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Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!
This is Akatsuki of Guardia and I've been working on a little project for my guild which I wish to now share with all of you. Without further ado, let me begin.
This guide is designed to allow players both new and old, skilled and unskilled, to aid in gathering the required items to make these sets. While any one player can obtain these items it's a rather fun and community-building experience for a guild to undertake and make the set, passing it around their respective players so they can train skills as needed. These are not high-end enchants that are very hard to obtain, which make it easier on lower level players willing to help or aid in their acquisition. Even senior players who do have higher-end enchants such as Marble (-500 cp) and Raccoon Cub (-1000 cp), or even Arc Lich's (-250 cp) and Abysmal (-500 cp) will enjoy having the extra cp reduction so that they can have even less trouble ranking up skills. It is my full intention on writing this guide in a style that assumes gatherers are lower levels, so almost every enchant listed will be listed with their method of obtainment as the lowest difficulty for shadow missions or the most basic of dungeons to obtain the required enchants. The rather obvious silver lining is that higher level players will find the difficulty in finding some of these enchants almost trivial and can solo the dungeons or shadow missions with ease. That being said, just about any information found in here will be useful to anyone viewing it, so I hope it helps any of those who read it.
Unfortunately due to a variety of limitations, most of the equipment that is enchantable is either human only, elf and human only, human and giant only, or is wearable by all races but is however not implemented yet. Ergo, this small guide is designed for unisex equipment wearable by both humans and elves. All of the equipment can be purchased from an NPC for a nominal price, is relatively cheap to repair, and has extremely high durability which aids in cost reduction if or when the enchants fail and burn through the durability of an item.
Due to the enchants required the head, foot, and hand equipment slots are all metal, and the armor is light armor. Heavy armor can be used, but high durability heavy armor is considerably more expensive to buy and repair.
Any of the equipment in this guide can be substituted with any other equipment suited for other races so long as the head, foot, and hand equipment slots are all metal. This is incredibly important due to the required enchants.
The following is a list of recommended equipment.
Norman Warrior Helmet
Defense: 1
Protection: 1
Durability: 23
Price: 28,000g @ Osla
Repair: 525g / point @ 98%
Fluted Gauntlet
Defense: 1
Protection: 1
Durability: 32
Price: 30,500g @ Elen
Repair: 377g / point @ 98%
Plate Boots
Defense: 1
Protection: 1
Durability: 24
Price: 31,000g @ Elen
Repair: 569g / point @ 98%
Padded Armor with Breastplate
Defense: 4
Protection: 1
Durability: 32
Price: 92,000g @ Elen
Repair: 1,138g / point @ 98%
Total cost: 181,500g
This is a list of the enchants, the bridging sequence, their alternatives, and where to find each enchant. I will focus on enchants that can be enchanted onto any piece of equipment, reducing the amount of time required to obtain passes or run to different areas.
Ultimately you are going to end up with your helmet, gauntlets, and boots enchanted with both a Prefix and Suffix, which means multiple bridging for each item, and your final enchants are as follows.
Footwear: Vicious (Prefix r8), Inconvenient (Suffix r8) -200 cp
Gauntlets: Small (Prefix r8), Damaging (Suffix r9) -200 cp
Headgear: Thin (Prefix r8), Uncomfortable (Suffix r8) -200 cp
Light Armor: Trouble (Suffix rA) -100 cp
Total CP Reduction: 700
Rank A Enchants
Rank A Enchants are our first step in the bridging process and are required for enchanting rank 9 enchants that follow. Fortunately there is a rather vast selection for these so they're rather easy to collect and enchant accordingly. Rank A enchants have a maximum success rate of 82% when enchanted on Thursdays with someone with 200 or higher Intelligence while using an Elite Magic Powder. If a failure does occur, it will either be a regular failure or a huge failure. The durability loss on an item from a failed enchant with a rank A enchant will be 0~4 to 0~8, for a regular or a huge failure respectively. The item will not be destroyed but will be rendered unwearable if brought to a max durability of 0. Though it may be hard to find a player with 200 intelligence, but it is highly recommended. For smaller guilds or for solo players, you can find a massive amount of Intelligence from Composing and Music Knowledge ranks, but hitting 200 Intelligence takes a little more commitment than that. I will note however that the G13 persona, Claudius's Conspiracy, can be used to easily reach 200 intelligence, making it useful to enchant.
Hamster (Prefix), all equipment: This enchant is found enchanted onto a Popo's Skirt, dropped from Shadow Warrior Basic end chests, as well as defeating the Shadow Warrior boss. This Shadow Mission is relatively easy and the enchant drops from two sources in the same mission. It is recommended to have at least one other player with you due to the multi-aggro of Shadow Archers. A strong and well trained pet, such as a Snow Tiger, may also handle an archer or two if you have practiced pet control. You may also obtain the skirts as a drop from Gold Goblins which spawn in a batch of 12 in the boss room of Rabbie Normal if you have a party when you created the dungeon. Gold Goblins don't have much HP (500) and are easy to defeat. Though be aware they do have a fast and rather large aggro and do multi-aggro so use caution. These methods do require you to be successful in burning the enchant out of the skirt.
Sturdy (Prefix), headgear and footgear: Obtained from the end chest of Math normal enchanted onto a Lute. This enchant is only applicable on headgear and footgear, and is more limited to your applications. Also, it only drops from one source. However, Math normal is relatively easy to solo (though watch for Kobold Archers) and very easy with a party. Rank 9 or higher Windmill is recommended for multi-aggro situations. A lightning wand upgraded to 2 or 3 bolt chaincasting also works phenomenally well. As with the previous enchant, it is required to burn this enchant out of the lute.
Colorful (Prefix), all equipment: This enchant is found in a massive array of Shadow Missions, but I will note all the missions from which it drops on Basic difficulty. These include: Defeat Fomor Commander I Basic, Defeat Fomor Commander II all difficulties, Battle for Taillteann I Basic, and Fomor Attack all difficulties. On these missions it is found enchanted on a cylinder. It is also found enchanted on Tork's Hunter Glove from Defeat Crag Cow Basic, Defeat the Shadow Wizard Basic, Battle for Taillteann II Basic, Conflict! Basic, and The Other Alchemist Basic. Due to the sheer array from which this enchant is located I will not go into specific detail about the different strategies that aide in gaining it, but I will say that of all of these Shadow Missions from which it is available, Crag Cow is perhaps the easiest to solo as enemies are easy to target and pick off with ranged or bringing into range to solo with melee. The Crag Cow also has a rather simplistic AI and is rather easy to defeat knowing only Smash and Defense as skills and having level 1 of each Passive Defensive skill. Windmill at rank 9 is recommended to chain melee combos.
Fighter (Suffix), all equipment: This enchant is obtained as a drop from Gray Foxes, enchanted on a Headband. This enchant is by far the easiest to obtain as Gray Foxes are very easy to defeat by virtually anyone. It does still require you to burn out the enchant, however.
Thief (Suffix), all eqiupment: Enchanted onto Headbands dropped from from Young Goblin Archers and Goblins Archers, which can be found in Ciar Beginner and Ciar Normal respectively (Goblin Archers can also be found in Barri Normal). Goblin Archers have stupendously low HP at 105 and are easy to defeat even at the lowest of levels, although beware of their multi-aggro and usage of Magnum Shot. Lower HP players can easily be spammed by arrows from multiple goblins with little time or no time to recover due to wounds. As with Math normal, Rank 9 or higher Windmill is recommended for multi-aggro situations. A lightning wand upgraded to 2 or 3 bolt chaincasting also works phenomenally well. A rank F crystal of Fireball and any cylinder may also do the job, but position yourself as needed as it takes time to load. Most pets can also handle a goblin, especially archers, even at relatively low levels.
Healer (Suffix), all equipment: Enchanted onto Wooden Sticks dropped from Young Poison Goblins and Poison Goblins again found in Ciar Beginner and Ciar Normal, (Poison Goblins also found in Barri Normal). Poison Goblins do have low HP like their other Goblin brethren but they do hit harder; they also multi-aggro like the Goblin Archers so the above listed methods are also useful to take them out quickly before they mob you.
Trouble (Suffix), light armor: This is the only enchant you need for your light armor, and is one of the harder ones to obtain. This enchant is obtained from the end chest in Karu Pot-belly Spider dungeon. It's 5 floors long, however the mobs are neither difficult or easy to defeat, and two of the 5 floors (floors 1 and 3) have recovery rooms. This is one of the harder dungeon for new players to contribute in, however there is no reward without perseverance. As always, rank 9 or higher windmill is highly recommended to help crowd control in the rooms. The pot belly spider spawns aren't really that difficult as they have the simple spider AI most other spider mobs have. The real factor is the repetition required to obtain the enchant as it will likely take you several runs with a full party of 8. Luckily floors 2 and 4 are quite short, but the sheer length of the dungeon can wear down a party.
Ciar Normal is a source of two drops in the Healer and Thief enchants, and the boss is easier to defeat than the boss of Barri Normal, so it is recommended to run Ciar Normal in general.
Rank 9 Enchants
Rank 9 enchants is where things start to become a little more difficult, both in obtaining the items and enchants and also just enchanting them in general. Not only do the quantity of enchants restrict greatly, many available enchants drop from more difficult Shadow Missions or dungeons. It's imperative though that we get these done, since you've gone this far already. Just one more rank to go after this. Rank 9 enchants have a maximum success rate of 57% with the same parameters that we used for rank A enchants. Furthermore, failing a rank 9 enchant reduces durability from 1~6 or 1~10 on a regular failure or a huge failure respectively. This is really where higher durability items start to shine, since most of the "higher end" items with lower durability are going to pretty much become useless after a failure or two.
Pain (Prefix), all equipment: *SPECIAL NOTE: According to user Jean, this enchant can only be aquired by a male solo player, at a 10% drop rate. Parties of players or solo female players will have a 0% chance to acquire it in the reward chest.* This enchant is found enchanted onto a dagger that is in a reward chest of Sliab Cuilin Castle Dungeon if ran by a solo male player. Owing to the name of this enchant, the Sliab Cuilin castle dungeon is also rather painful but can be completed with the right strategies. Keep hounds have 320 HP and an AI similar to wolves, so fight accordingly. Candle warriors have an AI similar to skeletons, and should be dealt with as such. Candle Spiders have a standard spider AI with Defense as their only skill, and are easy to defeat with 210 HP. Phantom Tableware spawns have an AI like that of Flying Swords, but it should be known that they possess level 1 of each of the passive defenses, so while their HP is 600 or less, they can possibly take more damage than predicted to defeat. The Tableware also use Icebolt as opposed to Lightning Bolt. The biggest challenge of this dungeon however are the chess pieces. They have a very complicated AI and much higher HP than any other spawns in the dungeon, and they all possess level 2 heavy stander and will take significantly reduced damage from melee attacks. The rook is a very high priority to take out since it has the highest defenses; not only does it have level 2 heavy stander, but also 150 defense and 20% protection and the highest HP at 1600. It is very tanky and recommended to defeat first so it cannot coordinate with any other spawns in the room. The next challenge is the Horse, Wolf, and Bear Sprites. They self-destruct and explode when they're defeated. They have an AI very similar to Sprites, and will attack accordingly. They all use Firebolt and Defense as their only skills, however it is worth noting that they have heavy stander level 1 and natural shield and mana deflector at level 2, making them tanky for their 500 HP. Also, exercise caution, as again they self-destruct and explode. However they are fire-elemental explosions so a full array of fire enchants on equipment should make you take significantly reduced damage or immune entirely if both accessory slots and a shield are enchanted with fire. It is also worth noting that the fire enchants will reduce your damage dealt to them with neutral attacks, as they are fire-elemental themselves, so a decently ranked Icebolt or Ice Spear is highly recommended. Finally, the boss is an Incubus, due to requiring a solo dungeon run. The Incubus has chain-casting, all 3 bolt magics, Ice Spear, Fireball, Windmill, Smash, Counterattack, and Defense. His melee damage ranges from 80-100 and hits 3 times, for a potential total of 240-300 damage. He also has all 3 Passive Defenses at level 2, making him rather bulky for his significant 4200 HP. There is however a simple strategy to defeating him. Alternating between Icebolt and Firebolt will force him to aggro you in melee, so simply load Counterattack. Rinse and repeat until defeat. Another strategy is to assault him with very high damage, very quickly and therefore is recommended only for players with a very high rank of Smash, Windmill, Firebolt, Magnum Shot, or any similarly high-damage skill and an equivalently appropriate amount of STR, DEX, INT, etc, to deal as much damage as quickly as possible. This is THE ONLY Prefix that is enchantable to ALL equipment implemented on this generation of Mabinogi, so it might be worth hunting down several of these and stockpiling them if you don't want to hunt for other enchants elsewhere.
Burgundy Bear (Prefix), metal equipment: This enchant is the only other Prefix that covers pretty much our entire gear selection, but it only comes from one source that isn't an advanced or or hard shadow missions, and that's Burgundy Bears themselves. For the sake of posterity, the shadow missions you can find Burgundy Bear in are enchanted on a Cylinder in Defeat Crag Cow Advanced and Hard, Conflict! An Unexpected Battle Advanced, Battle for Taillteann II Advanced and Hard, and The Stones of Sliab Cuilin Advanced and Hard. You can also find it as a single enchant scroll in Their Method Advanced and Hard. However, due to the sheer difficulty these missions and their level requirements pose, some players will find it impossible to contribute to this gear section. However, there is still Burgundy Bears. Just prepare to defeat A LOT of them. It is recommended to have several players hunt in the same area to force spawns rapidly and defeat them in rapid succession. This will speed the process up greatly. Burgundy Bears can be found in Taillteann and have 1,420 HP and deal 45-70 damage per hit. A high ranked Smash, chaincasted Firebolt, high ranked Magnum Shot, or highly ranked water Cannon can make short work of them and allow you to quickly defeat many in succession.
Damaging (Suffix), gauntlets: This is the final suffix we need for our gauntlets, and it's only rank 9, found in the end chest of Karu Stone Zombie. Stone Zombies are immune to magic and ranged attacks, and are heavily resistant to melee attacks because they have level 2 heavy stander and level 3 mana deflector and natural shield. Even if the normal Stone Zombies only have 470 HP, it will be slow to wittle down. The Strong versions have more than double that at 1000 HP. The zombies are really the only difficult part of this dungeon, insofar as they make it more tedious to complete due to their sheer bulk. Otheriwse, the mobs are all the same as you experienced in Pot-belly Spider.
Dangerous (Suffix), metal equipment: This enchant comes enchanted on a Longsword dropped by Horse Sprites. See Pain (Prefix) for notes on dealing with horse sprites. Horse sprites can be found in all castle dungeons.
Scary (Suffix), metal equipment: This enchant came be found on a Spiked Helm dropped from Phantom Gold Tableware found in every castle dungeon, or a White Phantom Mask which is found in Dugald Castle dungeon. See notes on Pain (Prefix) on how to deal with phantom tableware. However, white phantom masks are a different beast. They have 410 HP, heavy stander and mana deflector level 1, Icebolt, and windmill. They have a tendency to single out a player, surround them, and load and launch windmill, trapping players. Counter this with r9 or higher Windmill, as it can load while you're on the ground. Otherwise, hit them hard and fast due to their lower HP (450).
Serious (Suffix), metal equipment: This enchant is found on a short sword dropped by Keep Hounds. Keep hounds as noted above have an AI similar to wolves and only 320 HP so are relatively easily to deal with, and are found in all castle dungeons.
Due to the enchants listed above, it is recommended to spam the Sliab Cuilin Castle Dungeon, since many drops can be found there.
Rank 8 Enchants
This is it, the final enchants you need to finish the set. You've worked hard to get this far, but you've only got a little more to go. Things aren't actually so bad here, since a lot of these Shadow Missions are relatively easy and Rank 8 enchants still have a pretty decent chance at becoming enchanted on your item. The max success rate using our parameters for enchanting as before is 54%, and durability loss on a failure is 2~7, and 2~12 on a Huge failure. That means a rank 8 enchant has high potential to completely render whatever you're enchanting completely useless should you fail, which is why it is imperative to use the highest durability items you can find.
Vicious (Prefix), footwear: Found as an enchant scroll in the reward of Their Method Intermediate. Their Method is a relatively straightforward Shadow Mission. You will have 8 groups of four zombies each in a series winding through Shadow Tara. A highly ranked windmill is preferred here, as the zombies are grouped tightly together and are immune to all damage with the exception of melee. A summoned golem using windmill will also work here, as the zombies do not deal enough damage to seriously damage one. Other melee skills may be used but do note that the zombies deal 20-45 damage per hit, and hit 4 times consecutively for a potential 80~180 damage. Luckily the zombies on intermediate difficulty only have 400 HP. The boss room is really just full of several zombies, so deal with them however you deem necessary.
Thin (Prefix), headgear: Found as an enchant scroll in the reward chest of Lingering Darkness Intermediate. Lingering Darkness is perhaps the hardest of the enchants to obtain for rank 8, simply due to the fact that this shadow mission has a huge variety of mobs, and a great deal of spawn location. It is soloable if you have a very highly ranked windmill and can deal huge amounts of damage quickly. Otherwise, the only suggestion I may make is to bring as full a party as you can fight and run it repeatedly until you find the enchant. This makes it quicker and easier to clear the mission, as well as increase your chances of finding the enchant.
Small (Prefix), gloves: Found as an enchant scroll in the reward chest of Enemy Behind. Enemy Behind is perhaps the easiest Shadow Mission you have to run to obtain a rank 8 enchant, with the exception of the boss (a Dark Commander). All the mobs here have very low HP and defenses, Consisting of Bone Archers, Lancers, and Fighters. Simply defeat the enemies in the circle where they spawn to "offer" them, and when the circle turns white a sufficient number of enemies have been defeated, and you may move to the next spawn area. There's a few ways to deal with the Dark Commander when he spawns. Dark Commander has quite a lot of HP at 4000, so gathering poison from a pet snake and applying it to your weapon will help massively, as it will quickly whittle down his HP. After half HP, if you do not knock him down with an attack there is a chance he will spawn Snow Golems. To prevent this, focus on attacking him with skills such as Smash, Windmill, Magnum Shot, Firebolt, and Ice Spear. Flame Burst will not make him summon a golem, despite not knocking him down after use.
Inconvenient (Suffix), metal footwear: Found as an enchant scroll in the reward chest of Karu Stone Imp dungeon, the name of this enchant is rather fitting to its acquisition. Stone Imps are a pain in the butt. They have 20% protection and 11 defense coupled with 510 HP. It makes them bulky enough to take a few hits before they're downed. However if given the opportunity to attack, they do hurt quite a bit. They hit 3 times with melee damage ranging from 100~150 each, making a possible damage total of 300~450. They also have Smash and Windmill as skills, which they will use often if given the opportunity. Stone imps hit hard, so the only strategy here is to hit them harder and take them out as soon as possible, otherwise they will inevitably unleash some major damage. On top of all of that, they have a fast detection speed and they do multi-aggro. Considering this is the Stone Imp dungeon you will be encountering very many of them. Just be prepared.
Uncomfortable (Suffix), metal helmets: Found as an enchant in the reward chest of Karu Stone Hound. Essentially, consider Karu normal, apply very many Stone Hounds (which are essentially wolves AI with 310 HP and 8% protection) and you pretty much have the entire dungeon. They're easy to deal with and the dungeon shouldn't be much of a problem, even for lower level players. Happy hunting.
That's it! If all has gone well, you now have an entire set of - CP Gear totaling an overall drop of 700 CP. That's rather a momentous task complete. The best part about this is that if you did it as a guild, you've all inevitably become closer and have better team-working skills, and you can all reap the benefits of your hard work. If you are a player that obtained these by yourself, pat yourself on the back because you're one bad dude. Either way, I hope this guide has helped making a CP set a little less frustrating and a lot more fun.
From me, Akatsuki, to all of you, good luck and look forward to Part 2.
PS: If anyone has any edits for typos, suggestions, or corrections on possible misinformation, please do let me know by posting in the thread. As a guide I would like this to remain as accurate as possible for the community to enjoy.