Remove idle dura loss?
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Idle Durability Loss
Posted at 03-31-17, 04:26 pm Link | #1
Still a casual gamer

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It's a minor amount, but if you have something equipped, even while doing nothing, the durability will slowly wear down. Would just like to see that done away with.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 03-31-17, 06:01 pm Link | #2

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If we're not doing away with the max durability damage, then I see no reason to get rid of this. It's part of vanilla item balance.

However, I personally want to see both gone.
Posted at 03-31-17, 06:38 pm Link | #3
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It's part of vanilla item balance.

I'm genuinely curious as to the balance in it? I mean, only thing i can think of, as being the main point of this, is to affect limited time items that can't be repaired. So that it will slowly die. I really don't see the balance in that, but that is the only real reason i can see for this feature even existing.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 03-31-17, 06:56 pm Link | #4

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I don't see the reason for mana evaporation either, but its part of vanilla mabinogi and there's a very vocal minority who want to keep it.
Posted at 04-01-17, 12:15 am Link | #5

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I don't see the reason for mana evaporation either, but its part of vanilla mabinogi and there's a very vocal minority who want to keep it.

Mana evap is there for lore reasons and as a way to punish magic, as the first director hated magic. It's the kind of thing that makes sense in the lore, but gets in the way of gameplay and should be either reworked or removed.

This is similar. There's no reason for gear to really degrade by simply wearing them. They already degrade from EVERYTHING ELSE, getting hit, using them, I think rain was proven to increase passive dura loss at some point? Don't quote me on that last one, could be totally wrong. Furthermore, this feels like a system that might have been implemented for realism but ended up being exploited for money, as gachas used to spit out unreparable items (and there are still plenty of unfixable stuff in live) that will eventually die from nothing, forcing you to try for more if they aren't limited time.
Posted at 04-01-17, 02:20 am Link | #6

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I think rain was proven to increase passive dura loss at some point?

=P ur ur ur
Posted at 04-01-17, 02:50 am Link | #7

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I don't see the reason for mana evaporation either, but its part of vanilla mabinogi and there's a very vocal minority who want to keep it.

Mana evap is there for lore reasons and as a way to punish magic, as the first director hated magic. It's the kind of thing that makes sense in the lore, but gets in the way of gameplay and should be either reworked or removed.

This is similar. There's no reason for gear to really degrade by simply wearing them. They already degrade from EVERYTHING ELSE, getting hit, using them, I think rain was proven to increase passive dura loss at some point? Don't quote me on that last one, could be totally wrong. Furthermore, this feels like a system that might have been implemented for realism but ended up being exploited for money, as gachas used to spit out unreparable items (and there are still plenty of unfixable stuff in live) that will eventually die from nothing, forcing you to try for more if they aren't limited time.

Not only does durability force players to go out and earn and spend money to keep items in working order, it also keeps blacksmiths and other crafters a lot more relevant to everyone, even those already with their fully enchanted and upgraded weapon, unless it's an ego, it will have to be replaced eventually. There's a reason why upgrades and such don't take very long to do. Enchanting is risky, but you gain a lot of power in doing so meaning that it's easier to gain cash and replace the weapon or maybe even work towards something better. This is what durability does for the game.

I'm a bit confused on the "un repairable items" part of your post. Those weapons are generally not something that are meant to be kept long, nor are they fair in terms of damage, if we're talking weapons. Things like the pivotal longsword, machetes, and so on are not meant to be repairable as they generally have high max with no real commitment put into them. They're one off weapons meant to be used and discarded. I don't think unrepairables have ever been the things that sold gachas. Now for unrepairable clothing, suggesting to make that repairable is a fair deal, because its hard to come up with a reason for why anything is unrepairable that's purely cosmetic. It offers no high max bonus or anything of the sort, they're just outfits that can't be repaired.

For limited items, like say a wing bow or a dragon sword, the problem is not that durability exists meaning that these weapons will eventually die(probably not the wingbow because everyone egos it), the problem is that you cannot potentially find these items in game through playing the game. Maybe a specific mob could drop the pattern or end room chests. This would fix the problem of certain limited items not being able to potentially be replaced through actually playing the game.

To comment on OP, as someone who doesn't stay logged in afk at all, I don't see how this is an issue, but I can see it being a problem if you're afking for a significant amount of time, but, all you'd have to do is take off your clothes.

FYI, the final message is not intended to be rude, apologies if it sounds that way.
Posted at 04-01-17, 06:53 am Link | #8

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Durability loss is tied to spirit weapons getting hungry. If idle dur loss didn't happen people would have to religiously use their weapon to increase its stats by minuscule amounts.
Posted at 04-01-17, 12:15 pm Link | #9
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Durability loss is tied to spirit weapons getting hungry. If idle dur loss didn't happen people would have to religiously use their weapon to increase its stats by minuscule amounts.

That may be true, but i suspect it could easily be changed. Just every tick roll a generated dice, for example, if the number is within a set range then ego is hungry, if not wait another tick.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 04-07-17, 07:24 am Link | #10
Drahan GM

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Durability loss is tied to spirit weapons getting hungry. If idle dur loss didn't happen people would have to religiously use their weapon to increase its stats by minuscule amounts.

That may be true, but i suspect it could easily be changed. Just every tick roll a generated dice, for example, if the number is within a set range then ego is hungry, if not wait another tick.
That is....... much harder than it sounds.
post rev. 1 by Hope on 04-12-17, 11:56 pm
Posted at 04-12-17, 11:54 pm Link | #11

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It's a minor amount, but if you have something equipped, even while doing nothing, the durability will slowly wear down. Would just like to see that done away with.

Not to sound like a douche but...

Instead of wearing something as valuable as a limited time item, don't wear it "while doing nothing." I mean, I wear my Popo's Skirt when I'm busy cleaning up the house or busy doing part time jobs in-game. Now if I was out dungeoning and/or killing some formors, then I wear my Tioz's Armor. If I want to wear something that isn't repairable and I'm idle, then I wouldn't wear it.
I mean, I understand (ish) the whole balancing things out and all, but just take the advice of, "if you're not going to wear it, don't tear it."
Posted at 04-13-17, 01:27 am Link | #12
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Not to sound like a douche but...

Instead of wearing something as valuable as a limited time item, don't wear it "while doing nothing." I mean, I wear my Popo's Skirt when I'm busy cleaning up the house or busy doing part time jobs in-game. Now if I was out dungeoning and/or killing some formors, then I wear my Tioz's Armor. If I want to wear something that isn't repairable and I'm idle, then I wouldn't wear it.
I mean, I understand (ish) the whole balancing things out and all, but just take the advice of, "if you're not going to wear it, don't tear it."

Idk if it will be an issue on this server, but on live you'd see some event items, or sets even, (without effects) that were non-repairable. The first boatswain pirate set for example, i got and liked, non-repairable, and think it was only ever released at one other time in the game's life. I'd like to just show off some items, but over time they will wear down, especially if you want to wear them in combat and take a few hits while wearing them.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 04-13-17, 03:56 am Link | #13

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Not to sound like a douche but...

Instead of wearing something as valuable as a limited time item, don't wear it "while doing nothing." I mean, I wear my Popo's Skirt when I'm busy cleaning up the house or busy doing part time jobs in-game. Now if I was out dungeoning and/or killing some formors, then I wear my Tioz's Armor. If I want to wear something that isn't repairable and I'm idle, then I wouldn't wear it.
I mean, I understand (ish) the whole balancing things out and all, but just take the advice of, "if you're not going to wear it, don't tear it."

Idk if it will be an issue on this server, but on live you'd see some event items, or sets even, (without effects) that were non-repairable. The first boatswain pirate set for example, i got and liked, non-repairable, and think it was only ever released at one other time in the game's life. I'd like to just show off some items, but over time they will wear down, especially if you want to wear them in combat and take a few hits while wearing them.

Now that's a different sector. If you want to wear something in combat, you're going to expect wear and tear. However, I do see your point on certain items like you said the Boatswain Pirate Set is in fact irreparable in the live version. We can only hope on the devs at this point to see if they can "unlock" the secrets of irreparable items.

Buuuut... As Drahan put it,
That is....... much harder than it sounds.
Unless Drahan was saying about something different, then simply ignore that. xD

But again, my original post was that if you're going to wear an item that irreparable and you going to be AFK for majority of the time online, your best bet is wearing something that is repairable. It sucks. It truly does because I remember having a suit that made me look very professional, and it also was irreparable in the live version. But it's still nice to see this community looking and finding ways to make this place thrive. However, I'm sure making an item that irreparable will be a lot more coding than an item that is repairable. Until then, we have to keep our hands in our pockets and hope for the best for the Mabi Pro team.

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