Posts: 47 Joined: 07-03-20
Last post: 34 days
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Triona Festival!
What a year we've had! I hope you've all been having a great Summer so far, and I hope the rest of your year is even better.
To celebrate this Summer, Trionafest will be returning for its third year in a row, starting with the usual Screenshot Contest, and the brand new Mimic Statue Contest! All players on the server are welcome to enter, any timezone, any play level.
Screenshot Contest
This years theme for Triona Festival is... Exploration! Expansive maps, beautiful architecture, strange artifacts, and unique landscapes- Maps and Exploration will be the central focus for our event this year. More information on Triona Festivals other events will be posted later this month, but for now, save the date! Triona Festival will be held on Sunday, August 6th! In order to make sure we have enough time to vote, the deadline for screenshot submission will be Sunday, July 30th! The Submission deadline has Passed! thanks for all your entries! Scroll down below to find information on the contest on August 6th!
Winners will be announced during the Opening ceremonies where they will receive their prize. If you are unable to attend, your prize will be sent to your in-game mailbox.
Now, let's get to the fun stuff:
~Only 1 entry per category per person or group. You cannot submit 2 entries for either. If you do, we will pick the first one. You may submit one entry for each category.
~Two or more different players cannot submit the same photo. If you work together, you have to decide who is entering the photo and provide a list of names. Up to 3 credited players participating will receive a reward. Participants may not be in more than One group. If you are found to be Credited in multiple entries in one category, you will only be counted for the first entry you appear in.
~While mods for rendering or texture changes are allowed, no Hacking or going Out of Bounds will be permitted for this event.
~No photo manipulation is allowed, though you may crop your image, adjust light levels, or splice 2 images to your best ability.
~Multiclienting to get additional subjects or use an alt for the cameraman is OK.
~You may log in and play as your pets for posing and angling.
~Ideally, use ctrl+n to hide player names and chat.
~Category 1: Solo Entry Landscape
Our primary category this year. Show us the game the way you see it! Find a location in game you find beautiful or unique and screenshot it the way you'd take a picture. Try to keep players and pets out of the picture, and focus solely on the scene. You may receive help setting up your landscape, but only the person submitting it will be rewarded. There will be Two Winners in this category, one decided by Judges Vote from an impartial group, and one decided by Popular Vote.
~Category 2: Group Entry Action Scene
Get together with your friends for this fun category! Pose together in funny or dramatic settings, or try to tell a story in a single photo! There's a lot of creative freedom in this category, so think outside the box and do your best! You may have Players and Pets interacting with each other and other people, but only the 3 credited people will be rewarded. There will be only one winning group in this category, decided by Judging from an impartial group.
Listed below are the prizes per category.
Category 1
First Place:
50 flag scraps, Cypress Spike Battle Sword R (see picture), 100 red coins, flashy blue dye
Second Place:
75 red coins, Warhammer of Zillyhoo
Category 2
Each member of your group will receive the following set
a Flipend0 Body Pillow, 75 red coins, A Special Outfit
Tips for taking a good photo
~Using a second client with a character that can play dead is useful for lining up good angled photos of yourself, rather than having the camera centered on you.
~Having a second client use a Tower Cylinder can provide an entirely unique angle and framing!
~ Press ctrl+N and ctrl+ P to hide names and parties, and use \ to hide all windows for a clearer workspace.
~Clicking outside the Mabipro window and using prtscr or a program like lightshot will get you a higher quality photo than mabinogi’s built in screenshot tool, and will get you a higher score.
~Using light sources well will improve your score. Some in game examples of unique light sources are lamp posts, handcrafted torches, magic music, blinker beams, and glowing trees.
~Props such as mimic statues, dropped items, housing furniture or tools, and Installed Alchemy structures can add extra subject and rhythm to your photos. Try it if you feel you need something extra!
~Action refers to what's happening in the scene. How are they interacting? Does the photo tell a story? Thinking about what you can do and how you can make it work in a photo will boost your score.
A new contest this year, the Mimic Statue contest involves getting the most unique and expressive statue of a mob you can. You have from now until the opening ceremonies to create your special statue, which will then be judged on the spot! The top two scoring statues will net their owners some wonderful prizes! See the Mabinogiworld page for "Swallow" for more information on how to create a mimic statue!
First place:
Eternal Rest, Warhammer of Zillyhoo, 100 red coins, Stone Horse Pet
Second Place:
2 Blutslaugers, 50 red coins
We can't wait to see what you come up with, and are excited to see everyone at Triona Festival 3: Explorers! coming this August! See you soon! _________________________ Minigame Host, Guild Leader, Mental Breakdown waiting to happen