Posts: 13
Joined: 02-17-17
Last post: 2637 days
Last view: 1702 days
I spent some time thinking up of a lot of ideas and suggestions for things being added into the game. Some are small, some are large, and some might interest a lot of people here. Heres what I came up with regarding items and events, its a lot so be ready for a bit of reading:
From talking with some of the GMs and asking around, it seems a lot of people have interest in seeing collab and reference items introduced into Mabi. Say from other games, either those similar or from around the time that this old style of Mabi was in its golden years. Heres a few that come to mind:
Dark Souls
Ninja Gaiden
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Team Fortress 2
Tales of ___
Or maybe even from things from anime, either from popular ones or ones people might not expect:
Black Rock Shooter
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Konosuba (Kono Subarashii Sekai Ni Shukufuku Wo)
Might not be the best ideas but you get the point. If anyone has better suggestions for games/animes to reference, feel free to contribute.
Of course, regardless of what items are added into the game, it doesn't seem like many people have come up with ideas on HOW they'll be added in. I do have some of my own thoughts and ideas on the topic, so I'd like to see what everyone else thinks about them.
As we all know, a majority of the items, outfits, weapons, and additional content we've grown to know and love come from gachas. Personally, I'm fine with this up until those gachas and their items cease to exist. I was okay with the items becoming incredibly rare or difficult to re-obtain once their event dates have passed, or even knowing that the best of those items will be gone until the next event of the same kind comes around, but missing out on large portions of equipment and outfits because it simply doesn't exist anymore is disappointing, even downright depressing at times. This is more my own voice on the matter, but it'd be nice to see content added in staying for the long term. And I'm not just talking about gachas. A rare dungeon pass drop for an event dungeon, a boss or mob dropping old manuals, and using red coins to repurchase passes or quest scrolls to restart event questlines are great ways to relive the experiences.
Along the line of making dungeons, making unrestricted dungeon passes purchasable with gold is amazing. Why not let either those passes grant access to event dungeons or add in a special type of unrestricted pass that does?
But what can we do to sustain this kind of idea and to keep adding in new content alongside old content? My solution is to add a few extra incentives to content people don't normally get a lot from, like field bosses, adding in extra rewards to the things people do normally participate in, or putting more content towards life skills for the more dedicated people.
For fashionogi and social players, what about adding in 2nd and 3rd place positions for the Tara Banquet lottery? Maybe give the first place holder better odds at getting more unique outfits while mixing up the older outfits into the 2nd and 3rd place reward tables?
What about adding extra rewards to fighting field bosses, especially the ones in Uladh? Say with a party quest scroll to hunt those bosses, with extra red coins or an event gacha as a reward? Maybe even adding more manuals for blacksmithing and tailoring tied to those same scrolls?
The only other idea that comes to mind is introducing new field bosses through incredibly rare summon scrolls (if thats even possible). But these aren't the kind of bosses that people simply fight against like a normal NPC. What if it was damage race for loot, like spawning in a giant mimic that drops everything it has for those that kill it? Could be a part of the party scroll idea or maybe just a better boss to pay attention for. Perhaps it'd be possible to make this a trigger for a server-wide quest to hunt the boss down and gain loot for everyone.
So in short, heres a tl;dr:
1. Add in new items that reference other games/anime, either weapons or outfits.
2. Make new content added in persistent, not time-restricted purely to events or gachas.
3. Possibly add in quests or unique dungeons for new weapons and outfits along with the means to re-enter those dungeons or re-obtain their loot once their times have passed.
4. Increase rewards for other content, namely field bosses, party scrolls, and tara banquet. Add in extra manuals for tailoring and blacksmithing tied to any of these.
5. Possibly add channel bosses that give rewards to all players online on the server when defeated, more as a collaborative effort and a show of strength for players. (If its possible that is, otherwise it'd just be adding a loot bag boss for veterans)