Looking forward to seeing some of you in game. (rev. 1 by Despite on 04-28-23, 09:42 am)
Posted at 04-28-23, 09:39 am Link | #1

Posts: 2
Joined: 04-28-23
Last post: 686 days
Last view: 686 days
Yo. I always get depressed logging into Mabi Official because it's changed so much. I also lost my first account and character -- named Despite. Well Despite is back. Looking forward to the immersive Mabi I used to know and love. I was around 10 years old back then and I'm 26 now. Just thankful this server exists to give me a big boost of nostalgia. I'm not gonna cry when I load in. I promise.

Ruairi player clocking in.

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