Played open beta and enjoyed it. Forgot what server I rolled on afterwards, but paid rebirths/story content was absolute cancer so I quit within a month. Forgot my nexon account, so made a new one when G7 just came out, rolled on Alexina. After that, I played all the way to G16. Was one of the first week RAs on the server, and kept it all the way until I quit. Just got bored with it, with nobody to play with, and the combat being too different from how it used to be.(read: casual garbage) Then my friends dragged me back into it when Saga first came out, then promptly pissed off and left me. Thankfully, I found a guild(that I also wound up running for a long while) that I still keep in contact with to this day. If not for them, I'd have given up on that run within a week. Instead, I kept going all the way until G20.