How long have you been playing Mabi?
Since it started
59 (37.82%)
5+ years
78 (50%)
2+ years
9 (5.769%)
<1 year
10 (6.41%)
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"How long have you been playing Mabi?" thread (rev. 1 by J on 02-08-17, 05:01 am)
Posted at 02-08-17, 05:01 am Link | #1

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Personally I'm absolutely garbage at the game, and I only started a few months ago.

Reply with your experience with Mabi, or just answer the poll if you're lazy.
Posted at 02-08-17, 05:03 am Link | #2
Drahan GM

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A long time.
Posted at 02-08-17, 05:18 am Link | #3
Arisa GM

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Posted at 02-08-17, 06:30 am Link | #4
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Pretty much right when the game began, I was there. Even tho I've 'quit' multiple times, the game always pulls me back. xD
Posted at 02-08-17, 02:36 pm Link | #5
Shekelberg Goldstein

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March-April 2008, On and off from April 2009 to Sept. 2012. Every bloody day since Sept 2012 until Sept. 2016.
Posted at 02-08-17, 04:20 pm Link | #6

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Closed Beta. This server is taking me back there
Posted at 02-08-17, 04:44 pm Link | #7

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Way long time-- Around since G8-G9 release in NA Is when I started playing.
Posted at 02-08-17, 07:19 pm Link | #8

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I started in G1~2, took a break for a bit and came back about G3 right before Iria was released. I played up until 2015 and retired because things felt stagnant and gacha heavy. I actually met my wife through a guild and lots of other great people. So I'm happy to see a project like this because it brings back all those memories.
Posted at 02-08-17, 09:13 pm Link | #9

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I started in Open Beta, so just before G1 came out. Heck, I remember needing to enlist help to beat Alby's Giant Spider when I got that quest. Played on and off since about G10, but always came back because of the music system and the game's music. Hopefully this brings back some of the experiences of before the game became too easy for those of us that never truly reached the end-game!
Posted at 02-09-17, 08:00 am Link | #10

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I played some odd number of years ago, my horrible inactivity has left me with poor sense of time or an actual date though,

I remember playing for the first time on Tarlach and not knowing how to turn the camera, I hit a lamp post in Tir for five minutes and then the game went down for matinence. it was several months before I returned to Mabinogi but even my limited exposure had caused me to become hooked. (I just felt like an idiot and wanted to figure it out honestly.) When I came back I met some of the friends on Mabinogi I still keep in contact with today and am very grateful for it,

its been a very awesome experiences for the most part (Albeit less so as for late on normal Mabinogi in my opinion.) I've met cool people and really enjoyed the story that was laid out for me despite some confusing bits here and there. I am glad to be a part of this, and hope that it can be an enjoyable experience for all of us its really cool.
post rev. 5 by Drahan on 02-11-17, 01:05 am
Posted at 02-10-17, 05:50 am Link | #11
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May 16th of 2008. Been nearly ten years now holy crap. The fact you could equip a stick and play music you wrote is what kept me here for the longest time. I've taken unannounced breaks here and there but always seem to find myself coming back.

EDIT: W e W looks like the image broke the forums ahahaha,
Posted at 02-11-17, 12:07 am Link | #12
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I started when it opened in NA. I was quitting maple at that time and saw a new game was coming out lol
Posted at 02-14-17, 06:37 am Link | #13

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Round G3-4 i started i think, back when the title screen was the spinning moss covered pillar
Posted at 02-20-17, 12:24 am Link | #14

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I've been playing since like august 2008. I think it was like the day before DK became a thing because I was panicking the day of the patch and I didn't understand why I couldn't log on (lol). I play on the NA server (as Frida on Tarlach server), but a friend recommended this server to me. So, this shall be interesting for me.
Currently not really playing NA though since it's gotten boring. Just jumping on and off for events really.
post rev. 4 by lycoris on 02-20-17, 01:06 am
Posted at 02-20-17, 12:54 am Link | #15

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I started around G2. It was a fun game, but I quickly got frustrated at how progress was impossible without paid rebirth, and you needed service for the main story quests. I was still a kid and couldn't afford stuff like that!

I rejoined the game around G8, since those things had been rectified, and played for a long time well into the Alchemy era, only to leave again around G12 because I ran out of interesting content and most of my friends got unreliable, along with frustration at the server being ruled by rich elitist players with lots of cash to blow on the game. I could handle buying a few pets around this time, but "whales" just kept ruining it for me.

Rejoined again several times, played around with stuff like Avon and Saga, didn't last long any of those times because the server was still ruled by the same rich elitist jerks, this time with reforges making the gap even wider, and there were no parties for high level stuff that didn't involve them.

See the common thread? That's why I'm here instead. Well, that and original Mabi is totally broken and messy and yuck now, and the people here are great so far.
Posted at 02-20-17, 03:01 am Link | #16

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I'm the very same as Marusa , a long time play (my char is almost 15k total lvl on mari) but found the new play style and things they keep giving to new players so its even more easy , and of course the elitists made it unenjoyable , and guilds became a joke , no more friends to play with or if u were lucky they would use you to fill spots in missions and and ignore u ... me and my bestie found this today , we both went on a squeeeeee tirade lol ,THANKYOU for this !!!
Posted at 02-20-17, 07:00 am Link | #17
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I've been playing since like august 2008. I think it was like the day before DK became a thing because I was panicking the day of the patch and I didn't understand why I couldn't log on (lol). I play on the NA server (as Frida on Tarlach server), but a friend recommended this server to me. So, this shall be interesting for me.
Currently not really playing NA though since it's gotten boring. Just jumping on and off for events really.

=D! *high five* I'm glad you and Xavi are gonna try this out!
Posted at 02-20-17, 02:20 pm Link | #18

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2009-- So since I was eight years old I've been playing...
..And still have no idea how to play it xD
Posted at 02-21-17, 02:56 am Link | #19

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Lets see... A long fricken time ago...
Posted at 02-21-17, 03:14 am Link | #20

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Pretty much right when the game began, I was there. Even tho I've 'quit' multiple times, the game always pulls me back. xD

;3 Hi courneyy. It's been awhile. - Never really got to say anything to ya. Anyway.

(Real part of this) - I've been playing mabinogi off and on for over 7 years.. I joined back in 2009...early 2009. I pretty much sat in dunby for most of my mabi-life, flipping items in the game. (OFC i was in alexina)... I have currently 44,147 hours on mabinogi... and i quit almost 4 months ago.. officially. Hopefully this will bring me back to the good days of my mabi life, instead of the fashionogi side of things.

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