Old Mabi Player Returning (rev. 1 by Nepu on 10-15-23, 11:34 pm)
Posted at 10-15-23, 04:24 pm Link | #1

Posts: 1
Joined: 10-15-23
Last post: 516 days
Last view: 508 days
Hey everyone

Returning to Mabi after on again off again play for the better part of a few years. I started officially around either G1 or the Beta. It was back when the Morrighan dungeon statue was the main menu and you got that little spirit weapon right off the bat. I lost that account and made another later and eventually found out about Pro a few years back. I am back on Pro now mainly for the nostalgia and memories of early Mabi. I ended up missing a lot of the cut content from G1 - G3 such as the Aer and Nele romance line being changed to be shorter, and some skips from cut content that mention characters you know nothing about. Figured I would return here to relive those days.

Running through as a human named Neptuna right now before maintenance hit me, feeling nostalgic for everything. Heck, seeing the original models for Mabus and Bebhinn even sending me back in time as I remember the NPC fights using their original models. No idea if that changed. Hope to see some people around while I explore the changes made since G13... Can't believe this thing got all the way to G26 and still going over a decade later, feels weird when so many other MMOs fell off.
Posted at 11-25-23, 01:17 pm Link | #2

Posts: 1
Joined: 10-17-21
Last post: 475 days
Last view: 461 days
Oh definitely surprised how far it's come tbh. When I logged in to original Mabi the other day, I was so surprised and excited only to be upset moments later when it jumped me up 220 levels. Then another, then another, and now I'm sitting at almost 1600, and hardly played 6 hours of the game. Maxed out 5 skills already... It hurt, but hey, hopefully we can make a new living here in Mabipro!

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