If you plan on doing any gathering of your own throughout your time in Mabinogi, you're probably going to want to maximize your efficiency and increase your gathering yields but putting together a Luck set.
Here's a detailed wiki page on how luck influences gathering, but the short version is that the more you have, the more lucky and huge lucky gathers you get.
Don't you want results like these?
Stacking luck is fairly accessible even in the early game, so I strongly suggest trying to build up a set as soon as possible, especially before you go in to your life skills grind. You can just work on the harder parts later as you go.
The best title to equip for Luck is going to be
the Metallurgy Master, which gets you 25 Luck.
Runner ups at 20 Luck are
the Lucky,
the Crystal Collector,
who Saved the Goddess,
the One Who Discovered Karu Forest Ruins,
the Fishing Master,
the Ambidextrous,
the Beekeeper, and
who Seduced a Succubus.
I don't have stamina reduction set, but I have over 800 max stamina so I don't care
There are three types sets I'd recommend for gathering. One is for minimizing inventory space (smallest equipment possible), one is for stamina usage reduction set to help save potions or time resting, and a Belmont set for metallurgy enhancement.
Belmont hat, gloves, and shoes can all be found in Caverns Raid. The wear is from Jousting shop, but is tradeable with other players, so you won't necessarily need to joust to obtain it. If your stamina reduction rolls are low, you can try padding it out with a drosera.
For stamina reduction set, any mix of Belmont, Adonis, Broken Horn Trainee, Magic School Shoes, and drosera will work.
For minimal inventory, I recommend these options for each part:
Hat: Pear Shine Drops (Pantay Dragonfly end chest)
Hand: Tribal Bird Bracelet (Black Herb midchest), Casual Date Watch (tailoring manual from Ailionoa), Sailor Wristband (Port Cobh General Shop)
Shoes: Lamellar Warrior Boots (Flag Scraps), Elite Student Boots (tailoring manual from Ailionoa), or any event/gacha shoes that are 2x1
Accessories: Any Nao birthday accessories should do, maybe you'll want a stamina drosera for a set though
Body: Most 2x2 body options have poor durability, so any 2x3 option will do. If you're looking to make a universal set, the alchemist in training suit is your best bet.
You're gonna want a lot of Thief enchants
The gear is pointless without any enchants! Thankfully, the ones I'll be listing below are fairly easy to obtain.
Advantage (Goblin Bandits field boss),
Thief (Goblin Archer, Basic Shadow Archers)
Happiness (Prefix ES from Beacons Elite),
Thief (Goblin Archer, Basic Shadow Archers)
Fool-Arcana (Arcana Card Enchantment Pack from Library),
Thief (Goblin Archer, Basic Shadow Archers)
Surprising (Symphony of a Fallen King),
Thief (Goblin Archer, Basic Shadow Archers)
Engulfing (Caverns Raid),
Thief (Goblin Archer, Basic Shadow Archers)
Total: +145 Luck
Some enchants are much harder to obtain, but I'll list them anyways in case you have the means.
Rainbow enchant on clothing: Spring gacha, basically extinct.
White Horse on clothing: Very difficult to get and personalizes! I don't really recommend using White Horse for gathering...
Orb Slates with Thief: This will get you +11 luck per slate, but you must really have nothing better to do before you start building these.
Mysterious Robe from Scrap Note: These have +5 luck on them, but they're very rare and expensive.
Stardust on Accessory over Thief: Yume said it's supposed to be in one of the Cenae dungeons, but it is not confirmed to exist.
Total: An additional +63 Luck from above
Monkey: Automatically loots your items for you, so you can save time/clicks while you gather. Available for 90 red coins in Shyla’s shop.
Hotspring Monkey: Same as Monkey, but moves faster which means slightly faster looting. They have been available in every Anniversary event so far.
Maid/Butler Partner: Passive Companion Bonus gives a whopping +20 Luck.
Gathering tools wear out their durability quickly, but you'll want to give them plenty of longevity due to their valuable upgrades. Try asking a high rank blacksmith to make you a few tools for bonus durability, and slap a Thief enchant on it before doing your upgrades.
One frequently asked question is regarding the final tool upgrade options: speed vs extra collection. The simplified answer is shown in the graph below, courtesy of pinacolada. Although the break even point is at around 230, you'll probably want to wait until you have about 300 luck before switching to speed since you have to factor in time moving from sheep to sheep.
By the way, if you happen to get an Ice Pickaxe, I suggest not getting the speciality Blade Polishing upgrade option as you'll end up with no durability left to mine with.
Here is the recommended build.
Beekeeping skill is uniquely the only skill in MabiPro that raises your base Luck. You'll receive a total of 16 Luck at rank 1, so you might want to work on this skill at some point!
Eating food can get you some luck, but currently there aren't many good options. Gacha foods give a ton of Luck, but can be a bit too valuable to use for gathering. An okay option can be a 5 star
Vales Fire, which gives 24~25 Luck.
Vanilla Tea gives a whopping 40 Luck, but only lasts 3 minutes. Bother Astra for a change until it is fixed!!
That's everything you need to know about Luck builds and gathering. Let me know if I missed anything and I'll add it to the guide later.
Happy Gathering!