remove mana evaporation
49 (63.64%)
28 (36.36%)
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post rev. 1 by Waltz on 04-19-17, 01:08 am
Posted at 04-19-17, 01:01 am Link | #21

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In terms of Magic being an issue, I went and made a giant, just so I could fund my mage. It's a bit sad, but that's where I am at right now. You need to pick up an alternate job/race just to fund yourself or you will be spinning in place trying to scrap for money. If the game is about choice, then adding Mana Evaporation is a poor one. Now this is just giving some insight to the game, but I visited another server today that used G1. (Not sure how Generation's Scale) but they removed Mana Evaporation entirely, now granted I was the only one on said server at the time. But it seems highly likely that it can be removed.

Now I am not saying that the dev on our server has to abide by what we want. But using the stigma of "Stop liking that thing I don't like." It seems people on this server like to fear monger people out of playing a mage class. By fear monger, I mean down trod magic to the point of where it's "stupid". I will say the financial cost to even start magic and excuse my french, is fucking absurd.

For a "Fantasy Life" game, this puts a lot of mid-tier gating on certain aspects, magic being one of them as you have to have a sustained income to even begin to tap into it. I also noticed that we get melee weapons, but no starter magical weapons? At least a beginner wand and Frostbolt should be given to push the person in the right track, at least let them dabble in magic and see whether or not they want to pursue it.

For the veterans of Mabinogi, sure the game wasn't probably "this easy" for you when you started.

Here is a post of someone on the Mabinogi Subreddit.

I am very inclined to agree with them.
If you have something to say to me, say it. If not, keep your hands off the keyboard as to not waste my precious time on your idiocy.
post rev. 2 by sergalbait on 04-19-17, 06:14 am
Posted at 04-19-17, 06:13 am Link | #22

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Waltz. Your opinion on the cost is rather funny, since you seem to think grinding on foxes for four hours is a good source of income.


Also, you have literally no reason to need a wand as a beginner.
post rev. 1 by lycoris on 04-19-17, 07:39 am
Posted at 04-19-17, 07:38 am Link | #23

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Ad hominem argument.

"Play the way I play or you're doing it wrong" argument. Fusion Bolt, anyone?
Posted at 04-19-17, 08:20 pm Link | #24

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Waltz. Your opinion on the cost is rather funny, since you seem to think grinding on foxes for four hours is a good source of income.


Also, you have literally no reason to need a wand as a beginner.

1. I didn't know about Fomor's until I was told by Amy. Obviously your lack in reading comprehension shows this or else you wouldn't have gone through the effort to make this post. Read everything or don't read at all.

2. A beginner wand is quite needed for people looking to actually dabble into magic and try it out. If they don't like it, they can toss the wand. But every wand after that would cost them money.

3. The amount of elitism in this community is astounding. Because people want to play differently from you, you make it your personal agenda to snuff out anything that's not the "norm".
If you have something to say to me, say it. If not, keep your hands off the keyboard as to not waste my precious time on your idiocy.
Posted at 04-19-17, 09:37 pm Link | #25

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why is a beginner wand "needed"?

Unless you have some really generous people, fireball/thunder/ice spear will take a lot of time/luck/gold to obtain all the pages.

If you are using it for fusion bolt you are chugging MP pots anyways.

Perhaps the elitism is because those of us who played on the live servers remember how things used to be before the "combat update" and missed those times (and think if one change happens, it gets easier to change other things). I personally went from being cautious in Rabbie to almost untouchable god in a single update.

That type of gameplay isn't fun (for me), there wasn't much incentive to learn the mechanics of the game when you could just spam skills.
post rev. 2 by lycoris on 04-19-17, 11:00 pm
Posted at 04-19-17, 10:59 pm Link | #26

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There is also the fact that not everyone is here for hard mode/hardcore style Mabi. One can prefer the original combat system without wanting everything to be as punishing as possible, or denying the possibility that there may have been some flaws in its balance and fun factor in certain select areas. If someone didn't want to play on "insane" difficulty in another game, would you try to shove them towards "very easy" mode and pretend there aren't other settings in between? Nobody is calling for the new combat system to be implemented. People are calling for small tweaks to the existing one.
Posted at 04-19-17, 11:31 pm Link | #27

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If we want to make Magic more beginner accessible (and I see no reason not to), Mana Evaporation isn't the spot to tackle. Make the most basic mana potions more easily available, perhaps through an NPC shop. Beginners can get by on the basic bolt spells rather reasonably. If you've just started and you're lacking the funds for the Firebolt and Lightningbolt spellbooks, Icebolt is still pretty effective during your early levels and can be used effectively alongside some backup combat style.

Also, for those who don't know, classes are a nice and inexpensive way to acquire the basic bolt spells.

I agree that you don't really need a wand as a beginner. It can up your damage, sure, but until you finally get advanced spells, there is no real need for one. If you worked your way to acquiring all of the pages you'll need for an advanced spell, then you are most likely capable of funding a wand to use for more difficult content. Maybe you can't fund those massive repair costs if you're using your wand all of the time, so save it for when you need it, and keep relying on those good ol' bolt spells. You'll eventually get to the point where you can fund a wand rather effectively.

I must admit that those repair costs are incredibly taxing on an aspiring mage. That being said, what if there was a cheaper, weaker option for aspiring mages to get instead? Maybe it can't upgrade beyond what it already is, but it could simply allow access to casting its element's advanced spell. The repair cost could be cheaper, and current wands would be the goal aspiring mages would strive for, but they could have a stepping stone to reach that point.

I feel like Mana Evaporation is a problem for 'advanced mages': those who have made it to the point where wands are commonly used. If the problems that people have with Magic occur as an aspiring mage or a beginner rather than as an 'advanced mage', I believe that Mana Evaporation is not the source of those problems.

I currently have no opinion on Mana Evaporation, as I have not yet achieved 'advanced mage' status. As an aspiring mage, I don't have the luxury of having consistent access to a wand without taking too massive of a blow to my bank account, so Mana Evaporation rarely comes up for me. I think Mana Evaporation is a topic that impacts those who can use a wand consistently, be they pure mage or not, so until I get to that point, I don't feel like any opinion I have on the matter is worth its salt. I haven't witnessed the full impact of it personally, yet. If we want to make Magic a more viable path to aspire to for beginners, however, I believe there are issues that need to be tackled, but Mana Evaporation is not one of them.
Posted at 04-19-17, 11:43 pm Link | #28

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Also. We don't give, any shits. about how you play. Period

What we care about is people who don't know anything spreading misinformation as if it was a cold hard fact.
Posted at 04-19-17, 11:46 pm Link | #29

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Lycoris. Maybe you should look at the name of the server. And at the tagline for the server.
This server literally exists for exactly what you're saying people didn't come here for.
They don't want the hardcore original experience? they shouldn't _be_ here.
If they want easy mode, they should go to live. They have a choice. The choice exists.

People don't like being told that they are free to go, but, they are. We're not holding them here against their will. I know I'm going to get a lot of flack for stating it bluntly, but there it is.
post rev. 4 by lycoris on 04-20-17, 01:25 am
Posted at 04-20-17, 12:19 am Link | #30

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Original pre-dynamic (old-school) combat system does not necessarily mean hardcore difficulty is the goal of the server. Stop pretending it does to satisfy yourself and act like you're speaking for the GM team. I played during those times too - just because the current live system is easier in some ways doesn't mean it's a binary choice. Even outside of the specific issue of mana evaporation, what I'm sick of is people being hollered at and told to get out for suggesting any buffs at all. It's not a kind suggestion and you're not fooling anyone by pulling that "it's just a choice" routine every time. Excuse me for wanting a game to be more fun for me and others who share in a similar vision for what Mabi could be: what it could've become if properly managed, rather than the messy thing it did become on the live servers.

And in regards to the name of the server? That's open for interpretation too, though at this point I'd love to hear a staff member weigh in on it.
I read it as "Mabi Professional" as in, run by professionals and intended to be a clean and complete version of the game.
I don't read it as "Pros only, noobs get out."
Posted at 04-20-17, 02:10 am Link | #31

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Lycoris. Maybe you should look at the name of the server. And at the tagline for the server.
This server literally exists for exactly what you're saying people didn't come here for.
They don't want the hardcore original experience? they shouldn't _be_ here.
If they want easy mode, they should go to live. They have a choice. The choice exists.

People don't like being told that they are free to go, but, they are. We're not holding them here against their will. I know I'm going to get a lot of flack for stating it bluntly, but there it is.

You really seem to have an elitist attitude when it comes to this game. Maybe it should be you who takes a knee for once. Not everyone should play the way you do. Considering you probably don't even use a Mage why would this bother you? We don't have enough people to fully PvP with so I don't see anyone trying to stomp you in PvP and even then they're minor tweaks at best. You really need to stop throwing your opinion around like it's fact/law. This narrow minded way of thinking would probably keep players from coming here, versus letting them stay. I don't know about you but I'd like to see an "increase" in our population. Not a decrease.

If someone doesn't play the same way you do, that's entirely fine. It doesn't make them "bad" , like it was said before, it's open to interpretation. However you really need to stop having this "Stop liking what I don't like." attitude. You can't force your ideals on someone else. Nobody is telling you to drop down to someone else's level and play like them, just be more agreeable to the changes being asked or at the very least give people the ability to tow the line with their opinion.
If you have something to say to me, say it. If not, keep your hands off the keyboard as to not waste my precious time on your idiocy.
Posted at 04-20-17, 02:51 am Link | #32

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Perhaps instead of insults, we should get back to the original topic: Mana evaporation yea or ney?

So far I have yet to see one of the best solutions for keeping it (imho): the palala spell book. this item gave a % reduction on ME, 20%/30%/45%/60% based on level of the book. granted these where gatcha only items (easily added to stores like several other gatcha items). these combined with the previously mentioned mana preservation stones (maybe make them easier to craft or just buy), or wand upgrades can offset 100% of ME.
Posted at 04-20-17, 02:48 pm Link | #33
Drahan GM

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Lycoris. Maybe you should look at the name of the server. And at the tagline for the server.
This server literally exists for exactly what you're saying people didn't come here for.
They don't want the hardcore original experience? they shouldn't _be_ here.
If they want easy mode, they should go to live. They have a choice. The choice exists.

People don't like being told that they are free to go, but, they are. We're not holding them here against their will. I know I'm going to get a lot of flack for stating it bluntly, but there it is.

This server exists as an alternative to the operational disaster that is Nexon's server. We run this server to bring back the best times of this game, and then improve upon them. We want players time spent here to be enjoyable and satisfying, however thay does not necessarily mean things should be too difficult. It is true that we are trying to stay true to the way Mabinogi used to be, however Mabinogi isn't supposed to be "hardcore" or "easy". Unfortunately our big brother has taken the "easy" route, but that doesnt mean we need to take the "hardcore" route.

Just so you all are aware, even though we don't comment much on posts like this, we certainly hear all of your words.
Posted at 04-20-17, 04:10 pm Link | #34

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i kind of like how challenging it is ;w;...but maybe cuz im on the earlier stages of mage XD but it rly does remind me of the old days of mabinogi <3
Posted at 04-21-17, 01:36 am Link | #35

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its not that I'm pushing for uberhardcore or anything. I just don't believe that the way to balance something is to just blanket-remove it. We've seen what nexon's attempts with things were, and how horribly it backfired. Why would we repeat the same mistake? Including other ways to alleviate mana evaporation would be fine. Removing it outright is..just a silly knee-jerk reaction.

Making the mana evaporation stones more useful is a very good idea.
Urudezu's suggestion of the palala spellbook was great too.
Removing it outright? not a great idea.
post rev. 1 by Drahan on 04-21-17, 01:40 am
Posted at 04-21-17, 01:39 am Link | #36
Drahan GM

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its not that I'm pushing for uberhardcore or anything. I just don't believe that the way to balance something is to just blanket-remove it. We've seen what nexon's attempts with things were, and how horribly it backfired. Why would we repeat the same mistake? Including other ways to alleviate mana evaporation would be fine. Removing it outright is..just a silly knee-jerk reaction.

Making the mana evaporation stones more useful is a very good idea.
Urudezu's suggestion of the palala spellbook was great too.
Removing it outright? not a great idea.
I absolutely agree. People need to think about ways to remedy the problem in alternative ways that straight up removing the problem.
It's not a good idea to mess with the balance of the game in such a drastic way. You can argue that it's unbalanced, however you are still messing with the balance of the game by removing it outright. A lot of things have to be considered that most people simply don't even think about.
Posted at 04-21-17, 02:08 am Link | #37

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I think, after looking over some of this, that I might have an idea, or a few that work together to remedy this problem?

Mana evap upgrades are complete trash and should be buffed to be around 20-30% depending on the element, that's one step. (Maybe make them only require 2 slots for that instead of 3 for the abysmally small amount they get now?)

post rev. 1 by lycoris on 04-21-17, 07:16 am
Posted at 04-21-17, 06:59 am Link | #38

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After consideration I've come around to the idea that improving mitigation methods is a better path to make the game more interesting, instead of outright removing the offending mechanic it can be salvaged. I agree with the above post and appreciate the input from Drahan. I'd love to see something like two or more of the following:

* Some buffing to Meditation which is currently borderline pointless and not worth all the effort to rank up through its difficult quests.

* Improved access to Preservation Stones. Add them to monster drops, put em in shops, and/or provide a less clunky/annoying recipe to create them.

* Improving wand evaporation upgrades would make them actually worth giving up the mana reduction ones for on occasion.

* Improved access to magic weapons that don't evaporate - these would be lesser staves similar to Trinity, or perhaps beginner wands that don't cast int spells but are handy for fusion. I'm not sure if the second one is possible or not, but the first one is, as I've experimented with this.
Posted at 04-21-17, 10:15 am Link | #39
Drahan GM

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After consideration I've come around to the idea that improving mitigation methods is a better path to make the game more interesting, instead of outright removing the offending mechanic it can be salvaged. I agree with the above post and appreciate the input from Drahan. I'd love to see something like two or more of the following:

* Some buffing to Meditation which is currently borderline pointless and not worth all the effort to rank up through its difficult quests.

* Improved access to Preservation Stones. Add them to monster drops, put em in shops, and/or provide a less clunky/annoying recipe to create them.

* Improving wand evaporation upgrades would make them actually worth giving up the mana reduction ones for on occasion.

* Improved access to magic weapons that don't evaporate - these would be lesser staves similar to Trinity, or perhaps beginner wands that don't cast int spells but are handy for fusion. I'm not sure if the second one is possible or not, but the first one is, as I've experimented with this.

Don't quote me on this, but I think the Trinity Staff is possible to obtain, and of course has no mana evaporation.
post rev. 1 by Slayerj on 04-21-17, 04:07 pm
Posted at 04-21-17, 03:57 pm Link | #40

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After consideration I've come around to the idea that improving mitigation methods is a better path to make the game more interesting, instead of outright removing the offending mechanic it can be salvaged. I agree with the above post and appreciate the input from Drahan. I'd love to see something like two or more of the following:

* Some buffing to Meditation which is currently borderline pointless and not worth all the effort to rank up through its difficult quests.

* Improved access to Preservation Stones. Add them to monster drops, put em in shops, and/or provide a less clunky/annoying recipe to create them.

* Improving wand evaporation upgrades would make them actually worth giving up the mana reduction ones for on occasion.

* Improved access to magic weapons that don't evaporate - these would be lesser staves similar to Trinity, or perhaps beginner wands that don't cast int spells but are handy for fusion. I'm not sure if the second one is possible or not, but the first one is, as I've experimented with this.

Don't quote me on this, but I think the Trinity Staff is possible to obtain, and of course has no mana evaporation.

Trinity is an option yes, but it's not beginner friendly at all, for those that really wana 'mage main', and much MUCH harder to get than any wand as you can't just up and buy it. Lycoris is talking about a 'bolt type' mage weapon meant just for bolts and bolt fusion so magic would have something like...
Hands/any weapon able to cast bolts with no upside to the bolts themselves > 'bolt weapon' type that is used for bolts and bolt fusion > wands that are used for bolts, bolt fusion, blaze, and an int magic > stave that is used for bolts, int magic, and adv magic (Should maybe update it to how it is in live where you can blaze and fusion bolt with it too, unless that is a thing currently. I don't have one or easy access to one to test)

Honestly, sitting here and doing some numbers and junk...Magic is so damn weird to balance. Melee and range use %s for their skills and their base attack uses just the base numbers. Magic uses a min-max for their skills and has no 'base' attack with the 'base' for the formula coming from a %.

Rank E ice bolt loses in damage to (not even counting in rank E combat mastery) base gladius damage in damage and how fast you can pull off the damage. Then loses further to WM and smash at rank E. Combined with the fact that SP comes back so much easier and faster than MP (even at night!) Ranged normal attack only takes .8 seconds to load for a few points less damage min (6 points) but beats it by a max but that's hard to see the trade off because of aim % and aim speed (also not even counting ranged attack) Even if you fully upgrade it for cc+5, ignoreing the GLITCH, a fully upgraded gladius for damage out damages it faster and just rank E Wm and smash also out damage it. Go up to rank 9 and Ice bolt finally wins...against rank E melee skills that will also cost less to use and follow up into assault slash sometimes for even more damage in a combo. Bolts just seem so...not good on their own at all both base early and mid game..

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