disposal) without having to
change wands/staves all the time would be fun.
But I do stress "magic damage reduction" and/or "pure mage play" (mainly magic as your role),other requirment's to do away with Opness
the titles mentioned could help or perhaps something else... something even better.
Posted at 03-28-17, 07:32 am Link | #10

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As far as the master wands/staves go: one of the key features about Mabinogi is player choice, and I'd find it problematic to force high level players to all use the same wand or staff and especially title, the same way I find it problematic that staves are currently so inaccessible in the first place and many wands are unavailable as well.

I do think "CAN equip x title" is a good condition, rather than "IS equipped with x title" though!

What different variations of staff/wands do you have in mind? or more related to looks of staff/wands?

being able to use all magic skills (even chain casting bolts or adv magic at your disposal) without having to
change wands/staves all the time would be fun.
But I do stress "magic damage reduction" and/or "pure mage play" (mainly magic as your role),other requirment's to do away with Opness
the titles mentioned could help or perhaps something else... something even better.

I simply think magic should be more like alchemy. It should allow us to use whatever magic, despite the wand with drawbacks in damage and upgrades not effecting that magic as much. There's no reason that magic needs to be so overly specialized. It just feels wrong compared to everything else in the game. I don't think using new wands or titles should be this fix either. Simply changing it to let us use any magic with any wand/staff would benefit those who wish to spec/go pure mage, and those of us who want to hybrid. I do think blaze should be slightly nerfed and made a hybrid skill you can use with any melee weapon but for much less AoE explosion and dmg, and simply more melee dmg on hit. I never understood why a metal rod could use it but not a mace..

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