Translate the Quest Boards in Iria?
Posted at 04-28-17, 10:50 am Link | #1

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I know that this may sound incredibly stupid, and it probably is to some extent. But would it be at all possible to have the Quest Boards within Iria translated to their English counter-parts? I do see the one or two that're translated and I appreciate that the further passing ones (i.e the ones to get you past 5, 10 etc.) are translated and tell you what you need to do, but for when you're trying to level up Exploration and the Quest is a bunch of symbols that's too hard to try and understand properly, it kind of leads one away from trying to get exploration anywhere higher than 11.

I'm well aware that translating it from the language it's at to English would take a fair amount of time, but it would be greatly appreciated if these quests could be translated.
Posted at 04-28-17, 12:37 pm Link | #2
Drahan GM

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They'll be translated whenever the translators translate them.
Posted at 04-28-17, 12:43 pm Link | #3

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Right, hence why I mentioned to begin with that it was "incredibly stupid" when I was asking such.
Sorry for seeming a bit out of place with such, I hope that what's needed will be translated.
Posted at 04-29-17, 02:13 am Link | #4

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if its incredibly stupid and you're aware. Why are you wasting anyone's time in the first place..?
Posted at 04-29-17, 02:25 am Link | #5
Drahan GM

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if its incredibly stupid and you're aware. Why are you wasting anyone's time in the first place..?
Never hurts to ask! No question is a stupid question.
Posted at 04-29-17, 09:11 pm Link | #6

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I think what they meant to ask was if they could make those a priority

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