Posted at 04-05-17, 11:17 pm Link | #81

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I'd like to turn the conversation away from magic for a second and revisit Windmill training requirements.

This skill is obviously pretty integral to the success of most characters but the training, even with 2x skill and 2x destiny, is still painstakingly tedious to grind. I think making it so you can get more points from some of the higher scoring objectives is a good way to solve this issue without making R1 WM a free handout.
Posted at 04-07-17, 01:22 am Link | #82

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I'd like to turn the conversation away from magic for a second and revisit Windmill training requirements.

This skill is obviously pretty integral to the success of most characters but the training, even with 2x skill and 2x destiny, is still painstakingly tedious to grind. I think making it so you can get more points from some of the higher scoring objectives is a good way to solve this issue without making R1 WM a free handout.

Honestly, the best way to handle WM training it to make it so you can get 100 from just using the skill at any rank. Make it take A LOT of WMing, but this way, no mater how high your CP gets cranked up, you always have a way to rank it and never have to go "I must get this rank 1 first no mater what I actually want to do because CP is stupid."
Posted at 04-09-17, 05:10 pm Link | #83

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I'd like to turn the conversation away from magic for a second and revisit Windmill training requirements.

This skill is obviously pretty integral to the success of most characters but the training, even with 2x skill and 2x destiny, is still painstakingly tedious to grind. I think making it so you can get more points from some of the higher scoring objectives is a good way to solve this issue without making R1 WM a free handout.

Honestly, the best way to handle WM training it to make it so you can get 100 from just using the skill at any rank. Make it take A LOT of WMing, but this way, no mater how high your CP gets cranked up, you always have a way to rank it and never have to go "I must get this rank 1 first no mater what I actually want to do because CP is stupid."

You want to make it like Live? Cause that's how you make the game a grindfest like Live.

Every since Fighter, the skills stopped being less CP focused and more spam this 1000-3000 times. Yeah WM for elves is basically like that, and a few skills are like that, but I don't want to see a surge of it.
Posted at 04-09-17, 06:03 pm Link | #84

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I'd like to turn the conversation away from magic for a second and revisit Windmill training requirements.

This skill is obviously pretty integral to the success of most characters but the training, even with 2x skill and 2x destiny, is still painstakingly tedious to grind. I think making it so you can get more points from some of the higher scoring objectives is a good way to solve this issue without making R1 WM a free handout.

Honestly, the best way to handle WM training it to make it so you can get 100 from just using the skill at any rank. Make it take A LOT of WMing, but this way, no mater how high your CP gets cranked up, you always have a way to rank it and never have to go "I must get this rank 1 first no mater what I actually want to do because CP is stupid."

You want to make it like Live? Cause that's how you make the game a grindfest like Live.

Every since Fighter, the skills stopped being less CP focused and more spam this 1000-3000 times. Yeah WM for elves is basically like that, and a few skills are like that, but I don't want to see a surge of it.

I never said drop the CP, just make a way to not need it for those that just want to rank it as they go later and not need to shit themselves in frustration for ranking ANYTHING ELSE first. In live they make it a REQUIREMENT to spam the skill thousands of times. It's not an option like I'm suggesting.
Posted at 04-24-17, 04:38 pm Link | #85

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As it is right now, Windmill is like a hurdle you need to get over before you can actually start playing. No matter how you want to play, you better do windmill before it's too late.

If you make it possible to rank windmill in a manner similar to how Slayerj proposed, it wouldn't be the hurdle that it currently is. It will likely still be super grindy, you will likely want to use the CP requirements to speed it up, and getting it done early would still be recommended, but you can hold off on it and still reasonably get it up to r1 when you feel like it.
Posted at 04-25-17, 08:36 pm Link | #86

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What if we keep Alchemy as-is and just add a Chain Cylinder upgrade on the cylinders.

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