Pet Dungeon Event (rev. 1 by Meorin on 04-03-17, 06:33 pm)
Posted at 04-03-17, 06:32 pm Link | #1

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The pet dungeon event is one of the oldest and most fun events I can remember from back in the day and would love to see this in the server.

Most of the player base probably also wants to level up their pets and this can be a fun way to help each other level up pets as well, while getting small rewards for it in return.

So my suggestion, if it's possible to implement, is giving us pet dungeon event.

(Old screenshot from around 2010-2011 in EU servers)
Posted at 04-03-17, 08:53 pm Link | #2

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It would be nice if we also didn't lose summon time while playing as a pet, didn't' get the "I should let it do whatever it wants" message while playing as them that makes your pet cancel any loaded skill, combat or not, and let pets do more things.
Posted at 04-03-17, 11:42 pm Link | #3
Still a casual gamer

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It would be nice if we also didn't lose summon time while playing as a pet, didn't' get the "I should let it do whatever it wants" message while playing as them that makes your pet cancel any loaded skill, combat or not, and let pets do more things.

I was never one to play as a pet, but i'm betting the latter issue, making your pet wander, can be solved via a mod. data/db/ai. Which file it is, i could only guess, but if anyone's got the time, experience, and interest you could look into it.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 04-04-17, 05:48 pm Link | #4

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HELL YEAH!! I wanna do some dungeon runs as our pets. Can't wait to watch as everyone is handicapped from the lack of Windmill (unless you've got a Lagodessa). Super down for a pet dungeon with some cool incentivized rewards.
Posted at 04-21-17, 06:52 am Link | #5

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yah i'd like to see some old mabi events too! ones tht involve ppl and teamwork ^-^ like tht giant Imp event, music sensation, or pet dungeon

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