Triona Festival 2: All About Pets! 8/13 (rev. 1 by Darecrow on 08-07-22, 08:39 am)
Posted at 08-06-22, 10:47 pm Link | #1

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Joined: 07-03-20
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Triona Festival is back this year for more games, more prizes, and more fun!
This year, the theme for Triona Festival is Pets, and certain prizes and events will be centered around them!

What is Triona Festival?
Triona Fest, or Golden Sunday, refers to August 8th, or 8/8, the anniversary of the creation of the Goldensun Guild, as well as the date that matches a Full Party in Mabinogi! As such, the Goldensun guild will be hosting games and festivities during this day and be giving away over 50 million gold worth of prizes!

All players are welcome and encouraged to join us in this community run event on Saturday, August 13th, starting at roughly 6:00 pm EST/3:00 pm PST, an hour before the Tara Banquet starts!


3:00 pm PST
Opening Ceremonies
Location: Tara Courtyard
Winners of the Screenshot Contest will be announced here and have their prizes distributed, following immediately into event 1.

Event 1: 3 v 3 Boltball (Winning team: Ludicrous x2 and Chirugeron Shield | 2nd place: Illusion Wand x3)
Location: Tara Courtyard

After this, we will move to the banquet hall and prepare for the weekly banquet, during which events 2 and 3 will take place.

Event 2: Musical Chairs (1st place: Ancient Earthquakes Relic of Immortal Smoke (12) | 2nd place: Poison Hunter Blutslauger x2)
Location: Rath Castle Banquet Hall

Event 3: Mabipro Party (1st place: Lava Cat Robe | 2nd place: Mana Needle Yggdrasil Staff | 3rd place: Blue/Light blue flashy dye)
Location: Rath Castle Banquet Hall
Players: up to 12

By now, banquet should have ended, and we will continue into the interior hallway for events 4 and 5. Map below

Event 4: Paper Plane Skeeball (1st place: Abysmal Guard Cylinder | 2nd: Lizard Deadly Dragon Staff fireball chaincast +1 | 3rd: Black/White Flashy Metal Dye)
Location: Rath Castle Interior Hall

Event 5: Paper Plane Racing (1st place: Corundum Goggle Cap | 2nd place: Dragon Bow | 3rd place: Pet Training Kit)
Location: Rath Castle Interior Hall

A short intermission will begin in the dining hall, for conversations and building teams of 2 for the next event.

Event 6: Scavenger Hunt (Winners: Nao Explorers Suit x2)
Location: From Tara to Taillteann
Players: teams of 2

For events 7, 8, and 9, please refer to this map:

Event 7: Pet PvP (Winners choose from: Falcata and Targe |Shadow Hunter Delusional Highlander Long Bow (durability boosted) | Adventurers Heavy Blade)
Location: Taillteann Square

Event 8: Hot Air Balloon Racing (1st place: Enchant Protection Potion x2 | 2nd place: Sheep Mace x2 | 3rd place: Blue upgrade stone x10 and Red upgrade stone x10)
Location: Taillteann Square, following path to Graveyard
Players: teams of 2

Event 9: Rock Paper Scissors (1st place: 2/3 Forest Ranger Wear Male | 2nd place: Muramasa )
Location: Taillteann Graveyard

After this, we will have a short parade back to Tara square

Event 10: Hide and Seek (Winner: Max durability booster kit + Cypress magnifying glass)
Location: All of Tara

At this point, we will begin having our closing ceremonies and afterparty. Among the prizes listed, there are also several Secret Prizes that will be handed out based on participation and achievements, so who knows what you may win! We hope to see everyone join us for this very special day.
Minigame Host, Guild Leader, Mental Breakdown waiting to happen

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