Gradual Stats are a category of stat buffs separate from the temporary stat bonuses given to you when you eat food. There is an internal cumulative tracker for each of your stats, which will give you a permanent increase in stats as you eat enough food.
Some key disclaimers:
Gradual Stats can change all of your basic stats to ±100. Luck is excluded from stat gain.
Gradual Stats are only awarded from food eaten while hungry.
Gradual Stats will no longer decrease from food if you already hit +100.
Gradual Stat gain slows down as you age. At max age, you need to eat 2.5 times as much as a 10 year old for the same stat gain.
Gradual Stats take a LOT of eating to benefit from. Depending on the food, you may have to eat hundreds to even a thousand of the food for a single stat increase.
Gradual Stats reset to 0 on rebirth. Combined with the above piece of information, it is usually not worth eating for gradual stats unless you do not plan to rebirth anymore.
See the
mabinogi world wiki page for more details. All the information here applies to us in Mabipro, except for the part where Saturday bonuses and sitting bonuses help with the formula. Unfortunately, eating on Saturday will only fill your hunger twice as fast without increasing your stat gain.
As you can see from the formula calculator, even at age 10, you will need to eat about a thousand stamina worth of food for a single stat. Getting to +100 in every stat is going to be a several months to a year long journey. You will have to AFK with your client running, and your character in meditate state to speed up the hunger process. The later steps become slower and slower as you will have aged up a lot, and you are no longer dipping in to multiple stats at a time from high efficient stat spread foods like Juniper Berries. To speed up this process, we'll have to meal plan properly.
The best route for +100 all stats:
I've routed out two meal plans to hit +100 in every stat. They are eaten in this order to minimize stat loss which would require you to eat even more later. You can track your progress by comparing your current stats with the stats listed on your profile on this site.
Juniper starter route caps your stats in order: Will, Int/Dex/MP, HP, Stamina, Str. This route gains a wider variety of stats faster while you are still young (Juniper Berries are crazy value), and gets you crit stats first. Lowered initial Stamina and slower Stamina increase means you can't eat as much though, which will slow you down. Very high base stamina recommended to do this route.
1. Juniper Berries until 100 Will. (You will also gain MP, Str, Int, and Dex, but lose Stamina)
2. Grapes and Apples until 100 Dex, Int, and MP. (You will also gain Stamina)
3. Almonds until 100 HP and Stamina (You will also gain Str)
4. Juniper Berries until 100 Str.
About Apples: They are a much stronger source of Dex, Int, and MP than Grapes, but are harder to get since you can't buy them from an NPC. If you hit 100 Dex and Int before finishing MP, you can stop eating Apples and prioritize stats from Almonds, since the Juniper Berries in the final step will top off your MP anyways.
Grape starter route caps your stats in order: Dex, Int, Stamina, Will/MP, HP/Str. No stat loss to worry about. Gain stamina on step 2 to eat Junipers faster. Pretty solid route, but Will gain is slow, and you miss out on some of the early benefits of Juniper stat spread.
1. Grapes until 100 Dex and Int (You will also gain Stamina)
2. Almonds until 100 Stamina (You will also gain HP and Str)
3. Juniper Berry until 100 Will and MP (You will also gain Str)
4. Almonds until 100 HP and Str.
About Apples, Again: They cause more problems than they help. The crit loss from negative Will won't be addressed for months. You could choose to eat Junipers before Almonds to prioritize Will, but that will add several months of Almond eating to gain back the Stamina. This might be worth it to you, but if you're going to do this then you might as well start with Junipers and reap the benefits of gaining 5 stats all at once at age 10).
FAQ (literally nobody asked):
Strength last on both meal plans??
Unfortunately, there is no way to cap strength first without adding like 6 months to the final goal of getting +100 in all stats.
I just care about my main stat:
There really isn't a more efficient list of options than Juniper Berry, Grape, and Almonds.
HP: Almond
MP: Juniper Berry
Stamina: Almond
Strength: Almond (slow), Juniper Berry (fast, but loses Stamina)
Dexterity: Grape
Int: Juniper Berry (fast), Grape (slower, does not gain MP, but at least it doesn't lose Stamina?)
Will: Juniper Berry. There is no practical option to raise Will without losing Stamina, I'm sorry alchemists.
Min Maxing as a rebirther:
Its like 40 Apples at age 10 to gain a single Dex. Its 200 Juniper Berries for a single Strength. This is a waste of gold and you will not feel the impact of a few extra stats near the end of your rebirth cycle. Don't bother with this. Or go for it, I'm not your mom.
Where Almonds?
Glewyas in the Tara castle kitchen sells them.
Why not other foods:
Remember that the formula weighs the amount of stat again against the amount of hunger it restores. For example, Juniper is the most efficient strength food even without consideration of all other stats it provides, simply from having 2 hunger restored to 1 strength points. You would need to eat 200 Juniper Berries (400 Stamina) at age 10 for a stat of strength. Large Meat seemingly provides more at 5 strength points, but restores 100 hunger. While you "only" need to eat 40 Large Meats, that's actually 4000 Stamina at age 10 for a stat of strength.
Iced Macchiato and Cappuccino do stand out as pretty efficient foods, with an impressive stat spread. But you still need to drink thousands of them to max out your stats. These are layered cooking recipes that require 5 steps of cooking and multiple ingredients sourced from different npcs and at least two bottles of water each. This is actually literally more labor than working a full time job as a barista irl. Also they make you fat.
Most of the very high stat high hunger value items are unfortunately event recipes and we do not have access to them. I think they would make for excellent filler rewards for late game dungeons, event loot, or as incentives for cooking skill uncap. Lets keep bothering the content team about it together.